Mixed feelings about this amp. Orange Crush 20RT
In this video I will review and demo this Orange Crush 20 RT guitar amp. It costs $200 new and lets just see how it performs. I will show you the features it has as well as show you what is sounds like through a mic and plugged in direct to an interface.
I was really surprised by this amp for a few different reasons and im exited to share what I found with you! If you would like to get your hands on this amp or some of the other gear I use in this video I will post some Amazon links below.
Amazon links to gear:
The AMP: https://amzn.to/44nHebS
Interface: https://amzn.to/48AvxPb
Guitar: https://amzn.to/42QWrBg
If you use the link in this description I may receive a commission from your purchase. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.
#Mixed #feelings #amp #Orange #Crush #20RT
Originally posted by UCazknevQRobJ_XeUqj5lpRw at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zEkPtqw4xBY
Would YOU buy this amp?
What are good amp settings on clean for when using a distortion pedal?
Yeah, you definitely shouldn't have to repair a brand new $200 practice amp. Return it and get one in better shape. They seem to have some pretty hit-or-miss QC for a big brand.
how come you didn't record both signals [direct + mix] simultaneously? and also did you check various positions of the mic?
looking for a little guitar amp to practice lol the search continues
How on earth do you prefer having the mic vs direct, it's pillars better direct.
Just a tip here , when you had the amp miced the reason it sounded so muffled is because you had the mic to close to the amp , it should be at least 60cms away so you get the full rang as if you have it closer then you will get what's called sonic distortion and it will sound muffled or like its over compressed so it would sound over compressed or muffled ,,,another suggest for optimal sound is have 2 mics for the amp so you get an even balance of frequencies
Mic'd up sound is horrible. Huge difference
Hi, awesome review! What song are you playing @ 3:37?
I'm looking for a small amp that would fit on top of my bass amp, no bigger than 40cm wide and this is one of the few options I have. I currently have a Spark 40 but it sounds bad. What other amps would you recommend?
When I was a beginner, I bought a 1964 Fender Bandmaster used for $250. A professional amp. Do the inflation math on that! Dont cry about having to spend $150 – $200 on a cheap amp like this! I'll bet most of you have a pedal or two that cost that much. Im here because I'm interested in an Orange Crush 120 head. I like Ty Tabor's sound. If I buy one, it will be my only Solid-state amp. Tubes rule!
I get that it's an Orange review but damn… Why is every hair in the video Orange too? lol
hey! really nice review im looking at videos for this amp because I have the same and given as a gift. am trying to emulate the sound of jcm800 or the early metalcore sound not limited to as i lay dying, deftones, ratm, etc. what pedal do you think is ok? am thinking of getting a digital to have flexibility. zoom g1 four?
it's cab sim sounds damn great
That was very helpful, thanks! Nice job, too. I can tell you put a lot into this video. I'll watch more!
I have this amp. It seems that the dirty channel performs better when volume is up. It's kind of a deal breaker for me, because i fear annoying the neighbours. But overall, it is a good amp.
which is higher volume fender champion 20 or orange crush 20rt?
Hi, I have one on repair currently. To resolve back plate issue I'd try the following: unscrew 4 screws on the back side that is fitting metal chassis to wooden box. If metal plate returns to flat (not remain bended with the gap between metal and back side of the cabinet), simply take some toothpicks and wood glue, fill in old screw holes and, pre drill screw holes properly and screw-in those 4 screws, keeping metal sheet flat. In other case if metal sheet remains bended, you can use cheap self adhesive door foam/sponge tape to thicken existing tape on the metal chassis.
Bought one last year – and it's one of the best amps I've bought. I use the clean channel for everything – especially jazz – and the dirty channel for blues and soft rock… and it works great with my Cube Baby. Can't wait to try it with a Tank-G – and noise is never a problem as I've never had to push it hard!
That cab sim does sound dynamite, my phones suck so I had not experienced the line level sound yet. Good to know its good thanks.
Goddamn that G&L guitar had me seriously coveting, is that a birdseye maple neck?? Whew!
I just picked one up used on ebay for $130, Id say yes, its worth it but not quite worth the 200 brand new price for sure, the regular 20w is 150 and I really dont think the digital reverb and tuner are worth the extra fifty bucks however, Id say the 20 is a bit over-priced as well especially with such good offerings coming from Blackstar and Boss for very comparable price points and tons more features. That Orange tone is cool but I just dont know if its quite worth the premium attached to it when youre talking solid state. Id love to be able to afford a valve head for sure.
Thanks for this video i wish this model was 200 here. I kinda dig how this amp is pretty bare bones great for beginners i think and anyone.
mine is buzzing as well, i really don't like the design flaw with the back panel, surprised they would release it with the edge coming out like that. i am unsure if i keep the amp or resell it honestly.
Good information. Great demos. Succinct verbiage. Nicely done!
how do you record with this amp?
Well done bro!
I have this amp it has 20-40 hour break in period. The amp sound changes to me significantly that might be the difference you are hearing between the interface versus mic . I mainly use the clean channel as a pedal platform. Although the dirty channel obviously sounds good.
I think it's a decent option for a clean jazz tone.