Monday, March 10, 2025
GuitarGuitar Amps

Marshall DSL20 – How Good Is Marshalls Budget Valve Amp?

Marshall have been kind enough to lend me a few amps to review, I thought a good idea would be to review all of their 20-watt amps. I was completely blown away with their fantastic sc20, sv20, and silver jubilee Studio Series, so I thought I would have a look at their far eastern made DSL20 Head. The Studio Rats are core band members Paul Drew on guitar/production/mixing, drummer James Ivey and Dan Hawkins on bass. They collaborate with singers and musicians to produce radio-ready songs.

#Marshall #DSL20 #Good #Marshalls #Budget #Valve #Amp

Originally posted by UCW-S0JAM1Rtte4lU0HsD8BA at

26 thoughts on “Marshall DSL20 – How Good Is Marshalls Budget Valve Amp?

  • To me this amp is PERFECT! It can do no wrong, the adjustment range is massive and to my ears it sounds good everywhere and you can just play. It’s far less fussy that it’s 100 big brothers the H & HR (which I own)

  • I know this is a old video but are you using a reverb pedal somewhere in the chain here? I got the dsl40 and the reverb is awful lol

  • I used to have one, but I since sold it and got a JCM 800 studio. It's a very different beast.

    It's a great amp in it's own right, but the JCM is definitely a better option if you want that "classic rock" sound. The DSL is a great option for those who want an inexpensive head loud enough for gigging with a bit of a Marshall flavour. The JCM doesn't have an awful lot of gain on tap, but they sound amazing with a good overdrive on the front of it, the DSL has LOADS of gain though.

  • Am I missing something? An EL34 tube can produce 25 watts (or more) so in the case of the DSL20HR and any other 20 watt EL34 Marshall amplifier that's a total of 50 watts, Now you can see these amps can not even get to half of the EL34s output so you can not get anything like "pushing the power tubes" or power tube distortion as it is called. The use of EL34 tubes was purely a marketing ploy so they can say it's like a "1959 blah blah blah but only 20 watts for the modern player ". If Marshall had wanted to give their customers the possibility of power tube overdrive they would have used 6V6 tubes and a circuit that allowed this possibility. Having said that I also believe the DSL20 are a great sounding amp on both channels and have some other great features. I've used one for about 8 years into a 4×12 with Celestion V30 speakers almost always on the 10 watt setting and it sounds great with P90s or humbuckers. Clean channel with overdrive pedals and the "Ultra Gain" all by itself sounds pretty darn good. Only bad thing is the dodgy (read cheap) capacitors and resistors in all of these amps that cause noise. Interesting that the Marshall reviewer didn't say why buyers should plump for the more expensive amplifiers just that they should. Weird huh?

  • I am using the DSL 1 with an orange 112 box and it sounds much more like the Jubilee than the dsl 20 sound samples in the video.

  • I bought this amp a few months ago, it's definitely a cool little amp. Luckily I bought it for gigging and not for use at home, those tubes definitely need to be pushed. Sounds terrible on low volume. My 80 watt EVH Iconic 5150 head sounds so much better on low volume at home.

  • I think i heard on a YouTube channel somewhere that he runs his dsl 40 on max master volumes. Apparently that solved all the issues with this amp

  • If you would have told me back in 1985 that in the near future there was going to be a all tube mini Marshall that not only was under $800 but sounded
    incredible i would have called you insane. fast forward to the present and it exists! ????Great amp! Love it compared to what we had back in 85 this
    thing is GOD! Only those of us that were playing back in the 80's can really appreciate how great a amp like this really is.

  • Great review thank you. I would love to hear a review of this amp with just the amp and a guitar. No OX Box, no I.R. no external effects at all. I think you would hear the difference more easily with just the room sound ….. ????

  • evh iconic marshall dsl the hod rod deluxe does this guy call every thing budget amp next up this mesa boogie budget amp ???? geez


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