Tuesday, March 4, 2025

33 thoughts on “Martin 000-15M Acoustic Guitar Review & Demo

  • Thank you for such a great review and touching on a number of points
    that were questions that I needed answers too .
    After watching this great review I've decided to go with the D-15M instead.

  • Awesome video,Brett. I bought the 00-15M in March of 2022. I am 65 years old and have spinal issues into my neck and the size allows me to play more comfortably, longer. Love this Martin Guitar! Thanks again for the video.

  • Great video. I love the way you present, you come off as a very a familiar friend although I have never met you. Keep up the great work!

  • Laminate is real wood glued together and compressed. It still smells like mahogany.

    The top is more likely to split whatever the back and sides are made of because it is the most fragile wood on the instrument. Always humidify.

    The 000-15m is NOT a short scale neck.

    There is no more string buzz on one body style compared to any other. All guitars need a proper set up (and humidity) performed by someone who knows what he/she is doing based on your string preference.

    This is not a D15. The D15 is D for dreadnaught. This is an orchestra sized model, also known as auditorium size.

    Shoot your script-writer. Lol

  • the question is: how the hell this video has 520 likes… A video full of BULLSHIT.

  • I like this kid – found his video entertaining and a good representation of how the guitar sounds and I have the same playing style. I'm looking at this model to fill a void left by my childhood Harmony Model 165 that my little sister smacked into a beam and destroyed (after watching the "El- Kabong" cartoon… look it up) Lol!

  • Oh also, nice review. You are a natural kid. Hope your still doing some kind of broadcast/production work 10 years later. Thanks again!

  • Just bought one used out of Allen Park, MI Guitar Center. Trying to feel good about spending $1043.28 on a guitar. That is to say, it has taken me playing cheap guitars for 28 years. Feels pretty good though. Pretty smooth. Today was a good day.

  • Thats not why the strap button is unattached…high end guitars never ship with the bottom button in
    . The reason is the block the button is attached to inside can crack if dropped in shipping…….all high end guitars come with the button unattached

  • Just bought this one. Was a little surprised to hear your decision to raise the action. After hearing your thoughts on it and the way you were able to strum, I may have to do it. Good review. Subscribed.

  • Brett. Thank you so much. You are one of the most incredible people I have listened to. Your presentation is impressive. Anyone who wants to purchase a guitar should listen to you. Your music is also wonderful to listen to. God Bless This planet needs more people like you Sir.

  • It’s a 000-15M not a D15. 000 signifies an auditorium guitar, referencing the size. You also need to get that strat from leaning off it’s neck unless you want to keep adjusting that neck- there’s a lot of strain on it the way it’s positioned. Also, you picked the wrong guitar if you want to beat on it, play “vigorously” on a dreadnought, and finger style on the 000-15. Also, the action on my Hummingbird is low and I can play it “vigorously” without any problem- why can’t you?

  • just an FYI the 15 is the series, the 000 or D are body shapes, meaning the D-15M and the 000-15M are different body shapes.

  • Nice review young man….and it's nice to see someone your age that appreciates Dylan etc……I have a 00-15 that I love……the notes don't jump out like spruce but they sustain forever…..good job….


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