Monday, March 3, 2025

Last of the Mohicans (Guitar instrumental)

Last of the Mohicans (main theme), from the film of the same name.
Thanks to Calle Denis and the VHBL for making their backing track available.
The video was made for entertainment purposes only, and does not claim to be factually or historically correct.

Please note: The song is the property and copyright of its rightful owner(s) and geoffers47 claims no ownership. This is a non-profit video made solely for the purpose of study, review or critical analysis purposes only.
Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for fair use for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favour of fair use. video made solely for the purpose of study, review or critical analysis purposes only.

#Mohicans #Guitar #instrumental

Originally posted by UCOIOSsLudot0BxNrMgTIdGA at

39 thoughts on “Last of the Mohicans (Guitar instrumental)

  • Hello, to start with, I really like your interpretation of "The Gael", written by Scottish singer-songwriter Dougie MacLean – it is great to hear it without the usual bagpipes and orchestra. But I want to point out that the Mohicans were not exterminated (in response to some of the posted comments)…The Mohicans were eventually absorbed by the Iroquois, even though they were originally part of the nomadic Algonguin peoples (interesting tidbit – the Iroquois become a confederation because of the constant depredations of the Algonquin warriors on Iroquois settlements). The Iroquois Five Nation Confederacy was formed sometime between the 1400s and 1600s and it was one of their excursions into Algonquin land that set the stage for the next few hundred years…Jacques Cartier had just arrived and met with Algonquins who convinced the French to help them fend of the Iroquois warriors…eventually resulting in the Algonquins supporting the French and the Iroquois supporting the British. There was a tribe that was wiped out (by the Iroquois) – The Hurons. Huronia was destroyed by the Iroquois in the late 1640s – long before the movie "The last of the Mohicans"…largely made possible by the depopulation of Huronia by diseases brought to North America by the missionaries.

  • He brings back songs of long ago. I've been listening about 8 years.
    The doffed hat at the end, brings me joy. I, in return, "curtsey" ( like in
    Formal dancing.)

  • Bu müziği ilk defa gitardan dinledim. Hep o armonıka var ya hep ondan dinledim. Harika bir müzik .insan kayboluyor içinde❤❤❤

  • Buen día geoffers 47…hermosisimo tema,, nos recuerda a estas generación es donde, se veneraba, el sol, la lluvia, las praderas.. Los animales… Hoy día todavía hay guerras, intereses materiales.. No todos… Pero parte de la humanidad esra perdida por el odio, la envidia, y el incorfomismo… Esta interpretación, excelente, es una oleada de satisfacción y eleva mi espíritu… Un hermoso regalo para los. Corazones atropellados.. Me vino a la mente la imagen de la muchacha, qué hizo conexión con el caballo de la guardia real.. Aún estás n entre nosotros, su sangre sigue corriendo, y la conexión entre personas y animales de alto Espírito esta viva, se comprueba, aún laten corazones con bondad… Ojalá pueda el bien contra el mal y la humanidad tenga una oportunidad.. Dios lo quiera… Por los inocentes de las nuevas generaciones… Te agradezco este tema… El canto del águila es como una flecha… Pidiendo justicia por laeexistincion masiva de este pueblo… Horar su memoria, sentirlo a través de tu música es lo mejor que nos puede pasar, grande por siempre!!!!!!! Geoffers 47, buen domingo, Dios te bendiga… ????????????????

  • Why does this music and the quotes bring my mind back to a simpler world when I was a kid and everyone was happy. We didn’t need much just family and friends was enough.

  • Sou do Brasil.
    Amei o som nessa guitarra❤
    Alguém pode me dizer o nome dele?
    Simplesmente um sentimento profundo.

  • Amazing……and i dont say this a lot…..its the guitar , the song , its the MAN …its the meaning behind the music …..its history….its NATURE…..WHAT IS IT that makes it so so GOOD ??? IS there a spirit ? is it the soul of the people ???


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