Saturday, March 15, 2025
BassBass Amps

[LIVE SHOW] Where did all the good YouTube go?

Hi, my name is Michael Nielsen. I’m a professional composer/producer. My music can be heard in movie trailers, video game soundtracks, commercials, movies and tv shows. This channel is dedicated to my love of guitars gear and music production. My production and publishing company is called Ninja Tracks. My guitar sound design is available for Kemper, TwoNotes, THU Overloud, IK ToneX, and IR’s.

My Pages


BHS Iconic Tones Vol1: Hair Metal for Overloud THU:
Big Hairy Guitars Cab IR’s:
Two Notes – BigHairyGuitars Pack:
Kemper Profiles:
Overloud TH-U Rig Packs:
Ask Me Anything
Sweetwater Affiliate Link:

#GuitarAmp #live #electricguitar

#LIVE #SHOW #good #YouTube

Originally posted by UCYFYUq796NVfuvgWIIkiN1w at

17 thoughts on “[LIVE SHOW] Where did all the good YouTube go?

  • Listening to this while I edit my video for the Bogner Uber Ultra – Can confirm everything Michael says about Reinhold, truly one of the nicest guys and most hands off when it comes to working with him. Super cool guy. Also, Michael; you totally validated my thoughts on the Mesa ToneX Reference stuff. I thought a lot of the tone models sounded pretty damn good, especially once you start messing with it in Amplitube, but a lot of the comments on my video showed people felt quite different ???? You should def do more live streams! Very much enjoyed it

  • Congrats on 40k! Michael, thank you for all your videos you post here. All your videos is best i seen on YT.
    In our time, there are fewer and fewer guys like you who are obsessed with the sound of the 80s. I'm an analogue-gear designer and mixing ingineer, so sometimes i use your videos as reference to make my own gear. The way you prepare the sound is completely unique. Thank you a lot, i wish prosperity to your channel!

  • Michael congrats on 40k. You should be 10x that! Love your channel and can't wait for the Plex Demo. I know you will do it justice. Not sure you know Justin Ostrander but he is worth a follow on YouTube. Really great player/channel.

  • Mike big fan of your playing. Always look forward to your gear review intro jams.
    Would love to see you do a course like Corey Congilio did for his Instagram posts. Breakdown the solos tab em out or even do a ep of your gear video jams like Shawn Tubbs did. Gear is cool but music and playing guitar trumps gear every time.

  • First off 40f'n grand??!! Goddamn I thought u had a million!! What a trip man. All the guys I used to watch just pump out rerun bullshit now but funny enough now their subs are going thru the roof. Bottom line I guess is that swine have no use for pearls????

  • You are one of the guys for me, plus you’re a fan

    Would love to add you to my livestream addiction

  • Hey Mike if you had to pick between the JB45 the Tone King royalist, or the Soldano astro 20…which would you pick….i no they are different animals but overall which one.

  • Thank you Mike for answering my 5150 combo question. I love EVH and got this amp many years ago. I do love looking at it and just can’t seem to part with it. I will study about using the Fryette or captors thanx. Tim

  • Maybe all the topics have all been covered to death? 🙂 I used to watch pedal demos but I avoid them now, nothing really game-changing. But, I love your content, and your playing – always good topics and tone for days.

  • This was great Michael, luv the Bogner inside info, awesome. It's funny, I too write while watching Peter & Phillips weekly's… the Salvation Audio modules are amazing, Antonin reminds me a bit of Reinhold???? both are brilliant though; Antonin also does the dumble wax thing on his mods????… Those looking for a Hiwatt, check out the S.A. C-Watt module, it's crazy close thru EL34 Power…You bring a different angle to this type of show Michael, it's appreciated and great job!


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