Tuesday, March 4, 2025
GuitarGuitar Effects

Laney’s Black Country Customs Tony Iommi Signature Boost Pedal | Review

The allure of adding that signature Tony Iommi crisp edge to your existing overdriven or fuzzed up tones has made the TI-Boost from Laney’s Black Country Customs banner, one of the most anticipated new releases of the year so far. So is it Sabbath in a box? Nick Jennison finds out.

Read the full review and more right here – http://bit.ly/2wxkohu

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#Laneys #Black #Country #Customs #Tony #Iommi #Signature #Boost #Pedal #Review

Originally posted by UCS3QTujyp5t2nSSzktYFzWA at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vpXEJk4-2iQ

34 thoughts on “Laney’s Black Country Customs Tony Iommi Signature Boost Pedal | Review

  • The weirdly bitter trolls born 6 months ago which always infest anything music gear-related make me die laughing. ????

  • How would this sound with an AC30? Has anyone tried that yet? I love Sabbath, so it would be cool to possibly incorporate some of that into my rig

  • I have this pedal does require a little experimentation, but sounds great into a tube amp,if your slightly disappointed whack a boss distortion into it????

  • This video 5 years old. Only made 200+ of these limited worldwide? Meanwhile I looked online whole bunch on sale in 2023.

  • I’m planning another demo of this cuz I feel it thrives making old school death metal. ???????????????? Great demo! I feel this makes guitars all come alive!

  • Thank you ever so much for sharing this great video. See being a fan I purchased this pedal to obtain that glorious Tony Iommi sound but little did I know, there's a catch of which this video helped me to see the light(or should that be, hear the glory??.) See before I purchased this pedal I had obtained the Catalinbread Sabbra Cadabbra pedal( and oh what a great load of fun that pedal is if you love Tony Iommi tone. ) However when I learned about this pedal well it became a no brainer. Hooray an actual Iommi endorsed pedal, what a treasure and a joy. However there is a caveat here fellow fans. Most players who enjoy the electric guitar are all too familiar with that frustrating call from neighbours and partners etc 'TURN IT DOWN!!!!!' so for that reason a lot of my playing is done on practice amps like the Roland Cube(oh and if anyone has one of the Laney Tony Iommi signature practice amps and wants to sell it, please let me know.) However when firing up the pedal instead of the Catalinbread Sabbra Cadabbra pedal I was extremely dissapointed to hear a wonderful sparkly treble sound but none of the famous heavy tone. It wasn't until I cranked the volume that I got some of that sonic glory, however it was still kind of… MEH!!! Then I plugged it into my Marshall DSL15C(a valve amp) on nothing but the clean channel with minimal gain and the volume half way up and oh corumba, suddenly the magic was there. So please note that the Iommi signature pedal is designed for a clean tube amp that's cranked at least half way, only then will you get joy with this effects pedal. With smaller transistor practice amps, your going to find you will have to crank them up a bit. Your standard practice volume will not give you that magic tone your looking for. So I think in this regard if you want that instant sound, the Catalinbread pedal is the better pedal for practicing etc, while for a live sound with more volume, the Iommi signature pedal is going to be the pedal to go for. The sound sparkles through the heavy crunch so amaziingly it will bring tears to your eyes, but you seriously have to have a decent amp to get it's full value(it's got me wanting for a Laney amp like you wouldn't believe as there's nothing like the genuine sound(Laney Tony Iommi Signature Pedal) versus a close copy replica(Catalinbread Sabbra Cadabbra Pedal.)

  • Thanks for demoing this pedal without the usual Iommi biased gear, because this is in an excellent booster/light overdrive. I am sure people like "band in a box" pedals, but this booster is much more than that! First off, kudos to Black Country Customs for trying to nail the Iommi thing with a completely different electronic approach. This is an op-amp based booster, mind you, no Ge or Si transistors, and if you dial that gain pot all the way, that crunch is coming from si diode symetrical clipping. Oh and the bass and treble controls are active eq, so they actually boost or cut frequencies, and if you leave them at 5 (there's a notch in the pot's rotation), the signal passing through is really unaffected by the Eq, that is – flat. And the mids switch is cool, lower position adds a bit of lower mids, maybe 600 to 800hz, and upper position adds a bit 2k I think, the center position is flat. If you want to use this pedal as an TS9 substitute, it's not that mid boost heavy, and generally, I even find the bass and treble controls almost non essential, as it sounds fantastic flat. And this demo also shows that extreme positions are not that extreme soundwise. I also like to dime the gain and then push the input of a similary crunchy amp to get into proper distortion territory. The gain maxed adds some dirtiness and filth with is pretty nice and adds character. If you want a clean boost, just lower the gain and crank the volume. This ain't a smooth pedal, it's raw and if you want to add some girth to your tone while retaining note definition, this pedal surely does that! An excellent buy, and please don't be put off by "Iommi boost" – it is not a one trick pony. Enjoy!

  • Urban legend has it that the first 50 units shipped with 'A Bit Of Finger' included in the box… Can this be confirmed?

  • Thank you bro you sold me this pedal. Best demo of it with the one of brett kingsman. Just 2 comments : 1 you should have demoed it also with a cleaner dry signal. And 2 you should have demoed the switch for mid control with lower volume and drive settings, where its effect would have been more obvious. Sorry for my english i'm from France.

  • Fuck this fool's review. PLAY SOME DAMN SABBATH!! I mean…all we give a shit about is if the damn pedal gives you the ability to dial in something close to Iommi's tone.

  • you have the exact same amp as same pedal company sounds like youre just turning up the volume and sounds really dull and boring

  • He stated only 50 units of this pedal globally they are still on sale today Aug 2020

  • Ive had the sabbra cadabra and the ti boost pedal. Sold em both. In terms of that " sabbath sound " i wouldnt score either higher than 7 /10. Best thing ive bought is the gibson usa iommi pick ups. Not sure if they still make them. No distortion can kill them. I got mine form one of the epiphone iommi tributes that came out a few years ago and put em in a gibson sg.

  • Bought one on backorder (yet to receive) – in order to make my Jackson have some defined treble. Those JS Series King V JS32 guitars are good but lack high end. And, it will be good to have an EQ handy so I look fwd. to getting it.

  • Go watch Burgs video on this pedal. This demo sounds nothing like Sabbath. Every setting sounds the same. Horrible.


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