Thursday, March 20, 2025
GuitarGuitar Effects

Let’s Talk About Fender Telecasters [And T-Shaped Objects £139 – £Thousands] – That Pedal Show

The Telecaster is Dan’s favourite guitar of all time ever. What are the rest of us missing?

Life too short for long YouTube videos? Please see the ‘Interesting bits and go-to sections’ information below.

Welcome to the show! A little while back we did a video on Strats, my favourite guitar (Mick here). You can watch it here:
After doing that, we received loads of questions asking for a show on Telecasters, Dan’s favourite guitar. So here it is!

A bit like me with Strats, Dan has a fairly narrow aperture of what he wants in a Tele, so don’t be expecting Nashville-three-pickups, four-way switching or anything else that’s too much outside of the vintage formula. That said, we do take in a bunch of guitars across a massive price range that have a variety of timber and pickup differences.

It remains astonishing to us that this thing that debuted in 1950 remains one of the most versatile, expressive and widely used electric guitars across all genres of music – often in largely unchanged form – to this day. Let’s hear it for the Not-So-Humble-Telecaster!

Please enjoy the episode!

Pedals & stuff in this episode…

• TheGigRig Three 2 One

• Sonic Research ST-200 Turbo Tuner

• Analogman Small CompROSSor (with RYCK switch)

• Browne Amplification Protein Dual
UK & Europe:

• Ibanez TS9 Tube Screamer
UK & Europe:
USA Sweetwater:

• JAM Pedals Ripply Fall
UK & Europe:
USA That Pedal Shop:

• Vahlbruch SpaceTime Echo Delay

• TheGigRig G3

* Why do we have preferred retailer links? Find out here:

Interesting bits and go-to sections…
0:12 Intro playing
2:28 What are we doing today?
3:40 Why the Tele, Dan?
5:50 When Teles weren’t cool
8:15 Blackguard: where it all began
9:10 1963 spec – Red
10:30 Butters & Red basic sounds
14:47 1965 Tele & Red
18:30 Squier Tele unboxing
21:10 Cheap Squier vs 1965 Tele
25:04 More powerful bridge pickups?
28:08 Fender Standard Tele pickup change
32:40 Neck pickup comparisons
43:10 The in-between funky tone
44:35 Three-saddle intonation
48:54 Comp for country
50:40 Dan plays us out

Guitars in this episode:
• Fender Custom Shop 1963 Telecaster with standard pickups

• Fender Jason Isbell Custom Telecaster with standard pickups

• Fender Custom Shop ’52 Telecaster Heavy Relic with standard pickups

• 1965 Fender Telecaster with rewound ‘50s pickups

• Squier Affinity Telecaster with Ron Ellis 50/60 pickups

• Squier FSR Bullet Telecaster (Limited Edition Purple Metallic) with standard pickups

• Karl Longbottom T16 71 with Creamery Classic ’71 Wide Range Humbuckers

• Fender Standard Telecaster with Bare Knuckle Pickups Cobra T bridge pickup

• G&L Fullerton Deluxe ASAT Special with MFD Pickups

• Fender Highway One Texas Telecaster with Bare Knuckle Pickups Flat ’50 bridge and TV Jones TV Classic neck pickups

• Gray Guitars Admiral T with Lollar 52 T pickups

• Fender American Vintage ’59 Stratocaster with Custom Shop Fat ’60s pickups

Amps in this episode
• Fender ’65 Deluxe Reverb 1×12 combo

• Fender ’65 Princeton Reverb 1×10 combo

We hope you enjoy this episode. Please subscribe to our channel.

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Please visit our preferred retailers!
UK & Europe: Andertons Music
Australia: Pedal Empire
USA: That Pedal Shop

#Lets #Talk #Fender #Telecasters #TShaped #Objects #Thousands #Pedal #Show

Originally posted by UCnUXq8mGmoHt0e6ItuTs10w at

37 thoughts on “Let’s Talk About Fender Telecasters [And T-Shaped Objects £139 – £Thousands] – That Pedal Show

  • Were Dan's original telecaster pickups Custom Shop 63 Machine Wounds or a Special Hand Wound pickup? I was in the market for a Tele and found one with pickups just marked 63 CS but not HW. They may be a good place to start..not sure.

