Lo-Fi Guitar Tone Tutorial – How to Make Worn-Out Tape Sounds
A quick effects pedal tutorial on how to make your instrument sound like it’s being played through an old worn-out tape. You can find these pedals and many more over at https://thepedalzone.com
Intro: 00:00
Vibrato Speak: 00:56
Vibrato Tones: 01:37
Overdrive Speak: 02:17
Overdrive Tones: 03:05
Envelope Filter Speak: 04:14
Envelope Filter Tones: 05:06
Pedal Order Explanation: 06:04
Lo-Fi Guitar Playing: 06:43
Lo-Fi Mellotron Speak: 08:18
Lo-Fi Mellotron Playing: 08:36
Outro Speak: 09:55
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Gear used:
Squier J.Mascis Jazzmaster
Mellotron Micro
EarthQuaker Devices Aqueduct – https://thepedalzone.com/aqueduct/
Old Blood Noise Endeavors Float – https://thepedalzone.com/float/
Beautiful Noise Effects Exploder – https://thepedalzone.com/exploder/
Boss IR200 – https://thepedalzone.com/ir-200/
#LoFi #Guitar #Tone #Tutorial #WornOut #Tape #Sounds
Originally posted by UCrADz_xaUaiNg6lLxdhAYbg at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hHO4H2GrAKo
The Float is literally the best env filter in the market
this is like actual sound design / production. rare in a pedal vid. congrats really good
That is fucking incredible.
Vibe! Drive! Fil-tered sounds!
I'm living La Vida Lo-Fi
Very nice sounds. I was thinking about something like that, but in stereo. OBNE Float is already stereo, Aqueduct can be shifted to Walrus Julianna. But I don't know about stereo overdrive pedal with LP and HP filters. Is there one on the market?
would you use reverb or tape delay to add space?
how would you add it?
The shot with the guitar, pedals and tape all over them all would make such a beautiful piece of art on a wall!!
For these types of tones, I also love Fairfield Circuitry Shallow Water, Strymon Magneto and Zvex Lo-fi junky. And the real spring reverb in my Vox ACs is nice and grungy too. For other more digital lo-fi flavours, Chase Bliss Mood mk.II, Soma Cosmos and Walrus Sloer are cool too. Interested in Lossy (and Generation Loss) too.
Great video.
Question; What’s your band’s name again? I remember checking out the album a while ago and really liked it. I’d like to find it again and buy a copy. Thanks!
Ever try to figure out why this type of.music is popular ?
Maybe the decay of modern civilization, Maybe the lack of feel in modern music because of digital creation instead of analog ?
It's very dystopian sounding
Love your customised J Mascis Jazzmaster! Where did you get that pickguard? Also, are you using the stock pickups? Any other mods that you have made? Thanks
Stefan, are you more apt to put the overdrive at the end or before the filter and vibrato? I saw your tycho inspired lofi video ( 5 years old now) where he had the overdrive last to simulate the tape machine while the vibrato is the tape . What are your final thoughts !????
Thank you! Always a pleasure to see and hear your dedication to music!!
My Bloody Valentine, anyone??
Really nice a Lo Fi Tut, Lo-Fi is really something on its own to explain and to experiment with also in a mixture, sometimes Lo-Fi do really fit so good for a sound.
What other vibrato pedals have that random feature?
Thanks for this video ????
– lo-fi.
– the cost of the equipment from this video is over $300.
– :/
for me, to make a real lo-fi you don’t have to buy such fancy equipment, IMHO.
anyway, thanks for the video!!
Can’t wait to hear you on OBNE Object Worship! Hope you’re next on the cast Stefan✨
I love these videos where you combine existing pedals to create a sound rather than always focusing on the latest and greatest as sone do. The idea of using a filtery pedal for the wow and vibrato for the fluttery sounds is awesome!
My dude, been enjoying your lo-fi sounds for ages. Can I ask, what artists do you listen to for lo-fi sounds?
Super nice setup dude. Perfect combo to get wear dusty sounds.
Love it.
thank you for doing your part to change public opinion on envelope filters and showing how we can use effects that some us may already have to get to the good stuff: making music (and I think I caught something a little Perth-like in there ;P )
I just bought generation loss mark 2 had to sell some other equipment ????
Fedt Stefan!
Another fantastic vid, the filter is a great idea, especially when you back off the resonance. I have a big stack of cheap clones of classics for doing these stacking experiments. My vibrato really needs upgrading though. It needs to go slower deeper and have the random option. You had the speed over noon and the depth before noon. So this will go a lot slower and deeper. This is probably the vibrato I need. Here's an idea, if you have an old budget uninsulated power supply, thats noisy, when you mix an analogue drive with some digital pedals, dig it out and give it a try.
Shallow water ????
Yesssss!!! Beautifully done!
Barbershop plus shallow water does me right
Next challenge – replicate chase bliss ayahuasca.
I learned something with the filter. Very cool! This reminds me of a small elephant toy I had with a music box in it. I used to love winding it up, putting my ear to it, and hearing the gears wind down. I still have it 45+ years later. Probably my first musical memory. I love your channel man. Glad to see it grow
I originally loved the fantastic delay reverbs and modulation algorithms.Especially shimmer reverb and chorus.Since a year ago, I've been immersed in researching and creating generation loss sounds with HX Stomp, but it requires a lot of ingenuity.Even if the tape eater is added in the update, finally couldn't resist getting Cooper FX Arcades. I could get the last one and two cartridges.I made the decision too late to get all the cartridges, but I am very happy with the results.
Great video, thanks!
There was some Vangelis Spiral-like tone flavour to that Mellotron.
Cool video and sounds! Something's wrong with your mic. There are some reflections present. Did you change the mic placement?
Great sounds in this one, I'm really stoked for the next episodes of this!
This also reminded me: Would you consider showcasing the Kinotone Ribbons? It does the Lo-Fi thing really good and does deserve a lot more attention for what it's worth imo.
already nice with the OD/vib , but that no resonance filter is the sauce!
Hell Yeah, I like it!
i'm gonna be completely real for a second, your videos are very neat and the sounds you make are amazing and some of my favorite guitar tones that i've ever heard outside of an album/song, BUUUT it can be frustrating when the video entitled "how to make x sound" turns out to be basically just "buy this whole list of incredibly expensive equipment and then just use these settings it's super easy". i came here to learn how i could make those sounds with the stuff i have, not to listen to some sounds that are – again – amazing, but it doesn't matter since the methods used to attain those sounds are locked behind a very high paywall. again, no hate, just critique.
Very inspiring as always. Excited for this series!
Hope you're doing good Stefan, you didn't seem at 100% in this video. Sending you good vibes my dude 🙂
Great video and a great idea for a series keep up the good work. ????
Na, jus get zoom ms-70cdr n ur good
Very helpful video! Where did you get the pickguard for the jazzmaster? I love the art on it!