Saturday, March 8, 2025
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LINE 6 ! Is The Helix Secretly changing ?

A question that needs an answer , the new updates bring cool new stuff and for some reason it sounds better ? is the way LINE 6 do things changing ?. Let’s take a listen . FREE PRESET… THANKS FOR WATCHING AND HIT SUBSCRIBE !



#LINE #Helix #Secretly #changing

Originally posted by UCojrsgjSidXCAubYBRA2gvQ at

23 thoughts on “LINE 6 ! Is The Helix Secretly changing ?

  • I've been gigging with 2 helix units since they came out 80 gigs a year.. I have a loyalty to them for that reason.

  • OMG yes! The evh sounds just like my real evh and the new soldano cab rules. I have never used the cabs and always IRs but that has changed now

  • Ya sounds a lil louder im really loving the Panama red , i just purchased a 5150 stealth 50 and they match as well as expected hope you have a happy holiday season my friend and remember " happy wife , somewhat bearable life " keep rockin Mr Jonny

  • I think the last couple releases are giving a preview teaser of what Helix 2.0 will bring. I agree the new amps and cabs sound and feel different (and much better IMO) than most of the originals. It's as though they have developed a new software algorithm for modeling and they are beta testing it with these small updates to OG Helix before introducing the new and improved hardware and software package that we all assume is coming.

  • Did anyone else notice in the release notes that a couple of the new cabs (Ben Adrian ones) were "captured?"

  • I tried to message Line 6 about this on their amps a while back (they were replying to FB comments at the time). I was having to use an EQ or compressor after to boost it up to a suitable recording level into the DAW. Its also janky in that my medium output single coils on the strat had digital clipping.. I'd engage the pad in global and it still clipped, there were workarounds but I couldnt get those chimey clean tones easily. That seems to have been fixed in the last update.

  • Agreed; I noticed something was different with the 2203. Much more organic sounding. Straight away I didn’t need to tweak it. I’m not complaining.

  • Recently switched to Fractal from Helix. The reason being is the fidelity is much higher with Fractal amps. Not that you cannot get good tone from Helix but it takes more work and still doesn't get to Fractal's level. That being said, Line 6 may be trying to close the gap. But louder doesn't mean better. Line 6 need to work on clarity and openness esp with their distorted sounds IMO. If I play an open chord with some distortion, I can hear every note on Fractal. Helix is muddier. Again, not bad. Just not as good. I'm not trashing Helix. I'm just pointing out differences to my ear.

  • Line 6 may be making improvements, via firmware and within the limits of currently available DSP, to its amps/cabs and effects, already preparing for a future hardware version (a Helix II) considering that the hardware is still the same as in 2015. FractalAudio's AXE-FX III (released in 2018), in addition to firmware improvements, has already released TWO models "with steroids" in terms of hardware: first the "Mark II" and then the "Mark II Turbo". All of them, in my opinion, halted their ongoing projects when Fender released its smashing sales success – the Tone Master Pro (with octacore processor…) providing an impressive super user-friendly interface with a HUGE touch screen + awesome computer based editor software. They may be pushing the models currently on the market to the limit, testing what is to come perhaps as early as 2025…

  • Agreed. They need to go back and freshen up the old amps before they’re done. Using 65 Super & 2203 right now.

  • Then you can hear it with the super reverb. There’s all sorts of extra tones going on there, very realistic

  • Put the tin foil hat on

    They are working on a new series. Probably be a year off but i know they are working

  • What I know is that the Bognor Blue absolutely ROARS for rhythm guitar at church ????

  • Had to laugh when you noted the Kinky Boost between the amp and cab wasn't needed with the Xtra Red. I found the same thing. It did the opposite that it usually does. God darker and a touch muddier.

  • I read on a forum somewhere that Yamaha/Line 6 has put a TON of R&D into improving the modeling process. I think the technology is moving forward. Even low cost modelers sound great these days.

  • As an idea A) are they trying new Approach before launching a new helix floor or B) are they trying to Improve the current model seeing if people notice without releasing a statement ??

  • I don't think that a mere change of volume is an indication that there is some sort of significant change. Basically, modelling is "calculating" a waveform. The volume of the waveform seems to me like something very basic that you do at the end of the entire process. The calculated waveform before a volume boost should look the same as after a volume boost. Our ears will perceive it differently as a result of Fletcher-Munson of course but that has nothing to do with modelling as such. Now, if I were Line 6 (and I'm not ;-)) I would continuously work on improving my mathematical models and add more flexibility to accurately model the different options of the real-life amps. In line with that, it should not be a surprise that the later models sound better (or perhaps are perceived to sound better ??? confirmation bias anyone ????) or at the least take up more DSP. Btw, love your videos man, keep up the good work !!

  • Agreed. The Release Notes include this innocuous comment "Other minor fixes and improvements". I think the Sound Designers at Line 6 pay attention to User suggestions on IdeaScale, and other Forums, and are truly committed to making improvements. Each new Update sounds better and is easier to dial in than the last.

    As far as the Modeling "architecture", a Update or two ago, they made a comment about being patient while installing the Update, because it contained thousands of new IRs. I believe they have improved the IR capture process, and this has contributed to the quality of the Presets. This is mostly speculation on my part, as I have no insider knowledge of what they do. But, I think it actually sounds "better."

  • I noticed some subtle differences as well but just thought it was cleaning up things or that maybe I was actually figuring out how to get things to finally sound good ????. But after more critical listening with headphones, there is some serious differences in some of the amps and weak patches stick out obviously now.

  • I do hope line 6 do update their amp models.. I should hope their newer stuff starts to sound better. I loved my Helix and My HX stomp , But i originally ditched my Helix for a Kemper because it just felt better and less "Digital".. I think Line6 just really struggle with higher gain amps , The feel of the chugs and the high end was just harder to tame and sounded really fizzy and less punchy. A few years later i picked up a HX stomp and compared it to my Fractal FM3 on cygnus and it was just night a day difference again the high end fizz was just cutting through. The Helix is still a perfectly capable unit i just hope they deep dive and sort the amp models because i swear the 5150 and JCM 800 models are the exact same models that are in the Line 6 POD HD PRO X metal pack as i did a shoot out comparison with those and couldn't tell the difference… They just need to update all of the models and i genuinely would consider buying one again as the workflow is still by far one of my favourites.


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