Thursday, March 6, 2025
BassGuitar Tips & Hacks

Make Bass loops on Guitar on Boss rc-600 input FX

Make Bass loops on Guitar on Boss rc-600 input FX

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Gear List:
▶FX-6 supplimental switch:
▶Focusrite interface:
▶Electric Guitar (Ravendarq):
▶Acoustic Guitar:
▶Key Light:

#Bass #loops #Guitar #Boss #rc600 #input

Originally posted by UCayPac7Mmx7FHObF-FcFGkA at

40 thoughts on “Make Bass loops on Guitar on Boss rc-600 input FX

  • Goodness, my brain doesn't multi-task that way. Is it learned or do you just have the software for that skill set pre-installed in your head? I just got my RC 600 today. Sadly, I'm a wannabe looper at this point. Thanks for the tips though!

  • When you're recording your harmonies why the mic is not recording back the sound coming from the speakers and only recording clean vocals?

  • Beautiful arrangement, rich soulful voice, and sanguine personality…. I hope you ge the backing from a major record label or somebody in Nashville picks you up. ❤

  • Thanks for all your helpful tutorials and beautiful music!
    Inspired me to get my RC-600 this weekend and discovered a cool trick for switching on the G2B input effect without extra foot switches: If you set an assign to the rec/play button where the bass track will live to toggle on the G2B effect, the effect punches in and out nicely when recording the bass line on that specific track. This way, there's no need to turn G2B on and off separately. Of course only bass can go to that track, but hey we have 5 more tracks ;-}

  • Emily, what's your take on the quality of the effects? Are you leaving your outboard effects at home next time?
    You are amazingly talented and clearly have worked hard to get where you are. I'd love to see more 505 videos with the piano/keyboard. I'm curious to see how you use the pre and post effects.

  • Wow, I just bought a boss 600 I can't wait to spend hours playing with it. Great job on the boss and the video. ????????

  • I'm assuming you can apply the "one shot" function to the bv channel?.. that would save having to stop the loop. Although, your timing has is a bit unforgiving when recording. My 505 mk2 is a bit weird with loop lengths with this function, I tend to record the one shot tracks first.

    Just an observation when you're doing the hats in the beatbox…the amount of air coming from your throat is a bit whistly and i think its may cause some unnecessarydry throat over a full gig.. one thing I've worked on is creating pressure in the roof of your mouth rather than your lungs.. you can get more of a washy sound by making a "Tss" through your teeth you just make you still get that strong "T" sound.. you can also add softer accents while hissing throught like "TsstststststsTsststststst" (hope you cam translate beatbox????)

    I just feel like its a simple thing to work on to avoid using to much air and drying your throat out

    Very helpful video, thank you ????

  • I always appreciate all that you do to help guide those of us coming up behind you, trying to learn this craft…. looping is an art in and of itself. I mean, It’s one thing to use a looper to layer tons of random sounds, it’s another thing to use one to perfectly recreate songs that were originally performed by a 6 piece band. Well done!

  • Just wow! I'm a lifetime musician and instructor, and I'm amazed by your talent and creativity. Thanks!!!

  • THIS video SOLD me. I've been using a Line 6 HX Effects for 6-button looping, reverb, bass octavizing for YEARS. I've far, far outgrown it. What really sold me is the vocal looping and the G2B which sounds way better than an octavizer. I've looped this song hundreds of times but never with a choir because I don't have the option, so I just use a TC Helicon Acoustic Play to give me some vocal harmonies when I'm not badly attempting the vocal run (LOL). The Play can do looping, but it's another menu dive to do that AND do harmonies, so I don't use it. I also make the drum loops using my guitar because I can't beatbox (LOL again). Since you asked, string rakes for hh/snare sounds in swing feel 8th notes ver 6/8, and gentle palm taps on the bridge of my Taylor 424ce Special Edition for kick, and I use an EV Evolve 50 so I have a dedicated sub to pump that kick sound. GREAT work, and thanks for posting! It's in my cart at Sweetwater.

  • Are you happy with the sound of the gtb effect? I hadn’t been satisfied with it the few times I tried it. I also play a 1/2 below standard tuning so I’m not sure if that is an issue.

  • Excellent video, but never see you use more than 3 trks, so why six trks, will the first first 3 trks will be muted if you activate 4.5.6. By pressing the mode button? Seems a bit risky using more than 3 trks.????

  • You are awesome! You inspire me and make music possible. Thanks to your videos, I switched from using another software to Ableton, and even bought the Boss RC 600 based on your recommendations. Thank you for helping me a lot with my Loopstation. Greetings from Germany! ????????????

  • Thank you for that awesome breakdown of the use of the FS-6 with the RC-600… and the awesome buildup of Tennesse Whiskey


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