Sunday, March 16, 2025
BassBass Effects

Matt Freeman – My 3 Rancid Tour Basses [Equipment]

Matt Freeman – My 3 Rancid Tour Basses

Hey everyone. On tour right now with Rancid opening for Green Day, along with Smashing Pumpkins, and The Linda Lindas. In this video, I highlight the 3 basses that I took out on this tour… going into detail about my Fender chambered American Pro II, my regular American stock Pro II, and the Player II. Hope you like it.

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#mattfreeman #rancid #bassist #bass #bassbunker #basstutorial #playthrough #playalong #vinyl #bassguitar #basscover #rancidbasscover #smashingpumpkins #greenday #thelindalindas

#Matt #Freeman #Rancid #Tour #Basses #Equipment

Originally posted by UCx_hC12wgPJwKLUgiSeESVQ at

31 thoughts on “Matt Freeman – My 3 Rancid Tour Basses [Equipment]

  • The AP 2 basses are slick. My oft expressed opinion is that Fender undersells the quality and playability of those to a hilarious degree… they're world class, and a working man can afford it! One of the few real values for the money left in this world…

  • Matt isn't just an amazing punk bassist, he's just a god-tier bassist period. I remember Fat Mike (who's really, really good) saying he got his ass kicked doing that split with Rancid because Matt is just that insanely good. The line from East Bay is still probably my GOAT punk bass line.

  • does anyone make chambered basses for consumers? That sounds like something alot of punks would appreciate

  • My biggest wish for your bass bunker would be that you show all your instruments. Double basses , guitars , and basses . I’ve read that you own a lots of players from 1977 to now. I know it would be a long video . But maybe do a part one and too, Matt you’ve help me trough so much stuff while I was in rehab . Free m rancid to devils brigade , charger , etc I followed your career since pretty much op ivy, biggest fan ????????????????

  • Are you using the Fender Tone Master Pro and the FR10? It is a same it still have so little bass in the it. But how does the TMP + FR10 combo work for you?

  • You could probably play the entire tour with that tone master pro and cab ????

  • Thanks for showing us your tour load out, Matt. Even if it was in the world's loudest corridor. ????
    As a bassist myself, I'd like to see a few meat and potatoes technique videos. For example, how do you approach writing a bassline for a song? Maybe you could jam with a drummer to demonstrate how you guys work together? Just throwing that out there. Thanks again and I hope our paths cross some day! ????

  • loving the channel and seeing the tour behind the scenes stuff. Keep up the great work. See you tonight in Hershey

  • Hi Matt! That’s is awesome!
    I went to NY to watch you guys! That was incredibly! You guys of rancid NEED make a tour playing all your best! 2h of show please!
    Thank you for the bass bunker! We want to see you and Tim play sometime! Do that please! You guys of Rancid are LEGENDS!

  • I'd love to see a video on your setup and signal chain for recording! Maybe some info on different approaches you have taken on different albums. Thanks for the videos!

  • I have the same bass ( #2 American ).
    I hated that original pick guard ( mint ).
    I’m going to be posting a vid soon on my upgrades .
    Love this bass !!!!!!!!
    I also changed the pickup covers .
    Looks so much better IMO .
    Great vid !!!
    Instant sub .

  • Coming to Pittsburgh tomorrow! Bringing my 3yo son who loves rancid and Green Day above anything else (????‍????????


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