Losing My Religion R.E.M. guitar lesson tutorial // Easy Acoustic Guitar Songs
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Here’s how to play Losing My Religion by the band R.E.M. This song can be played as a basic chords and strumming version. However, here we’ll cover not only this, but also how to add the riff sections and acoustic lead lines (some of which were played on a Mandolin on the original recording.
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#Losing #Religion #R.E.M #guitar #lesson #tutorial #Easy #Acoustic #Guitar #Songs
Originally posted by UC9cvVvlvr-qBssphm1EdYGQ at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wwbaxNeCYI0
Damn. I'M somewhat really needy when learning something and many tutorials are just really poorly done. But you my guy did it best.
Best teacher…thank you.
Thank you always to your lesson..

Thx andy????
Post in your descriptions strumming patterns
Dude, your flow worked perfectly for my learning style. I was able to get through the entire song in like an hour (as a pretty fair beginner.)
I absolutely love the C to that Am/D! Most tutorials/chord sheets have it as a D or a Dm, but your version definitely sounds more like the record and sounds amazing!
Hi Andy. Im playing this great now. Thanks so much. Can i ask what model Faith are you playing?
Keep it up, great lessons
merci de luc de montreal quebec
Thank you sincerely from a fourty four year old who thought he'd lost his chance to bring happiness to others through music. Sir. I salute your kindness. Keep up the amazing work.
I love to play and learn guitar but it will be so kind if you teach me some more
how can i get the chord sheets?
Wonderful how you show different ways of playing the same thing but at different levels.
Many thanks…again!
All the best from North Essex in the UK.
do I tune my guitar to match his? or should my guitar already sound like this? great video by the way!
Thanks bro
Agreed. The best tutorial on the web!)
This was a fantastic lesson. I was able to follow if with out to many issues, compared to other lessons I have seen. My new practice song for a few weeks. Thank you????
What does he say after A minor around 3:03???
Great lesson. Guitar sounds almost identical to the R.E.M. recording. All guitar or setting on amp or pedals? Awesome sound!
Holy cow! I have never commented about anything ever but I just wanted to say “ Holy Cow”. I am going to subscribe for the first time ever as well. You know how to teach novice players like I have never seen. ( 30 year novice lol )
Easy??? My GOd. I could not imagine the hard ones!!!
Best tutorial! That Am/D is the best one yet, not to mention the Fsus2 and the Dm7. ????????????
Is this correct Andy. Trying to get it exactly like your play it:
3 OPEN 3 2 (one is a strum)
ddd u (lift) u
F with no middle finger
ddu ddu dduudu
Thanks, Andy
And The voices???
Only down down up up…
effortless british consdescension, hah. Good demo. BTW, July 4th coming up soon.
Put the tabs on Scream, please
Andy amazing.. just a great guy that you like to sit around drink some beers and play some guitars
3:00 to 3:40– beginners can piss off now, thanks.
Self note:
"Hard" Intro:
Start til A: 7:52
A til F: 8:00
F til A: 8:06
Last A G A 8:10
I thought the melody at the start was played more often throughout the song
Finally a really awesome lesson for this song. Thanks!!!
Can someone tell me the chord progression?
I got almost everything but is something missing :c
Loved this lesson. Not boring as only for beginners but not also too complicated impossible to get it right. The perfect balance for a lovely song to play in acoustic ????
your hair so cool bruh
Hi Andy may you please tell me your pick thickness? It's seems to be very thin … I'm using I 0.69 thickenss but it's seems to be really hard … most of the times the sound it's too heavy and I can't play so good as I want . Thanks for the video it's amazing
Can I use a full F barre chord?. I find it a lot easier with my fingers.
Hey can someone give the chords required for this version by Andy?
I've seen a bunch of Losing my religion guitar tutorial from great instructors, but believe me, this is the best so far, which i find the closest to the recorded version of the song.
OMFG who actually puts a thumb down guys taking his time out to help to reach out to folks who are not Gary Moore ???? thanks Andy highly appreciated ????
Andy what about some radio head songs????????
Hi Andy , great vid thanks, on the record (out of time) it sounds like the lead intro is played before the Am as well as the F . Is this right ?