Saturday, March 1, 2025
GuitarGuitar Effects

Matchless Best Amp – Matchless Independence 35

In today’s video, Paul and James from The Studio Rats are checking out the amp that Paul should never have sold: the Matchless Independence 35.
The Matchless Independence is what we consider to be Matchless’s greatest achievement. This 3 channel amp can do everything from beautiful cleans to quite high gain and its very hard to make this amp sound bad.

Here is what Matchless say about the Independence 35
The Independence 35 is the first 35 watt 3 channel guitar amplifier in Matchless’ history! In addition to the signature backlit nameplate, the three channels light up red, white, and blue.

Channel two (white) is powered by one 12AX7 and will provide ample chunk and high-gain lead. Channel three (red) is all about fire. The master volume control is by-passable and features a cut control to thicken up and shave the highs.

The power section of the Independence starts with a 5AR4 rectifier tube and the 35 watt output is powered by two EL34s, which are cathode self biasing. A 3 position rotary switch allows for 4, 8, & 16 ohm output. The channels are switched through one footswitch.

If you are a TONEX user, you can buy the latest Studio Rats Matchbox INDI 35-2 TONEX Pack from the link below:

The Studio Rats TONEX MATCHBOX INDI 35-2 Pack

The Studio Rats are core band members Paul Drew on guitar/production/mixing, drummer James Ivey. They collaborate with singers and musicians to produce radio-ready songs.

#Matchless #Amp #Matchless #Independence

Originally posted by UCW-S0JAM1Rtte4lU0HsD8BA at

26 thoughts on “Matchless Best Amp – Matchless Independence 35

  • QUOTE, "every amp you've played through is like trying to get the sound you get through this". I say this is true after watching your videos for the past few years. But I couldn't help thinking of how this sounded like you boss katana videos. Of course I haven't played them back to back as of typing this. It very much reminded me of your katana videos.

  • Your Tele's sound so good…in any amp….what is that favorite Fender model you play?

  • Have you played all the other matchless Amps? There are a high number of insanely good amps in the line up. Independence is just one.
    Would hardly say it’s by far their best.
    It is great though!

  • Hi great, but why not add Capture Without Cab for those how want to push this sound on their Guitar Power amp ?? thx

  • You're a talented guitarist but in every video you're playing the same chords and all amps sounds same 🙂 Just a positive criticism by the way, i love your channel.

  • I've watched a bunch of your videos… I now play a Mesa Boogie Stiletto 50 watt head. I am trying to get your clean tone and I wanted to talk about your process… thanks

  • Ya, your original Independence 35 is my main go-to. And love the capture with the klon as well. This would be the one amp that if I came across one, id buy it.

  • Lets talk about pickups thats just as good as this work of art. I bought the dirty torque and blues driver set from iron works in uk. About 80 bucks delivered. Kills any SD or dimarzio and thats no crappola guys. Seriously. Just blown away. The clarity and dynamics are A+

  • Guys, what a great video! I teared up a little when you said it was Angelo's amp. He was a good friend and I wondered what happened to the Independence I made for him after he passed. I'm so glad it went to a good home. PS turn down the Gain on Ch2 and turn up the volume controls, maybe change the 12AX7 in V3. It's plenty tight.

  • Awesome video Paul have a great day also I will quit YouTube in 2025❤????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

  • Same as my TS-1 …. Despite the other channels, it’s the clean tones that sound so good and take pedals so well, you can see mine on John Cordy’s Dumble tone hunt.

  • Love my Indy. Toss in some vintage 12ax7s and it is unreal. Combo is Heavy as a tank, def worth lugging around to gigs.

  • no helix love? I was hoping you could tune the matchstick it has for some of that goodness. guess I'll have to use my tonex loop.

  • Sounds amazing!
    Paul, have you asked what the James-price would be to get it back into your hands? ????
    Still using the 3 channels from your original pack as they’re some of the best sounds I’ve heard!


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