Monday, March 17, 2025
Best Guitar Solos & Performances

Matteo Mancuso is the best guitar player in the world… probably

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#Matteo #Mancuso #guitar #player #world..

Originally posted by UCshiNtfJ7Dj3nlh41a6M-kg at

29 thoughts on “Matteo Mancuso is the best guitar player in the world… probably

  • He's okay he's about a four but he don't do nothing for me he's not my kind of player what's so ever he missed a whole lot about playing guitar IQ 4 you cannot play all styles whatsoever so he's nowhere near Great good or whatever he just okay

  • Matteo key word is Practice. To practice 8 hours a day is a full time job. So glad Matteo is getting recognised by so many people on Youtube May 17 2024

  • you mean "he is better and more gooder than the last 47 that you claimed was the NEXT BIG THING"? poor guy gonna explode from all the "tugging" ……

  • How often do you actually hear Steve Vai? How often do you hear Nirvana? Don't forget it's ALL about conveying emotions and NOT about more, faster notes.

  • Keep your own impression for yourself! Guitar soloing is not about being a notes mill, with incredible technic tricks, it's very impressive, but after a while, it's boring, devoid of life, just flat notes, without meaningful context, technical tricks which are most of the time not in tune with whatever the soul has to say! Compared to a Jimmy Hendrix 's " power of soul" or " message to love'" and the incredible John mac Laughlin's " Life Divine" from the album " Love, Devotion and Surrender" , you guys sounds dull and soulless.. Please reconsider your approach of Guitar, and start to play truthful lead guitar..

  • Jimi Hendrix on the walls . Jimi is the one that inspired me and millions of others guitarist all around the world

  • Yes Mancuso is really good, however some of the best i think are Max Ostro who's heavily influenced by Guthrie Govan

  • What's really impressed me? YOUR HUMBLENESS! With your current "status", It's hard to stay low as you are now!

  • Just so you know, Matteo, old German and old English were the same language about 1500 years ago and they are still similar. For some reason, the grammer is a lot different.

  • If you would ask to MM if he's best guitarist in the world, he surely laughs. Dont exists "The best".
    Exists a great musician, young, with an enormous musical knowledge and culture. Passion, talent and hard work. He surely will grow and improve as a composer. And overall he's a great person, humble, with heart and soul.

  • As Steve Vai said "the evolution of the guitar is in the hands of people like him" and "there's many others". Also listen to Kent Nishimura.

  • only pat metheny is in his way to become the greatest.. then again.. what defines best guitar player.. he is definitely at the top!


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