Tuesday, March 4, 2025
BassGuitar Tips & Hacks

Marshall JCM 800 Vs Bogner Ecstasy 3534

This is mostly a review of the Bogner. I have several videos of the 800 on my channel. Small recap: The 800 is a 2204 modded with an extra gain stage, lots of component changes, added switchable clean channel, loop, resonance, and a switchable second master volume.

The Bogner sounds almost as good (to my ears) but lacks a transparent loop. Just introduces a lot of white noise and with my setup a ground-loop hum. Maybe a little too harsh on the upper mids. Some people like that. For me all the switchable features are too extreme in any direction. I could never settle on a combination plus the EQ is too active for me.

#Marshall #JCM #Bogner #Ecstasy

Originally posted by UCHH9IHP32zWrw2dKZ7spAHQ at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-qEzvIwxL80

39 thoughts on “Marshall JCM 800 Vs Bogner Ecstasy 3534

  • Noisy loops are a deal breaker, for sure. I had a Fender with an obnoxious loop, turned our first run folks put metal nuts on the loop jacks instead of plastic… that took care of it, and a little copper sheet between the loop board and output transformer.

  • Move the mic stand. ????
    The 800 sounds awesome. The Bogner's more versatile…and it's smaller (duh). The 50-watt Bog would be a better comparison, now.

  • Ys they had issues with that loop. They fixed it for the new 50 watt 3534 head and that head sounds way bigger than the 35 watt head. Reminds me of my Archon and it's noise.

  • In regards to the noise with your floor unit… You need a line level mixer to bring the Bogner's +4db down to regular line levels. Its designed for rack units. I hope you learned this by now though and are enjoying the 3534!

  • Silly comparison considering the Bogner cost twice as much as the Marshall…& its a rip off!

  • Was never a huge fan if either one of those amps, but you’ve got that Bogner dialed in incredibly well. I really like the Helios, as well. Well done…thanks for sharing.

  • haha in order for the Marshall to have a chance it needed to be modded. I can't think of anyone that likes their 800 stock for high gain.

  • Bogner sounds as if it has already been recorded , EQd and defizzed. A no-brainer! Don't be a slave to the older label only. Be a master of good tone and fine taste -read "Bogner"

  • As a gigging owner of a 3534 this amp shines. Not sure where you had the master at when you had the fx engaged,but i am thinking it was high. Also,Great playing! I am a GIT grad, have a 80 JMP, slo,lonestar and 73 twin. Many 4,2&1×12 cabs. This amp pretty much does everything. Sorry it didn’t work out for you. Always get compliments on my tone, especially the clean.

  • bruh…that Bogner sounds KILLER…you, by far, have gotten the best tones out of any demo I have heard for the amp…I just pulled the trigger and my 3534 will be here tomorrow!

  • The JCM sounds more like a hot rodded plexi. Normally I don't like the 800, but this one sounds good. Can you share how it was modded?

  • Yoo today Bogner all day for me! Love how it sounds further back in the mix. A bit more compressed, much more warm than the Marshall

  • I had a 3534 for a few days and quickly returned it. Didn’t care for it at all. Judging by the amount of used ones I see for sale, I am not alone. Totally agree on effects loop too.

  • That Marshall sounds amazing !, anyway you are comparing a very modded Marshall, not a standard one to the Bogner. The Bogner sounds good, but when compared to the Marshall, sounds with less presence and tone, the 800 has a rounder tone and eq. IMO

  • I had same issue in the loop and it is already solved. 1 very small diode (responsible for some function of 1 of the transformers) was not fully soldered. Probably just an issue of automatic soldering on production line. Now it works perfectly.

  • love the video, cool licks everywhere and great tones. Liked the amps equally but would use for different things in my opinion :p

  • I think you could have make the Bogner sound closer to the Marshall by dialing the presence knob.
    Bogner's amps seem more low mids focused while the Marsalls are full of high mids

  • Finally got myself a Marshall JMP2204. Really a fantastic amp. Maybe the best amp ever made. When that is said i still LOVE the Bogner stuff. A Bogner pedal in front of that amp is a really nice flavour to have. My next and last amp to complement the Marshall will be a Bogner.

  • I've been looking for an amp that I can use with an HX Effects to change channels and use 4 cable. I'm finding a lot of new amps don't allow a TRS cable or MIDI to change channels. I use a PRS MT-15 which has a terrible sound when you plug anything but the foot switch into it. The new Archon only allows their proprietary foot switch. It's even written in fine print on the amp. The Bogner actually uses a foot switch with two cables instead of just one. Not sure if it allows for TRS switching, but the second cable makes it more difficult to incorporate a switcher. Anyway, with the Helix, TC Electronics and other multi-effect units becoming so popular I'm surprised more amp companies aren't using MIDI or TRS. ENGL has a new Ironball that has MIDI and IR loading. REVV has been doing a lot to incorporate new tech into their amps. I'm not sure why other companies aren't doing it yet.


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