Tuesday, March 4, 2025
GuitarGuitar Tips & HacksTips & Hacks

Master The Minor Pentatonic Scale On Guitar – Tips, Hacks & Exercises

Master The Minor Pentatonic Scale On Guitar – Tips, Hacks & Exercises

TABS and BACKING TRACK available over at the DEATHRAYCAT Patreon below! Join for extra benefits and exclusive videos!
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Backing Track on YouTube: https://youtu.be/28TtiLDp0vQ


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#guitar #rockabilly #gretsch

Intro: (0:00​​​)
Positions: (05:34​)
Ex 1 – Big Lick : (15:32)
Ex 2 – 1 String : (20:29)
Ex 3 – 2 Strings : (23:19)

#Master #Minor #Pentatonic #Scale #Guitar #Tips #Hacks #Exercises

Originally posted by UCJHvoQVRJiukTQbLZxCbQbg at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vgLGN50a_RQ

20 thoughts on “Master The Minor Pentatonic Scale On Guitar – Tips, Hacks & Exercises

  • Did you happen to make a cover of crooked bird by gashuffers? It was probably not you. I dont remember. If it was you and its in your playlist my bad. Ill check a second time.

  • Pentatonic lightbulb moment linking the open string notes to each pattern. So obvious now you showed it but I've never seen it put across like that. Just made donation on your bymeacoffee link. Thank you! PS. What camera do you use to record your vids?

  • Excellent lesson! I’ve learned a few Link Wray songs (& thank you for turning me on to him), & I’ve gotten comfortable with the E Minor Pentatonic scale because it’s in a number of his songs, but I wouldn’t have known how to move up the fretboard with so much ease. I will be working on these regularly!

  • Mercy!….after all my years of playing I did not know this….thank you ..I gotta work on it.

  • After all the videos I’ve watched on this topic this one made it click for me. Thank you.

  • I can no longer in good conscience not join your patreon. This is gold. Funny story, I'm the trucker with the 64 Custom deluxe. Didn't know that the poor electricity is very bad for the amp so now it's in the shop. Tech said that buying tube amps is stupid because the tubes aren't made anymore, and that they were made in places in the middle east that don't make them now so once my tube blows I'm sol…. I'm like how are they making these amps if there aren't tubes. Long story short dude was full of crap, and I've decided to ditch my car for roller skates for fear that tires are no longer being made. ????

  • this is great!"! really enjoyed the long form look at a subject that a lot of us take for granted and get sloppy at.

  • Thanks Deathraycat! Im just getting back into guitar and never "learned" correct ways of playing but this time Im going to and like your vibe and teaching skills. Billy' on my friend…

  • First video I’ve seen on pentatonic positions that makes sense to me. You are a fine teacher my friend. So so helpful. It’s now over to me to put in the hard yards.
    Thank you.


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