Thursday, September 19, 2024

7 thoughts on “Mini Flex 2 Mic Model 1 Review from Acoustic Guitar

  • Best sound by far of all systems in my opinion. Like the rest mention – the batteries should be in a breakout box so you don't have to undo the whole thing just to change them.

  • one mic with noise canceller and blue tooth to speaker or amp .smaller . like a spayelizer wawawa ,help grammer nazi's.

  • hello my name is michael and i build mics do R&D and custom mics at miniflex how often are you needing to change batteries? what model do you have?

  • John, do you remember where you read that? I'd love to rewire my miniflex2 mics so I could put the batteries closer to the soundhole too!! I love the mics but hate trying to change batteries. I greatly appreciate any help you can offer.

  • Sounds very good Doug…! Too bad the batteries are buried deep within. The sounds is exclt though. That's a very nice Madagascar Juber too. Rich


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