Tuesday, March 4, 2025
BassBass Amps

Matt Freeman – “Devastator” by Charger [Bass Bunker Sessions]

Matt Freeman – “Devastator” by Charger
Listen to “Devastator”: https://open.spotify.com/track/6V3XWnXpfsOYxTJIgN2Cjw

Hey everyone. Here’s a play-along video to the song “Devastator” by Charger off of our record Warhorse which came out in 2022.

Please LIKE and SUBSCRIBE, and let me know what you think of this one in the comments. Thanks for watching, I really appreciate it.

See CHARGER live. Tickets on sale now:
11/8 – San Diego, CA – The Tower Bar
11/9 – Las Vegas, NV – Sinwave
11/10 – Tempe, AZ – Yucca Tap Room
11/22 – Seattle, WA – Funhouse
11/23 – Bremerton, WA – The Charleston
11/24 – Portland, OR – Dante’s
12/6 – Murrieta, CA – Solaris
12/7 – Palmdale, CA – Transplants Brewery

▶ Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/mattfreeman
▶ Rancid Website: http://www.rancidrancid.com
▶ Rancid Tour: https://rancidrancid.com/tour
▶ Rancid Store: https://rancid.store/
▶ Rancid Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/rancid
▶ Rancid on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/6xTk3EK5T9UzudENVvu9YB
▶ Rancid on Apple Music: https://music.apple.com/us/artist/rancid/1857507
▶ Operation Ivy on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/18XRGxd1b484f2h06cwvJJ
▶ Operation Ivy on Apple Music: https://music.apple.com/us/artist/operation-ivy/18242141
▶ Charger on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/09TFJzMAXlGTTmq0yqPtjg
▶ Charger on Apple Music: https://music.apple.com/us/artist/charger/1458528049

#mattfreeman #rancid #bassist #bass #bassbunker #basstutorial #playthrough #playalong #vinyl #bassguitar #basscover #rancidbasscover

#Matt #Freeman #Devastator #Charger #Bass #Bunker #Sessions

Originally posted by UCx_hC12wgPJwKLUgiSeESVQ at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=siqwMWsjgHQ

36 thoughts on “Matt Freeman – “Devastator” by Charger [Bass Bunker Sessions]

  • Never realized how fast this song is before seeing this, def gonna learn it to practice right hand speed.

    If I can make a wish, I’d love to see you do Dead Bodies. One of the hardest Rancid songs ever, love the bass riff and Lars’ furious vocals.

  • Great to see this! Would love to see more Charger stuff and Devils Brigade (bring out the stand up!) but also would like to see you play other rancid songs that you primarily sing in like rigged on a fix. Would also like to see you cover other artists songs!

  • Love your videos here and on tour. It really give me some motivation to try playing with my bass, again.

  • A proper channel intro. Awesome! I love that Charger track a lot. Have to check out that band. So far, all of Rancid's side projects seem to be awesome.

  • Hey Matt! The new Bass Bunker intro looks great! Good job to whoever designed it! This song is definitely one of my favourite tracks from War Horse. Do you think you could break out the wah pedal and treat us to some sweet Geezer riffs? Thanks so much for doing these videos on your personal time, man. I think I speak for everyone when we say we really appreciate it! Take it sleazy!

  • Hey Matt Thanx.
    Could you do Idle Hands sometime?
    Would be cool if you got in touch with Pete R from Crimpshrine and Tilt and had him as a guest on your channel?
    Hope you and family are well and still stopping by Monterey Fish on Hopkins st.
    Will never forget your generosity towards us when you brought us gifts.
    Thanx again for all the music through the years.

  • Love the videos Matt! I'm not sure if you've covered it yet but I'd like to know more about your picking hand technique.
    Keep the videos coming!

  • I found out about Charger from your interview with Zetro and bought the album before the episode ended. Warhorse is one of those albums I tend to listen through end-to-end while driving, but I have to make sure I'm using cruise control.

  • Charger is the best band in the last few years. It’s like Motörhead and Maiden in an East Bay Thrash band. 16 year old me would have run away from home to be your roadie, and 50 year old me wishes I could still circle pit without taking 14 days to recover. Come back to San Diego!

  • Thank you so very much Matt for everything you do! So pumped Charger is coming on tour! Can't wait to see you in Tempe!!!

  • Great P- Bass. Looks great, sounds great!! That part on the A cord is very cool, with the distor, kinda Lemmy sound! Thanks for sharing! Also the new intro is very cool too! Congrats! Im glad that im following the bunker since the Beginning: Blessings

  • Thankyou for doin this channel, it, and your playin and chat is awesome to hear and see.
    My suggestion….. Bass Bunker T-shirts.
    Ivy style shirt, Rancid style and Charger style too.

    Thanks Matt.

  • Everyone is probably asking about it, but it would be great to hear from you how you put together the solo from Maxwell murder and how it evolves when you play it live.


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