Tuesday, March 4, 2025
GuitarGuitar Effects

Maxon OD808 Overdrive #shorts #Maxon #pedal #guitar @OsiamoMusicGear #flamingo #gibson

Maxon pedals are actively back for retail in the U.S! In this video, I am taking a look at the Maxon OD808 Overdrive pedal, which boasts to offer up *the* authentic warm tube overdrive sound we all know and love.

*These links are non-affiliate, I do not make any money from purchases made using the two links below*

Link to more information about Maxon pedals:



Shane Star Guitars and Gear Reverb Shop:

The Maxon OD808 probably isn’t a pedal that needs an introduction to some of you, most of you are looking at this right now and thinking, “hey, that looks kind of familiar.”

I fall into that camp of people that know of Maxon, but have never really had any experience with them. Maxon has some historical significance in the market from the early days. Given that the most popular overdrive pedal is the Ibanez Tube Screamer, which goes back to my earlier point about why it looks familiar, it is important to know that Maxon actually designed and was ghost building the Tube Screamer for Ibanez. The two significant tube screamers are the 808 (the original) and then the OD9 which is the Ibanez TS9 circuit and they offer both of these circuits in their Maxon branded line of pedals because of the success that they had building it for Ibanez. There is a reason that this pedal and the ones from Ibanez that use the same circuits are pretty much the gold standard of overdrives.

Hey everybody and welcome back to my pink room of doom, as always, I hope you’re doing well today! My name is Jonathan and I run the Electric Flamingo channel here on YouTube, the only and best flamingo themed guitar channel on the platform! Why am I here? Just to have fun, discuss guitars, gear, music and everything in between in the guitar player’s world! I have played guitar for almost 15 years at this point, I have recorded music for a little under that, probably about 13 years or so. I am not a professional by any means, but it’s all in good fun and I enjoy doing it! I try to include lots of different types of content in my uploads. Skits, reviews, demos, discussions, etc. I’m always open for suggestions as well, so if you have anything you would like to see or hear me talk about, please leave me a comment or contact me on Instagram and I will do my best to fill that request!

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– I nor anyone associated with the Electric Flamingo channel are not affiliated with any companies, brands nor products at this time. None of the links that I provide to purchase a product featured in these videos are for profit, meaning I do not net a profit from you clicking the link and purchasing the product, unless you visit TeeSpring or Redbubble and purchase merchandise, which directly benefits myself.

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#Maxon #OD808 #Overdrive #shorts #Maxon #pedal #guitar #OsiamoMusicGear #flamingo #gibson

Originally posted by UCDgILAOPfdzHSAQdCI3YiRQ at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rUtNZBsmBqk

2 thoughts on “Maxon OD808 Overdrive #shorts #Maxon #pedal #guitar @OsiamoMusicGear #flamingo #gibson

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