Saturday, February 22, 2025
GuitarGuitar Amps

Looking at the Inside of the Monoprice 15-Watt TUBE amp

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#Monoprice #15Watt #TUBE #amp

Originally posted by UC8xsdxRvwRvNyl74kLDaOnw at

30 thoughts on “Looking at the Inside of the Monoprice 15-Watt TUBE amp

  • Add a disclaimer about how dangerous it can be to touch anything inside the Amp.

  • I changed the tubes immediately, and it made it sound like a different amp. The no-name Chinese tubes were terrible, especially when being pushed hard.

  • Tubes are tubes and come with manufacturing differences, none are 100% identical. Same with caps, even the best brand amps have caps that fail. What does make a difference is they cheeped out on the output transformer, and AC15 one is twice the size. The Celestion speaker is a lot better than some I've heard.

  • I just got the Harley Benton version of this (exactly the same, with a different brand name badge) and when it arrived, the entire front grill assembly and speaker were completely separated from the rest of the amp. They were just resting against the tubes. Nice, eh? Turns out the few small screws they use to attach it all to the rest of the amp are incredibly flimsy — so there's that!

  • Many many reviews, mainly positive. And for the price – unbeatable considering the general sound quality. Many reviews trying various speaker / valve alternatives, but biggest improvement seems to be changing the V1 tube. I'm happy with mine and have used it in many smallish gigs. No problems even against name brand amps and decent P.A's. ????‍♂

  • I’ve had mine for a few years now but I’ve never taken it out to examine the components. Thanks for doing this Landon and informing everyone. ????????

  • I bought it primarily for clean tones. Also, I wanted one with front controls. Lastly, Orange, Marshall, Fender all make their affordable amps in China anyway. Hughes & Kettner in Vietnam. Why pay higher prices for name branded Chinese amps?

  • Funny you joked about having a VOX in the beginning, because I bought the Monoprice 15watt and use a cheap Joyo AC-Tone pedal in an always on position, and it sounds incredible. Would I tour with it? Of course not. Sometimes I’m afraid to look at it funny for fear it might break down. But running a Pure Sky and a Klon Klone into the Joyo and this amp sounds great. I jam econo.

  • I’ve had mine for almost ten years and it sounds excellent and I’ve never had a problem with it. I have a Mesa Dual Rec, and a Mesa Rectoverb 25, and a PRS DGT 15 and while this amp is not as good as those amps it’s a great practice amp for home and sounds fantastic at low volumes. For the money, I am super happy with it.

  • Landon, thanks again for bothering to tear down and show the guts. This is a good reference video if you just want/need to see "stuff" on the board, like verifying V1 tube is actually V1, or is there a bias adj pot and where. Just had to replace the 2 original Chinese EL84s after 3 months in, due to noise and random squeal. Did the lightly tap test with a pencil, swapped positions, tapped again, yep bad. Picked up a matched set of JJs from TubeDepot. Also swapping the V1 12AX7 (100%) with a 12AY7 (45%) and shall see if it works out bettter for me. If not, I'll bump it up to a 5751 (70%). Was told by Psionic Audio not to use a 12AT7 or 12AU7…it would be safe, but not optimal for the tube. Hope this helps someone out there.

  • Dude, invest in a cordless powered screwdriver. Really helps when removing those cabinet/chassis screws.

  • The potentiometers are much higher quality than what you get in a blues jr. Construction is similar to blues jr. ( low quality )
    That's what you'd expect for the price, yet a blues jr isnt cheap. Fender sells them because 'fender'. As far as capacitors and resistors, you can spend 30 cents on a cap and spend 6 dollars on one, and you'll be hard pressed to hear a difference. Custom builders use expensive ones because people expect them
    Pcb Construction can be high quality or low. this is low. And so is a $$$ fender hot rod deville. Low quality.
    In a nutshell , I'd say you're getting your money's worth for sure . Go search the price of three 12ax7 and two el84. Not cheap.
    Do I recommend buying one ? No. But if you're stuck in that price range, then I'd say look for ua used amp. Repairing it will not be cost effective.

  • I also have this model of amplifier, from my experience I can say that the quality is ok. The only problem is the loudspeaker, I changed it to a Celestion G12T-75, and now it sounds very good, the amplifier is very good…!

  • The video I’ve been waiting for. Thanks Landen. I sure looks simple enough. Does anyone know if these amps are prone to failing? Maybe a cheap transformer? A failure there would prob land it in the dumpster, but I don’t really know. I’d love to buy one of these to leave at a summer cabin.

  • I have the 5 watt one i changed out the tubes with vintage RCA’s it works fine it’s pretty much a fender champ clone my home made champ I made sounds better I think using the same speaker but that could be a bias opinion

  • I've seen inside of amps over 1000 bucks look like that roughly exception cord being removable. Mine stuck coming out, it was the edge of the faceplate scrubing or catching on the material.
    I think it's great for the price don't like the speaker not to say it's bad you can spend 4 times that and not get an fxloop.
    Makes one wonder these famous brands are they for the musician ? Originally I'd say so. Now cash influx promos in mags n media posters n brought in musicians all for the sale.
    We need new blood in manufacturing and product construction. Don't have to rewrite the wheel give us something complete .I think it's a great amp because of what it is and what it does for that price.
    I'm glad I didn't buy something with no fxloop like fender n many more for much more money.

  • Wondering if it would be helpful for component life to install a vent (like a rectangular Vox vent or some generic from Amazon) atop the amp on the back half behind the handle right over the circuit board? Would be easy to do. Thoughts?

  • Well, dookey rolls down hill, y'know? Its the sum of all its minor deficits. It might not have a lot of stamina over time, small failures will cascade and it'll eventually take a shite.

    Its cheap for a set of reasons: they didnt design it, they just copied the Laney Cub 12R. The pcb layout was just pumped through layout software without experienced designers checking for potential failure points and trouble spots. The cabinet is the crappiest fiberboard on planet earth. The bigger through-hole components are the absolute least expensive parts on planet earth. The transformers are sufficient at best.

    Everything but the line assembly is automated inxluding populating the boards and loading them in the wave soldering tanks. The people plugging the wires onto the spade connectors and screwing the big stuff into the cabinet don't get paid much so the manufacturer can stay well inside their margins (the folks handling the containers on our side of the shipping process and getting the parcel to your house are likely the best paid of every employee involved.)

    It's likely no tech will volunteer to fix it when it takes a turn since her bench fee to just diagnose it will be just over 1/2 the MSRP plus she'd be right to suspect she'll find a tight little nest packed with nightmares.

    HOWEVER, its a perfect amo to learn amp wrenching skills upon because it is more or less disposable.

    But it is also redeemable depending upon your level of determination once it goes tits up.

  • This is a Laney Cub 12R. When I found the schematic on line, it says Laney right on it. It is a fabulous amp. Admittedly, the QC isn't awesome and you can get a DOA one. I bought 4 at a local auction for about $50 each, I got 2 of them working flawlessly so far. I replaced the tubes and have put all of my many other amps away. This is an absolute gem. I continue to discover new, amazing tones. It takes pedals exceptionally well and even sounds great with my HX stomp with Amp and Cab sims turned on. If you're looking for the best deal on a great tube amp with an effects loop and reverb tank, this is the one to get!


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