Wednesday, March 5, 2025
GuitarGuitar Effects

KT Tunstall Rig Rundown Guitar Gear Tour

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KT Tunstall is a fearless musician. Each night she builds complex loops that could spin out of control at any second. A great guitarist, percussionist, singer and writer, Tunstall won a BRIT Award for Best Female Artist and the European Border Breaker Award. While on the tail end of her 2018 tour, Tunstall was kind enough to take PG’s John Bohlinger through her rig and reveal the mystery of her live loops.

For over a decade, Tunstall has logged a lot of hard miles on her beloved Gibson Elvis Dove featuring a rare black finish and star fret markers. This Dove, and its counterpart, are loaded with an L.R. Baggs Element Active pickup system and are strung with D’Addario Phosphor Bronze EJ17 .013-.056 strings. Tunstall plays with Dunlop Nylon .73 mm and Tortex .60 mm picks.

For an electric edge, Tunstall goes with this new Supro Poppy Red Belmont Vibrato that has the whammy bar removed. Her electric guitars are strung with D’Addario NYXL (.011–.049).

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#Tunstall #Rig #Rundown #Guitar #Gear #Tour

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34 thoughts on “KT Tunstall Rig Rundown Guitar Gear Tour

  • Met KT on the Hammersmith and City line going back 20 years now, we were the only people in that carriage and she was surprised I recognised her as she was just breaking through. She’s absolutely tiny but stunning smile and very chatty ???? talented girl, glad she’s had the success she has ????

  • What a wonderful tutorial on looping – so freely shared – thanks KT – appreciate the awesome lesson!

  • Thank you for sharing this great session with KT Tunstall. Really informative to hear how she builds her rhythms at live shows. We have yet to move past the bass drum & shin splints phase at our acoustic sessions ????❤

  • I wondered how a KT Tunstall rig rundown could possibly last for an hour. Then I watched it and man can she tell a story!!! ????????????

  • She's the reason why you should never pay to see an artist use backing tracks. Or a DJ. ???? She dedicated her life to doing this. And that's why people pay to see live music. Ironically, her live performances are amazing and can never be quite captured on a CD/streaming/record/wax cylinder. Going to see her tomorrow!

  • A beautiful woman and musician. Saw her at the Albert Hall in Manchester last night. Amazing show, positivity, charisma, talent, singing voice, songbook. Uplifting music and personality.

  • This is the ultimate proof…
    No matter if you are one of the most talented musician or have lots of tricks that make magic onstage, you have to be beautiful and make pop songs to be "big", KT is great, but, be honest, she has one hit song and that's it, so sad…

  • Like all the others commenting here, I was totally engrossed from start to finish. KT's Scottish accent has largely disappeared, though like a true Scot she loves to talk. John could have plonked himself down on a chair, had a cup of tea and just let her do her thing…which she immediately proceeded to do here. And good on her for doing so.
    Ms. Tunstall seems to have gained a lot of new fans from this clip. I suggest you watch the 'Black Horse…' clip from Jools Holland, where she was literally a last-minute addition to the show. It is great. And there is also her with Daryl Hall with him and his band at his house in London. Both are on Youtube.
    KT knows her stuff. And she works hard at it. Good for her.

  • I've seen John impressed alot but he is star struck plus just floored by her talent. He is so engrossed by what she's doing as all of us are, this is good old fashioned musicianship meets technology

  • Massively influential. Her Jools Holland show debut blew a lot of minds as to what was possible with a looper and talent.

  • Super cool girl. Wish all women loved guitar as much as she does lol. Great show, she’s super talented. Looping live is so scary lol. God bless her.

  • Yes indeed You can tell even by the ease she changes guitar the shear hours of practice and live this lady has done..Shows a mile off..How wonderfull to see someone put there stuff together using plain and not expensive kit..Respect Katie ..

  • I love how she says that certain songs are guitar lessons. So true for me too. Black Dog by Led Zeppelin, Crash by Dave Mathews Band…these were some of my guitar lessons.

  • Please, please, PLEASE look into Rio "Grande pickups".
    I'm just a guitar player and have nothing related to them. Just dam great pickups.
    Look at the players that use them also. GRINS

  • I've seen a couple of your RR and this was SO AWESOME.
    I fell in love with KT when she sang Bob Dylan. But I wondered why she did so much handclapping when she had a full band.
    Stupid question.
    She is a genius doing "simple" stuff which is entertaining as hell.
    And you were so helpful since she needed someone to hold her guitars. Great job.

  • Its rad to see artists using Supros. Theyre extremely underrated guitars. And it was awesome of the company to release some updated versions of their classics for those of us that cant drop 2k on a vintage guitar. I use a Coronado II and swapped the stock vibrato with a Bigsby and its become my favorite guitar in my collection. And the pickups dont sound like anything else out there, super vibey and unique.


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