Mixing bass #shorts
#bassmix #bassboosted #mixing
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➡️Waves MV2: https://waves.7eer.net/c/1205870/286864/4512?u=https://www.waves.com/plugins/mv2%23make-tracks-cut-through-the-mix-with-mv2
➡️Waves RBass: https://waves.7eer.net/c/1205870/286864/4512?u=https://www.waves.com/plugins/renaissance-bass
➡️Renaissance Vox: https://waves.7eer.net/c/1205870/286864/4512?u=https://www.waves.com/plugins/renaissance-vox
➡️Renaissance Compressor: https://waves.7eer.net/c/1205870/286864/4512?u=https://www.waves.com/plugins/renaissance-compressor
➡️Warren Huart IR Pack https://lancasteraudio.com/shop/ir-packs/warren-huart-ir-pack/
➡️Warren Huart Kemper Pack https://lancasteraudio.com/shop/kemper-packs/warren-huart-kemper-pack/
➡️Stealth Sonics: https://stealthsonics.com/?aff=3
➡️UK Sound 1173: https://vintageking.com/uk-sound-1173?utm_source=warrenhuart&utm_campaign=uk1173&utm_content=uk1173
➡️Apollo x16: https://u.audio/apollox16-plap
➡️Apollo Twin: https://u.audio/apollotwin-plap
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#Mixing #bass #shorts
Originally posted by UCpyUGZeMUtOvt57UACw3H2g at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rCmADh_fOTA
What are your biggest questions about mixing bass?
But your other bass mixing video didn't use any multiband compression. So which one should I follow?
Ty. I get the idea. Ima try it out!
So you lower the volume of everything below 250Hz
I've learned for electronic music , to mix the bass & kickdrum & all drums together to give the kick & bass a closer feeling . I learned this trick from axwell ofc it's not always the case of every song but it works well with most EDM styles of music you can send you kickdrum & bassline to the same bus channel along with your cymbals & percussion . It's worked great for me ????
I like using multiband gating on drums to tighten up the low end.
I tried this today on a track i’m working on and it worked great, so thanks Warren! Now i have a new and easy go-to method for my bass ????????
I've always loved the dual band compressor in my Trace Elliot bass amp. Not quite FabFilter but handy nevertheless.
I don't have a question because I know nout about bass but now I feel, after watching, that you have saved me months of going down blind alleys as i'm about to work on recording bass after years of just guitar. So please accept my thanks instead man. Cheers Warren
Thank you Sir Warren!
So the range on the low end is -4.3 (I assume this is the most compression you can have in db) as you are hitting the threshold by quite a lot you are triggering the range of -4.3 most of the time, this is like just turning the signal down by 4.3 dB. Then you have compensated the gain reduction by 4db. Look at the gain reduction line, it's almost always hitting the -4.3 range limit mea ing it's just constantly getting turned down by 4.3 dB. I don't think it's actually being compressed that much, but I may be wrong,I normally am ????
Wait this is genius
Another +1 in the piggy bank of knowledge, thank you!
I learned from you, to use reverb on bass, if it's suitable of course, or a parallel buss and make that one gritty and saturated. And mixing them together, it's surprisingly how thick the bass becomes without having too much low end. Or using the Vitamin plugin from Waves, that made me think I have to buy that multiband compressor from Waves as well.
Q WARREN: Do You use this trick/can use this trick to "Save" kind of a bass that doesn't have even sound between strings? Like E is very big and full and then You've got more "treble" othere 3. You once talked about that in terms of recording but I wonder is this a trick for mixing.
Noted! ????