L.A. Session Kings! | Suhr, Tyler & Anderson – Ft. Adam Goldsmith
Did you know Peach Guitars is one of only a few stores globally where you’ll find Suhr, James Tyler, & Tom Anderson guitars under one roof? That’s right! Here at Peach Guitars we truly have collected what many consider to be the kings of the L.A. Session world!
In today’s video, we invited our good friend and long time customer, Adam Goldsmith down to the Peach Guitars Saloon to put these instruments to the test. Adam is one of the U.K.’s most decorated and accomplished session guitarists, his CV more than speaks for itself!
Join John and Adam as they walk you through each instruments unique features, and as they explain which brand is best suited to your particular playing style!
Check out out Suhr Range: https://bit.ly/3gD1SzG
Check out our Tyler Range: https://bit.ly/3BawIu1
Check out our Anderson Range: https://bit.ly/3S719Vj
Want to hear some extended playing clips from our stock? Then check out our 2nd channel, the Peach Boutique: https://bit.ly/3PhQxUc
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#L.A #Session #Kings #Suhr #Tyler #Anderson #Adam #Goldsmith
Originally posted by UCG07-tB1QtjLz9RQJycLBjw at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GuCYynSaynI
What was the Marshally pedal at about 6:14? Was it a Suhr Riot? The Suhr sounded great, and bitey, and angry and wonderful and I loved it, but oh, that Anderson! So warm and vintagey. Loved the Suhr, but I'd take that Anderson over it any day.
lol the anderson neck pickup destroys eveything in its path… some people spend millions and still cant get a tone like that. butter!
Love the blue with gold guitar; gorgeous Tyler instrument. How I wish, but I’m not a funk person, on the whole, just a Prince’s Purple Rain fan!
Great video and fabulous playing! It'd be cool to make a second video so as to see where Patrick James Eggle guitars sit. Perhaps along with a Friedman Vintage S as well.
That's it, next guitar I'm getting is a Suhr. Let's goooo!
Eww! All those thin 80s chorus cleans! I can’t believe they’re back in style. I’ve been trying forget those tones most of my life. Shows that it all really is a cycle. Nothing new under the sun. 80s style is now desirable like the 70s, 60s, 50s have been. But not saying the playing was bad. No disrespect to the player who is an amazing guitarist. I just don't like 80s chorus tones.
During the height of the session era Schecter, Valley Arts and Tyler were the go to custom builders.
Anderson was actually working at Schecter in the 1980s before starting his company his company actually was selling parts, ( bodies, necks) which were being sold to Tyler among others until 1987.
He didnt go full time guitars until 1990.
Suhr didn’t start till 1997.
I’ve lusted after a Tyler since I saw one in Sounds Great back in 2004. Never played one, just love the way they look/sound. However. That Anderson for me was outstanding. I may have to move a couple of my M.B. Strats and make room for some Hss lunacy!
Tom Anderson… better woods, top notch craftsmanship, top notch QA, playability and tones. Also buzz feiten tuning sounds much better as other guitars sound out of tune with dissonant intervals.
Suhr had the sweetest tone and most pleasant high ends to me, yet beefy mid-range and ballsy low end. Tyler and TA were amazing also, but Suhr is a matter of personal preference.
I wonder what singles PUs are those – ML standards or ML classics (or V63 they call it nowadays)?
The Anderson is the best one for me.
Great guitars, great sounds, great playing! What for chorus? Boss Dc2w?
Nice demo!
What chorus pedal was used?
Adam’s a legend! Great to see him on here. Just my 2c but that yellow Suhr just had some mojo. Wow
More Adam pls. Definitely one for he grown ups. I do miss Jack though ????
What a player!!! I would love to see a DGT in his hands!!!!
A Tyler could realistically be your only guitar
My first PRS DGT (beat up Standard) I bought from Peach was previously owned by Adam. Tyler is my favourite here. Cheers from Finland!
Great playing.
I own these brands for many years. The TA is high end AMG Mercedes, the Suhr is Porsche and the Tyler is a V10 muscle car. I bought my Tyler and TA for only €2500 each at that time.
That Tom Anderson is a killer…
Even before you asked Adam which one he would pick I thought that he sounded and looked the most at home with the Suhr. It was no surprise when he said that is the one he would choose of the three.
They all pretty much sound the same to me. I guess the Tyler had a little something different w that Billie Jean sound in the beginning.
You can’t go wrong with any of those – pick one to taste!
You chose the perfect musician for this showcase. Thanks! Part 2, please.
Brilliant content and top of the line guitars!
That was interesting and fun! Thanks John and Adam!
Amazing hardware made in America!!????????
That Anderson guitar is the best guitar for me, i have two off the Family members in my possesion! Need no other guitar from now on! ????
Anderson please