Monday, March 3, 2025
GuitarGuitar Amps

Marshall DSL40cr | Is It Any Good?

#marshall #marshallamps
Check out the Marshall DSSL40cr!
Welcome to this demo and review of this awesome budget friendly Marshall Tube Amp. What do you think? Let us know! And remember, if you shop through at affiliate link, you support my channel at no extra cost to you.

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Disclaimer: I do basic audio editing on my videos to account for the microphones, preamp and room. This editing, mostly light EQ and compression, is intended to give you the most accurate representation of how the featured gear actually sounds. NO editing is done to misrepresent how the featured gear sounds in any way.

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#guitar #guitarist #guitarplayer #guitargear #bluesrock

#Marshall #DSL40cr #Good

Originally posted by UCEQ_Z17PBn1zm9oEXORwg1g at

29 thoughts on “Marshall DSL40cr | Is It Any Good?

  • Nice boutiquey cream and weave. I have had the regular one nearly a year and I love it. Reverb is a little meh. Foot switch is a nice included but the big foot switch is totally worth the extra cost. FX loop is nice.

  • I was between this and the Bassbreaker 30r. The cleans of the Fender were the deciding factor for me in the end, though. I don't regret my choice, although this sounds pretty good as well

  • 1000% creamback 65m and change out v1 tube with a 12at7. It will tame the gain a bit more on the ultra channel. Please try it !

  • I've got the Origin 50 head and it's really awesome but you have to crank the absolute crap out of it. I live in a big house on 40 acres and so can run it full blast but I don't know if I'd recommend it for people that don't have a big place to jam in.

  • You tend to buy a Marshall for the dirt/overdrive, and if that isn’t really good in this amp, then why buy this Marshall? The overdrive sounded brittle, and wasn’t inspiring to listen to. Your playing couldn’t fix this. While the cleans weren’t Fender Blackface cleans, they sounded really good, and better than any of the drive sounds.

    I’d never buy one new. I’d look used, and do some internet research to see what speaker made the amp sound better, I might consider buying one, factoring in speaker upgrade already done.

  • Crazy timing Jack! I've been researching this series of amps a lot lately in search of a good combo amp that can give me JCM800 types of tone. The cream tolex is super nice on this limited run! I've only seen the other vintage style limited, the energy of the cream cosmetic looks awesome

  • Have had mine 2 years now and it's a brilliant amp. Sounds great cranked and at bedroom levels. Who would have thought a 40 watt amp would sound great at home? The 6 button footswitch really makes it shine.

  • I bought one 6 months ago and love it. I give it a 9 out of 10 only because of the so, so reverb. I also use it with my captor X cabs and it's awesome.

  • Ive got the 5 watt cr version for home practice and like it but as others have noted reverb is so so and i prefer effects pedal to on board distortion altthough it does have merit in some instances

  • Would like to see a video comparison between it and the cheaper/light weight/grab and go single channel black star debut 50.
    Have you tried/played through the black star debut 50/debut 100….If so your thoughts?

  • From what im hearing, i definitely like the blues jr better. I know this isnt a comparison of the two, but I perfer the less harsh sound of a blues jr. Not to mention, the biggest flaw of the marshall is the harsh and brittle sound of the overdrive. Though the marshals cleans weren't that bad, just not my favorite.

  • I have the40c with the Sweetwater Creamback upgrade. It’s a great amp. The clean channel is wonderful, and after me doing the “bright switch modification” the ‘lead’ channel is also good.

  • I changed out the stock speaker to an eminence Texas heat, and it sounds much better. Oh yeah, and I re-biased the tubes which took a lot of the fizz out of the drive channel. Sounds really good now.

  • I like mine. Lately I've been feeding the DSL FX Return with the SEND of my Boogie MkV:25. That's pretty amazing… using the EL34 power section for the Boogie MKV preamp.

  • I liked the sound of the Strat’s bridge pickup. It had that Nasty Dogs and Funky Kings tone.

  • What is better – DSL40CR or JVM215C? Obviously there's a price difference. I have the DSL20H and the JVM215C and I like both pretty similarly disregarding price.

  • Cool vid. I really like this amp. I’ve tried it out a few times in stores and found it to sound great and very easy to use.


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