Sunday, March 16, 2025
BassBass Guitar

Lekato Pitch Box vs Digitech Drop

Today we’re doing a pitch shifter comparison between the famous Digitech Drop and the budget-friendly Lekato Pitch Box. Can the budget pedal keep up?

Lekato Pitch Box

*Pitch Box provided free by Lekato, not a paid review*

0:00 Intro
1:02 Dry Guitar
1:33 High Gain Comparison
3:33 Clean Comparison
12:39 Harmony Mode
14:20 Detune Mode
17:02 More High Gain
21:10 High Gain Harmony Mode
22:43 Real Baritone vs Octave Down
26:14 Final Thoughts

#pitchshift #guitarpedals #guitar

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#Lekato #Pitch #Box #Digitech #Drop

Originally posted by UCIfGN8gXXPGIB6omdAvf2rQ at

20 thoughts on “Lekato Pitch Box vs Digitech Drop

  • We just gave up on this and play all our covers in half step and drop C#.

  • The drop is my go to. I’ll use max 3/4 steps down (or the doubler which sounds awesome). I play a 7 string baritone tuned to Drop G# and it retains the clarity very well with no input delay

  • Most of the time, the price difference is due to quality and the saying "you get what you pay for" applies. This is one of those times ???? I got one of these Digitech drop tuners a few years ago and have zero regrets. It's 100% a quality of life upgrade since the alternative is to always have 2 or more guitars around. I'm not currently in a band, but the ones I've been in we require all of us to have one of these so we can launch into the next song tuned 1/2 step down almost immediately to keep the momentum going.

  • oh, the tuning was off? Yeah it was. But the video still got the fucking point across jfc. Too bad the pitch box doesn't do it.

  • I did actually really like the Mooers 2 octave up effect, reminded me of ringmodulation. It sounded utterly strange but you could do something quite creative with it.

  • I play bass in a 90's cover band with two guitarists. All 3 of us use Drop pedals and they work great. We're typically dropping 1/2 step and very rarely 1 full step. The Drop is a very useful tool. The 3 of us notice the slight latency, but I don't think our singers or drummer notice. We don't even think about or notice it while performing, and the crowd certainly doesn't have a clue. In a recording situation, I'd choose to have a second instrument tuned differently instead of using the pedal, if I could. I think the warbly artifacts in the Pitch Box would bother me too much. Thank you for the comparison.

  • You have too much distortion to be able to tell what's going on. Also, as others have said, you are either out of tune or your intonation is way off. I lasted 3 minutes… Sorry, i tried.

  • This is a fun comparison video, good work! One day I will pull the trigger and get a pitch pedal with an expansion pedal.

  • You instantly started playing and your guitar is way out of tune. wtf bro tuning is like the first thing you do and the most important. That just took me out of the video immediately.
    And the damn distortion is on 11. Come on dude. Terrible. I’m not even going to finish this video.

  • Great video. I wonder how they perform compared to Neural DSPs pitch shift function.

  • I had the Drop, liked this video. I sold it because I dont think it sounds as good as actually tuning down.

  • Man i really wanted the drop to be good. What was your high gain tone from? i found it only seemed to work with high gain tones, and shaved a bunch of high end i couldnt seem to put back in with eq.1 step worked well enough but the lower you go the worse it gets. Decided if it was only good for home use (demo's etc) i might as well just use plugins 🙂
    The octaver was really good though!


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