Markbass 10 vs 12 ???? Bass Cabinet Speaker Shootout 102P vs 121
The difference between 10 and 12″ cabinets can be significant in terms of tone, articulation, and feel. With careful placement of an AKG 414, cabinets are recorded at a distance of 24″, where you can hear the real sound of a cabinet that the audience hears, rather than a close miking position that would be more common in a studio. Performed on a LittleMark Head through a Markbass 102P and New York 121.
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#Markbass #Bass #Cabinet #Speaker #Shootout #102P
Originally posted by UCqbTSzS7VsleXa34pFEjzJQ at
As I'm getting on a bit, looking to replace my Asdown mini-48 which at 57lbs is getting a bit much. This demo of 102P at half the weight makes it appealing!! I'd use as a top with a 15 cab
I was just gifted 4*10s SD1200 don’t know how to play bass but the beautiful cabinet makes me want to learn.
Any suggestions to get started?
I have the traveller 2×10 and a 121 combo unit. Both sound great, they sound great together cant go wrong either way but the 2×10 is more versatile. Just added a 2X10 m58r pure to the line up and probably will be using the pure solo or the pure and traveller together for bigger gigs.
As an "old" dude bassist I think the most gig friendly rig is the MB 121P combo w/ or w/o the 121nyc ext cab.
Todd, I am looking at getting a better bass rig today and have found myself watching multiple of your videos
Thanks! I am essentially deciding between two aguilar DB112s with Aguilar AG700 or just an qsc k12.2 speaker with hx stomp/kemper which I already have.
lots of opinions but no one heard the sound live.
Problem solved, buy them both ????
This test is a benchmark in comparison tests. Great job.
The 1×12 has more mids, I like the tens more.
I got rid of my Hartke rig, a 4.5×10 + 2×15 cabs with a 500watt head. I replaced it with the CMD 212H combo which has a horn instead of a piezo. Also, the controls are on the front instead of the back. One hand carry @ 40lbs. And then I joined another two guitar rock band with half stacks. To it's credit the combo didn't distort, it just wasn't loud enough. So I put a NY 151 underneath. Problem solved! I do miss the sound of 10" speakers. I don't miss having to dolly my rig around.
Get rid of the drums just play the bass.
Slap and pop went out in the 90’s…….
mark bass, I've had some, I'm tired of not being able to have breakdowns and more expensive than the amp to repair. I prefer good amps with real tubes to repair everything and for cheap.
That 112 sound so good. I have the traveler 210 and 115
I’ve actually had this set up and it does sound great, I did upgrade to the bigger 2×10 mb cabinet and that can be used as a stand along or with the 12”. For larger shows both cabs are awesome, but with playing so much I did not want to take out more gear than I need (I also own the PA system)
Interesting video. I laughed at the reference at 1:24 to a "'70s style J-Bass" as the bass shown has a P-Bass pickup up front and will sound like a P-Bass.
A few years back, I had a CMD121P combo (basically a LittleMark III and a NY121 combined) and when stacked on a NY121 extension cabinet, became a monster mini stack! Foolishly sold them, but still have a LM III head on a pair of Hartke HX112s. I'm really thinking about grabbing a Traveler 102P and running it on its end so that the voicecoils align vertically for better horizontal dispersion.
12 have more low foundation, 10 more mid focus
Hi ! Nice video ! A question: whats about the ohms of each box ? And how much ohms are the two cabinets at the same time
12" all the way!
the 12 sounded more constrained with muddy mid highs.
Great demo thanks, just what I was looking for! Currently carrying around a Gallien rb1001 head and 2×12 to gigs (which sounds awesome) but needing lighter gear now that takes up less space in the car. I love the footprint and sound of the 210 paired with that amp, think I’ll go with the 4ohm version but that sound paired with the 12 was stunning as well…
I prefer 2×10 for almost everything, but the fretless sounded great on either one. I use a 2×10 combo which is perfect in pretty much any situation. Compact, always loud enough, articulate and flexible enough for any sound.
Both sounded great. 121 sounded deeper. The 2 10's were punchier. Using both boxes together was best. He really nailed the balance perfectly- bass to backing track.
Really helpful video thanks. I'm a 5-string player, and I can hear how the 12" definitely provides more substance to the low E string.
But the 210s together with the 112" sounds overall best to my ears.
To my ears, together sounded the best, but for standalone, I'd go for the 2×10 any time.
harga spiker doang yg 12inc brapa
I only use subs (12" or 15") in the rehearsal studio.
Live, I only need my 2x10s (for articulation) as I can rely on the PA for sub frequencies.
Since most venues have excellent PA systems these days, you can reduce the amount of
gear you actually need.
Disclaimer: I use in ear monitors (no bass rig) for stadium/festival gigs and will probably start using them exclusively in the near future.
Thanks, l like the better clarity of the 2-10s
I do like the idea of scoring a stand alone extension cab, and using my existing head, plus they handle 400 watts. For portability, I gotta go with the 1×12. I am not trying to use a dully or rock cart. We're talking, from the car, street, to venue, and back in one, non back-breaking trip.
Can anybody hear a really significant difference? I can’t.
I have had the Little Mark 800 Tube and 102P traveler for several years. I recently got the 151P traveler and they are just made to be paired! Both are rear ported, and run in parallel gets the full 800w punch. The 15” cabinet really adds a fuller bottom end, not that the 10×2 needed much help!
I think the 12” is just not enough difference from the 10’s.
I love the Traveller 102p. Been using it for about 6 years now paired with the LM3 head. Imho the 4ohm version is loud enough for any plausible situation. Any louder and you'll be going through FOH system anyway. Light enough to carry around with one arm and make one trip from car to venue ect. I've also even grown to appreciate the harsh tweeter in live situations.
Very useful. Thanks for sharing!
So there's a good reason to prefer smaller speakers. I actually openly disliked the muddier (boxxier?) sound of the big one. Big thanks for the demo.
I wonder if this 210 plus head are enough to play in a small orchestra. My current amp, a Kustom De100 1×15" sounds vintage, nice and warm with my violin bass but it's too heavy for me to carry around. I need something lighter but retaining the abilities to emulate the doublebass sound or motown kinda tunes as I currently do. Does it work? The 210 has the size and weight I'm looking for.