Saturday, February 22, 2025

Massive SHOEGAZE GUITAR Tone with Behringer SUPER FUZZ

The Behringer Super Fuzz is a modern legend and costs so much less than its equivalents. We should and will use it for Ambient Shoegaze.
In this video I’ve made some Pedalboards for heavy, ambient shoegaze that include the Super Fuzz, Earthquaker Devices Afterneath, M-Vave Mini Universe, Behringer Ultra Metal and the TC Electronic Vibraclone.
Guitar used is a Fender Jaguar 60th Anniversary
Going through the Helix HX Stomp

Gear used
Behringer Super Fuzz
Behringer Ultra Metal
Earthquaker Devices Afterneath
TC Electronic Vibraclone
M-Vave Mini Universe

Free Preset here :
Private Lessons:

00:00 Intro
00:27 Super Fuzz
01:20 The Soundscapes
01:50 Solo Settings
02:06 The Fuzz Tones
02:26 Secret Setting
03:38 Boosted
03:51 M-Vave Mini Universe
04:03 Super Soundscape Jam
04:55 Afterneath
05:17 Ultra Metal
06:00 Massive Ambient Shoegaze Jam
06:58 TC Electronic Vibraclone
07:32 Oscillating Lead Tone

#Massive #SHOEGAZE #GUITAR #Tone #Behringer #SUPER #FUZZ

Originally posted by UCSbxTt_YR242oPlInIdQOEw at

17 thoughts on “Massive SHOEGAZE GUITAR Tone with Behringer SUPER FUZZ

  • Only thing better than fuzz is wah wah. Please discuss. (30 words or less). Your time starts …now.

  • picked this up recently as well as the trem and eq. i believe all 25 bucks and free shipping w sweetwater. hard to pass up especially where im filling holes in board. may replace the trem and eq later but the super fuzz ill always keep around. boss clones for cheap, i can deal w the plastic enclosures honestly.

  • Imo everone should have a sf300 on their board. Its just the best

  • I love using the superfuzz as a boost but not in the way you think. I use it one mode 1, gain barely on and level way up. Besides pushing whatever drive I have after it, it also adds that octave fuzz spice and I love it.

  • I have the behringer ultra fuzz and it just sound like MASSIVE and when I put a reverb into it I get an eldritch horror wall of pure nightmare fuel noise and I freaking love it (english is not my first language so sorry if something sounds weird or anything XD)

  • Very nicely done Chris. Your uploads always inspire and make me jot down yet another pedal to check out. The Gods are at play today too, this video finished and I noticed 6Music on in my kitchen is playing MBV Only Shallow

  • Your jams create the auditory helldcape of a bad acid trip, well done, great overtone drones! You could go in a few different directions starting with that sound…worst case scenario you're tapped by BLUMHOUSE to score the music for their next horror film!!

  • The boost mode (or should I say BEAST mode??) is my favourite.

    To me it’s less sparkly but it’s more deep and wide and full range.

    A truly goated budget pedal. 11/10.

  • Alright, I’ll buy a Super Fuzz ????

    The Mini Universe has also been on my list of to purchase pedals

  • I love the super fuzz, my friend makes a clone called a super muff and it’s a triangle muff and super fuzz in one enclosure. Big fan of it lol


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