Saturday, February 22, 2025
BassGuitar Tips & Hacks

Mixing Guitars Without EQ….Again

Mixing guitars without using any post EQ. For a different reason this time.

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#Mixing #Guitars #EQ….Again

Originally posted by UCauGhxsgmMMrmy_xIrm3IJw at

29 thoughts on “Mixing Guitars Without EQ….Again

  • Maybe a small part of why the guitar sounds good is because you used slightly smaller strings. It could have automatically removed some low end build up on the chuggy parts. Otherwise you may have just EQd more out on the amp or after the fact. It could theoretically make the separation between the guitar, bass guitar, and bass drum naturally sit better in the mix. Just a thought. Nice video and playing.

  • Great video Josh. Just one thing. Try to increase the volume of your voice because it's really low compared to the rest. Cheers!

  • Conclusion of an Age B-side perhaps? God damn that mix sounds so good though. Josh is one of the best metal mixers and has such a good trained ear. Theres guidelines we all learn to get going with mixing and EQ of all the instruments. But then what makes you stand out is taking those rules and completely messing with them based on your instinct to what sounds good to you.

  • I’d like to see a video where you teach how to write juicy, melodic, heavy riffs like the ones heard here!

  • Josh can you do a Cubase tutorial on your best practices to Tracking guitars? For example, do you quad, do you double, do you have one track just for recording and you slide it down to your Left and Right Tracks? How do you do your Punch ins and punch outs.. How does your template look when starting a session, what are you must haves as in cubase settings before starting a session from scratch? etc Id love to see something like that!! thanks bro

  • I feel this is slightly misleading. "There's NO EQ on the guitars"… except for the EQ that are preset on the IRs.

  • This one proves once again that source is the key for a good mix and tone is in the hands! What drum libary do you use Josh ? Also,have you ever considered rerecording stuff from the first two EPs ?

  • How do you get your mix so loud on You Tube? Do you set your levels to +3db in the Video editing software? I for example take my audio track with -5 or -6 db rms, put it in the Video-Editor and set it to 0db, but it's nowhere near as loud as your track here in the beginning.

  • I can`t tell you how much I love this channel, very similar tone to what I would go for I would just probably boost the mids a bit.

  • On a site full of disinfo or conflicting info on mixing, where the goal is not often to produce quality, it is so kind of you to do this for your fans and for every aspiring artist wishing to improve. Not only do you give 100% on every song in your songwriting in Sylosis and more, but you then share the equally challenging tech side to us just for the sake of spreading knowledge. It's really pretty rare these days. You're a top bloke and a top artist, Josh. We need more like ya.

  • Do you have some one universal "desired bass tone" that suit most of your tones well? What goes first for your band – guitar sound design and then bass sound design to suit guitar tones or vice versa? Could you show how different bass tones affect the same guitar tone and how much different the mix sound with different bass tones? I like soft smooth bass, almost unnoticeable that compliment guitar tone. But also I like sometimes more hard tight punchy bass tone which stands out more in a mix, especially when your bassist is very creative and plays crazy stuff (like in Mudvayne, for example, or in Blotted Science where Alex Webster's bass tone is different than in Cannibal Corps as some ppl say, or in your JMP solo album record also seems like bass saound is tighter and more focused (mid heavier?) than in Sylosis records or it's just because guitar sound isn't such gainy on JMP) that gives your compositions new flavors and is piece of the art itself.

  • Absolutely love these videos. Learnt a lot. Appreciated dude.

    Question: What do you normally do with regards to blank project and levels. Do you leave everything at 0db and work from there or drop everything for headroom?

    Cheers in advance ????????


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