  • Hi Guys Awesome video. What is the sunburst tele you are holding at the start of the video? Do you think Dans guitar is better because of the Alder body. I've heard Alder bodied guitars before and to me they sound better than ash. What do you think.

  • From raging sounds in the hands of Jeff beck & James Hetfield to dulcet Julian Lage tones to Danny Gatton. Wow

  • In order to do a true sound compairson ,it must be a blind test..hats off to Andertons for having the british guys could learn alot from those tests..grow a pair and stop doing SOUND tests with your eyes.there nothing to be afraid of!

  • I have a $2K Les Paul-style Carvin and a 1994 American Standard Strat. About six months ago, I bought a Mexican Tele because I was away from home and needed a guitar. The Tele has blown me away and it's now my preferred guitar. It has a unique chime or extra harmonics that are really pleasing to ear. It goes great with pedals and the bridge pickup can chug like a humbucker when needed – great guitar!

  • I’ve bought recently a 60s ii vintera and it seems like the middle and bridge positions are louder then the neck that normal?

  • The guy with they grey beard is my guitar hero. I don't know what it is, but I love the way he plays that tele.

  • I don't know if it's Dan or the guitar, but every time he starts playing, my cat runs and hides.

  • you guys make me want to spend more money on new guitars…I just need someone to pay my rent in the meantime

  • I don't know about that 'life is too short for long youtube videos' bit, but this nearly 56 minute vid is worth every second. I'm not sure I've watched a guitar video – tele or not – that inspired this beginner guitar hack to go get a Tele as much as this 'experience'. Wow. The issue I have though is where to begin, but I really think the answer lies somewhere close to just getting off my rump, getting a basic, but good Tele, and playing. Just playing. I'm inspired, I kid you not. I mean, F me. I feel like I've wasted decades trying to put my finger on 'what was missing in life'. And what this is – is the sound of this music, like soulful tears pouring into your chest. I have chills. There's a Jason Isbell tele for sale near me. I'm making a phone call…

  • I've got a Japanese 69 thinline. Currently has just a red lace sensor in the bridge. This has inspired me to put the original pickups back in and bypass the neck tone control like you said.

    It's my favourite guitar to play because of the wide neck but I haven't really played it for over fifteen years. Have just got back into the guitar having spent years just producing.

  • Gee I love Tele’s . My old 1985 MIJ Tele with Kinman broadcaster pickups is my forever guitar. I love it

  • This video was honestly a lot of comparing the sounds of the guitars you guys own and not a lot of learning how to use a tele

  • I suppose Butters, or an exact copy, would cost lots…? Did I it suggested it was £3500 or £4500?

  • I’ve come by your channel via the Jonnhy Marr and Noel Gallagher interviews, which I consider as great great musicians, and just love the way you approach things.
    Would you be so kind as to make an episode on G&L guitars Which I find so underrated ?
    Thank you so much
    Keep it rocking

  • One of my favorite episodes! Thank you. 34:08 I’m supposed to buy a MIJ telecaster from 2004-2005 TL71 . I don’t know a thing about it, but that it looks awesome! You’re playing on the square makes me wonder if I should pick up a squire bullet for $125 rather than the $800 MIJ. I have a H&L Fullerton, but the pickups are way too hot for my liking.

  • Building a partscaster Esquire aimed towards Broadcaster/Nocaster blackguard sounds so I had to return to this gem of an episode to see just how much info my head-pudding can contain before my executive function collapses… ????❤????❤

  • I will only buy or play genuine new Fender Custom Shop Telecasters these days. Just not worth the gamble on cheap Fender models, is certainly very hit and miss, and Custom Shop Fenders are really of such a good standard of quality control. You get what you pay for in my book.

  • There in the hat! That's Mr smile, everytime he hits the note just right, he can't hide his smile.He certainly doesn't need to hide anything, at 72, playing since eight, would give my Honda to meet these guys who drip with talent, but act normal.That alone, gets my respect.

  • The telecaster was not adverised as well as the new stratocaster. My first electric was a stratocaster, and the sales person said it fits me better be cause I'm thin.I WANTED a Gretsch, fat with_two pickups, Brian Jones of this the Stones had one.I knew nothing about electric guitar.Good thing I listened to the salesperson or I would be stuck with the heavy,large hollow body.,


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