Tuesday, March 4, 2025
GuitarGuitar LessonsLessons

Learn How To Play Electric Guitar For Beginners Step By Step | First Guitar Lesson Ever!

????http://www.willripleyguitar.com/rip-it-up ⬅️⬅️ Watch THIS video to discover the MISSING PIECE of the puzzle to getting your guitar playing sounding polished and pro.

Learn How To Play Electric Guitar For Beginners Step By Step Your First Guitar Lesson Ever!

Discover the proven (and free) beginner guitar system to switching and strumming chords to your favourite songs on the guitar.

All it takes is 5 minutes a day. As a beginner guitarist, the most important thing for you to do is simply play everyday. Even 5 minutes (as long as it’s everyday) will cause you to progress quickly. Practising one hour of guitar one day a week won’t be as effective as daily practise.

I wish that I got this as my first guitar lesson! If you’re serious about how to play electric guitar for beginners step by step, make sure you are successful in your journey by starting here.

Step by Step instructions for your first Guitar lesson. This lesson is all about the first information a beginner guitarist will need to start playing, and learning songs! Make sure that your guitar is suitable for the journey ahead, and that you can tune it with ease!

Here’s the 2 valuable points you’ll get from this lesson.

1) Learn how to identify if your guitar has high action. Being a beginner guitar player can be tough at times. Playing your first couple songs can be really tiring on your left hand! If the strings are too high off the fretboard, It will be even harder on your left hand. We call that problem High Action. You’ll have to push your fingers really hard for a note to actually come through. If your strings are nice and close to the fretboard, the note comes through without pushing nearly as hard! Avoid being a beginner guitarist who quits out of frustration thinking their hands aren’t strong enough. You might just have high action!

2) Before you start playing your first guitar songs, you’ll need an in-tune guitar! Learn the basics of an electronic guitar tuner in this lesson. There are tons of things that can put a guitar out of tune (Humidity, or a change in temperature just to name a few) So, tuning is one of the first skills you must learn as a beginner guitarist. Knowing how to tune your guitar also teaches the beginner guitarist a valuable lesson, the notes of each string.

If you liked this lesson, you’ll LOVE our premium guitar lesson content when you become a member of the Will Ripley Guitar community. It’s called “The Rip It Up Club”

Check out the details here:???? http://www.willripleyguitar.com/rip-it-up


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#Learn #Play #Electric #Guitar #Beginners #Step #Step #Guitar #Lesson

Originally posted by UCllr76Ese2T2scj6R1HpiEg at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XxgRinCV6OY

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