Saturday, March 15, 2025
GuitarGuitar Amps

Marshall Custom Studio 2525H Jubilee Amp Review: Inside and Out

A Marshall amp like no other – CUSTOM Studio 2525H Jubilee – an inside and out review with playing.

This amplifier is the result of specifying the exact build to Marshall so it’s pretty much unique among amps. Bought from Fair Deal Music at or call them on 0121 643 1685.

0:00 Start
0:12 Intro and the story of this amplifier
4:50 Inside the amp
9:20 Main board overview
13:45 Zoom in for a closer look
14:00 Resistors off the board
15:16 Ceramic resistors off the board for a reason!
17:10 Power tube mountings
19:13 Front controls overview
20:45 Power input connector – NO SILICONE!
21:04 General output board
23:04 Around the back of the amp
24:25 Front amp controls
27:52 History of the Silver Jubilee 2555
30:30 The important EQ controls
31:48 Pricing
32:32 All about this Marshall custom amp
34:29 Important message
35:24 Accessories included
37:16 Summing up and conclusions
39:00 Overall score for this amplifier
42:04 Tone examples
45:25 The amp being played

In this video you will see a complete overview, the history of the original 2555 silver jubilee and its later 2555X reissue (also reviewed here: and also a written review on my website here : for your viewing experience.

As far as the amplifier goes the 2525H is a Studio version of the original 2555 Silver Jubilee and its reissue the 2555X. However, in this case the amp is otherwise completely different and what a wonderful job Marshall did on this one. Learn about how you can get an amp fully customized at the factory and then call Fair Deal Music – I’m sure they can help.

In any case, I specified the amplifier and some weeks later it arrived delayed a little but in early December in it came. I did have to wait for Marshall and the dealer to allow me to review and post this amp ‘at the right time’ but here it is now in all it’s glory. It’s a very high quality amplifier especially for the money and I don’t know ANY amp company that would go to this trouble for the price.

As you will see it’s all described in the video, and I do ‘throw in’ my own opinion of this guitar amp too. Every aspect is shown and I have to say that this amp is a credit to Marshall PLC. There is also some tones and discussion of the EQ section of this amp that is very different than the predecessors. And if you want a ‘Slash’ tone like a Marshall 2555 it’s right here (but it won’t be coming from me!). The Marshall jubilee Slash tone can come out of this amp though – but different than a Marshall JCM 800. Will it chug?

The later Marshall AFD100 in my opinion seemed to be based around the 2555 somewhat, so you will hear this amp is rather ‘toppy’ but that can be controlled if you take time. I wanted to show it as ‘raw’ as I could. Lastly there’s a played track so you can get some idea of the tones in a musical setting. The Studio 2525H Marshall silver jubilee can create many tones, from clean, through blues, to searing lead if you want it to… even if you are careful maybe detuned metal!

This review is completely financed by me and neither Marshall or Fair Deal Music have paid for this review – so ITS A GENUINE REVIEW! What a change.

Don’t forget to subscribe, ring the bell and click all for notifications to give my channel a boost – most appreciated and it helps me to continue to make these unique inside and out reviews.

Thanks for watching and if anyone has questions just post them and I’ll reply as soon as I can – tony mckenzie

(c) A B Mckenzie and 2022
All Rights reserved. All Trademarks Acknowledged.

#marshallamps #marshallstudio #marshallcustomamp #studio2525h #tonymckenzie #ampreviews #insideandoutreview #slashamp

#Marshall #Custom #Studio #2525H #Jubilee #Amp #Review

Originally posted by UCuuNmrkOEmTPnz4Dcc-Hi5w at

21 thoughts on “Marshall Custom Studio 2525H Jubilee Amp Review: Inside and Out

  • Just watched this video again because I've been playing my 2525 Combo a lot more recently. Found that the best way to dial it in is to close your eyes and keep tweaking until it sounds great. However I don't get why they put a Greenback in the combo but G12 Vintage in the 2535A cab.

    Any idea why they did that? I'm assuming the combo is as well built inside as the head.

  • Watching this cos I've got one coming in the mail. You're getting me more excited lol

  • Good review Tony. I bought the combo at first, it had a greenback in there, i wasn't 100% on it (but the cleans were very good) – the shop i bought it in had the head and cab with the Marshall Vintage 30s, i paid extra and swapped and it's much better. Those speakers really make a difference. Thanks for your honest and thorough reviews

  • ok, After 2 of your vids I know a lot about 2525h and 2555x but witch one is better? I'm gonna use it in home recording via reactivel loadbox and jamming with attenuator

  • Hi Tony, great video! I'm about to change tubes on this amp. Can I swap all the tubes plug and play? Can someone confirm me that like any other studio version, also the 2525h amp have a cathode bias/auto biasing?

    Thanks for the video and thanks to everyone ho can give me some kind of information.

  • does it better look for 2525 over Sv20 to get warm clean tones?thanks for sharing this video and messages… ciao

  • Some say they that power amp of the JCM900 works as a solid state power amp and the power amp valves are mostlly for the eq and efx loop. Is that true? And if it is, does this Silver Jub works that way too?
    Cheers from Portugal ????????????????
    (I have subscrived)

  • Hi Tony, I have a question, I bought this amp in the UK and have been struggling to find information if I can use this amp directly connected to the 120v outlet without using a step down transformer. Can you perhaps confirm or guide me further? Thank you

  • Hi,

    Many thanks for your review. I was wondering how the external switch works. It’s just a short-to-sleeve? Did you also take a look inside de PEDL-900003?

  • hmmmmm this has probably convinced me to jump on this, been eyeing one up since spring lol

  • Hi Tony, great review!! Would you say this amp is similar in quality/price point to the SV20h mini plexi? I have heard some good things about the SV20h but was interested in whether you have any experience with it. Thanks!


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