Tuesday, March 4, 2025
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Metallica, The Unforgiven – A Classical Musician’s First Listen and Analysis

#virginrock #metallica #theunforgiven
Metallica, The Unforgiven … Rammstein? Regardless, I managed to fall in love with a Metallica piece on the first listen!

Here’s the link to the original song:

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I’ve formed the habit of publishing all the names of my supporters simply because I appreciate your appreciation of my work, and I want to recognize each one of you personally. But, unfortunately, YouTube allows a limited number of characters for the description, and I cannot fit all names anymore. So, this is my message to each one of my supporters personally:
Amy Shafer, LRSM, FRSM, RYC, is a classical harpist, pianist, and music teacher, Director of Piano Studies and Assistant Director of Harp Studies for The Harp School, Inc., holds multiple degrees in harp and piano performance and teaching, and is active as a solo and collaborative performer. With nearly two decades of teaching experience, she teaches privately, presents masterclasses and coaching sessions, and has performed and taught in Europe and USA.

Credits: Music written and performed by Metallica

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#Metallica #Unforgiven #Classical #Musicians #Listen #Analysis

Originally posted by UCnDxsn-Pi-6NZqQmnquTIdw at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WXV27hT788g

32 thoughts on “Metallica, The Unforgiven – A Classical Musician’s First Listen and Analysis

  • The Unforgiven was the first song by Metallica I truly fell in love with as a kid born in 85. The black album is what I grew up with. It's such a part of my childhood and will always hold a special place in my heart.

  • Metallica has so many good songs I almost forget how powerful this song is. It really captures a mood which is really what music is all about. One of Kirk's best solos along with Ride the Lightning of course.

  • James is a guitar player first, and the songs need someone to sing it, so he does it. That being said, he is an underrated songwriter. Maybe the most underrated based on the preconceived notions of what Metallica sounds like. 23:58

  • 12:30 fun fact the first solo Kirk played, the band hated it. He worked hard on it, and they told him it sucked. So they ran it back, and this is what they got. The redemption arc of the song is the story of this solo. It's all on video. Check it out sometime. Cheers. P.S. Nothing Else Matters is one of the greatest songs ever written, according to Elton John. High praise to James.

  • I've been a MetallicA listener since '91. I started with the black album and this song shocked me that James voice was so versatile. MetallicA is the Greatest Band of all time because they appeal to many types of listeners.

  • The opening/chorus melody was the first thing I ever heard that made me want to play guitar. Over 15 years later, I still love playing this

  • Another interesting aspect of this song is that the verse/chorus is reversed from what you would expect a power ballad to be. I'm only a few minutes in, so I don't know if you mentioned this, but the band made this clear: they wanted the verse to be powerful in sound, and the chorus to be calmer, more melodic. I love your videos, it's quite a journey to see you go through Metallica's repertoire, and awesome to see you go from "cringing" on your first Metallica listen and to see you now enjoy them.

  • I'm 55 years old, and this song has been a backdrop of my life. It has moved me to tears so many times, ripped my heart out, and laid my soul open, exposed, and raw. It still has the power to move me, just as it did in my youth. I don't listen to this song, I experience this song.

  • I really enjoyed your reaction. I hope to see your reaction to their instrumental song called Orion one day. I have many songs that I like from Metallica but I adore Orion, always brings me through a journey.

  • You probably don’t realize how right on you are about his voice being an instrument, having clean distortion, and being the ultimate guitar. Literally that is exactly what Hatfield is doing. If you go back to And Justice For All you’ll notice that is what the voice is doing the whole time. I’ve never heard another band with a singer that produces the same frequencies and clean distortion as the guitars. The voice is even heavy and harder than the guitars on their hold stuff.

  • It's interesting that you've referenced The Beatles here as being something opposite to this track, because this entire album is commonly referred to as "The Black Album", as opposed to The Beatles' "The White Album", which was also The Beatles' eponymous album, and it feels like with this album Metallica tried to say to the world something like, 'hey, we're the new Beatles now'.

  • They have done Orchestral versions of their songs you should check that out as well and don't be surprised if they don't invite you to come to one of those shows and play for them

  • If you look at life the way it actually is take it literally as it is you see that they start with the trauma-based Mind Control cutting off a boy's foreskin while they're an infant that explains everything because after that what do you got a traumatized man psychological operations baby

  • There's also two sequels to this song The Unforgiven 2 in The Unforgiven 3 I believe it's called and they all kick ass

  • My cat heard this song playing and she got up and came over and got next to me sat down and her ears are pinned to those speakers she loves this song she also loves hearing me sing to it LOL

  • You know music is good when your cat will listen to it and enjoy it, my cat loves Van Halen loves Metallica she loves that type of music she just loves it, you can see it when she comes out of the room when I play it she comes and sits beside me with her ears pointed towards the speaker and you can tell she is enjoying it, a cat.
    there's a short clip on my YouTube channel of a Van Halen song and you can see her ears pointing right at it if she didn't like it she would leave the room. I'll turn on the music play Eddie Van Halen song or any Metallica song and she'll come out of the bedroom just to come get closer to it

  • the unforgiven II hits home just as much for me. especially the fact that ReLoad was my first album i ever bought

  • "voice is an instrument" finally someone who will understand the harsh vocal? Would be interesting to get to some black/death metal Vlad. 🙂 Awesome reaction btw., pure joy watching Amy enjoy their favorite song, even playing along!

  • Metallica and Rammstein are my favorite bands. Each of them for different reasons. Seen them performing live many times.

  • I would pay fat stacks to hear you cover some of these Metallica songs on the harp!
    I love your analysis & reactions!
    Many Metallica fans are classical music fans (even if they don't know it), hence the popularity of the S&M album.
    "No Leaf Clover" (live) is an AMAZING piece of music, and a must watch!


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