Saturday, March 1, 2025
GuitarGuitar LessonsLessons

“Let Her Go” by Passenger – Guitar Lesson – Beginner to Intermediate Level

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How to play and sing “Let Her Go” by Passenger. This is a thorough lesson for people who want to strum and sing. I cover all parts of the song, and finish with a complete performance so that you can practice along.


0:00 Song Preview
0:59 Intro

1:56 Chords Overview
3:02 Chorus Progression
4:23 Verse Progression

6:05 Strumming Intro
6:48 Strum Pattern #1
9:06 Strum Pattern #2
10:43 Strumming Chorus with Pattern #1
12:01 Strumming Verse with Pattern #2
13:33 Strumming Intro

16:55 Singing and Strumming Simultaneously
18:06 Step 1: Tricky Cues
20:27 Step 2: Syncing Chord Changes with Lyrics
21:20 Step 3: Sing w/1 Strum Per Beat
23:53 Finding a Good Key for Your Voice
25:53 Final Singing Tip: Go For It

26:50 Full Song Performance: Play Along!

This is my first song lesson video. Would love feedback about what’s working, what to axe. Thanks!


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#Passenger #Guitar #Lesson #Beginner #Intermediate #Level

Originally posted by UCvOzHSKBe1tX8cjIK8as6vg at

49 thoughts on ““Let Her Go” by Passenger – Guitar Lesson – Beginner to Intermediate Level

  • This is the 1st channel that I found very good at both guitar and sing teaching, as it combined them together and provider both lyrics and chords , thanks for the great help ! 🙂 ❤

  • I found your site many years ago and then drifted away from guitar (I wasn't a very good player) and playing music generally (uke, mandolin). For some reason one of my kids (as in 40 yr old kid) borrowed one of my guitars at Christmas and that sparked a new interest. I came across your site after looking for a version of Let Her Go by Passenger after hearing his new album "Live in San Francisco". Since I last played guitar the quality and quantity of video lessons on the net has improved immensely. I found this lesson to be amazingly good, and I have committed to learning the song and playing along. Believe you me as a non natural muso it's a challenge.

  • amazing singing and playing tricks. i am just watching it as a beginner like 50 times till now.

  • Hello, I love the way you teach!! You are really cool! I don't know how old you are, but I'm sure that I am older than you I turned 70 ty this year, and my health isn't good. I do plan to join. it will be a little while yet, in the meanwhile I will be working on this song, you have fired me up to do so. you are a sincere person & have a family too!! that's great! We have 2 boys and a girl, my oldest was born in 1970. I have really been blessed & am very thankful, I think your open personality & teaching is just what I needed! well back to my guitar.

  • You have a great humble personality and the way you taught this lesson was perfect. So important in touching. Thank you.

  • I don't even play the guitar, but I found this video looking for a strumming pattern for my ukelele. I wasn't planning to stay for the whole half an hour but when I saw how well explained it was I ended up doing the whole tutorial. I had never seen a song this well explained, and beside chords positions being different it applies perfectly to any stringed instrument. I'll definitely watch more tutorials of this channel 🙂

  • thank you soo much you did a great job explaining and breaking it down thanks grasped a lot

  • This lesson ticks all the boxes for me. Well structured (black on white stands out on my little iPhone screen) and informative visuals, very detailed explanations of strumming patterns and timing, and perhaps the best tip I’ve not seen elsewhere; when to change chords mid measure! Your clear singing is actually really nice to listen to but most importantly, it teaches us precisely the chord/song changes. Well done!

  • Thank u for this lesson … Very comprehensive and great tips … Useful not only for this song but for all pieces

  • I have known you by chance- but it’s great -could you instruct to play “Homesick by Kane Brown” in detail by beginner level,plz….

  • This is really a great tutorial : step by step in detail, easily to follow and practice. Thanks. Looking for more tutorials.

  • I learnt this song with your video five years ago and I just found my old guitar in my basement. I loved your vid 5 years ago, I'm loving it right now because I need to re-learn everything 🙂

  • Many thanks. You explained all sides of the song very well and also sang very well and safely. Your lesson is one of the best, the simplest and at the same time very precise method that I found on the Internet and that helped me a lot to play the beautiful song on the guitar and to sing along. With God.


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