Tuesday, March 4, 2025
GuitarGuitar Amps

Mod Your Guitar! | Dipped In Tone Podcast

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Zach and Rhett dive into the ins and outs of modding your guitar. We look at set of original PAF pickups on Reverb and discuss the price and mystique of PAFs. We touch on the comment backlash from one of Rhett’s videos and dive into why you should mod your guitars. For the rig, we dove into some of collection of Jeff Beck which is soon going up for auction.

Submit your Reverb Listings and shop for the gear we talk about in this episode here https://reverb.com/dippedintone

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Dipped in Tone is:
Rhett Shull https://www.rhettshull.com/
Zach Broyles / Mythos Pedals https://mythospedals.com & https://highvoltageguitars.com/
Edited by Addison! https://www.instagram.com/addisonsauvan/

00:00 Intro & Being a YouTuber
02:37 Reverb Segment
7:35 PAF Prices
9:34 Bobbin Mysteries
12:21 Sound Investment?
17:02 The Les Paul Video
21:23 Online Culture
23:16 Flying V Memory
25:56 Mentality
28:09 Rig Dippin’ Time!
35:01 Rating
38:48 JB Oxblood LP
40:00 TeleGib
41:55 Seeing JB Live
44:22 Time to Shill

#Mod #Guitar #Dipped #Tone #Podcast

Originally posted by UCXvZ2wM-HItEC_NRg0azI0Q at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mvf9jImaObU

50 thoughts on “Mod Your Guitar! | Dipped In Tone Podcast

  • Great topic talking about the hate you received after modding YOUR property.

    I was once apart of a Les Paul group on Facebook. It was filled with people fan-boying over their flame tops…’flame top Tuesdays’ Lame!!!
    I’m convinced half the group couldn’t actually play a guitar, just took pretty pictures.

    They had so many rules of what you can’t talk about, constantly taking people posts down. I couldn’t leave that group soon enough.
    I’m forever dipped in tone and so are all my guitar/ amp choices.

    ‘Mod Mondays!!’ ????

  • Love you guys separately, but this stuff with you both is just great!

    Now let's see, I've modded all of my Stratocasters – Squiers, the Fender MIJ '62 Strat because the pickups or the electronics didn't work or were garbage, added bone nuts, and oh yeah, I have even modded my Ibanez acoustics from the 1970s if you count the saddle and Tusq Pins, hell I'm even gonna mod my Edwards LP '50s style because it makes me happy and I don't give 2 nickles what others think about that. 😀

  • When you focus on something you will get it. It’s called law of attraction

  • i didn't give you any hate but i did think it was weird to get a custom shop and not have it um. custom to what you wanted. but iirc you bought it through a store so it's not even like you had the chance to do that.

  • 1. Not every Les Paul is sacred, its fine to mod an R9

    2. Jeff Beck didn’t use fancy switchers and dressed pedalboards, let that sink in

  • If this guy is so knowledgeable on guitars and Pickups how come he does not know that a 59 humbucker cannot have been on an SG they were not invented yet

  • The difference between Fender CS and Gibson CS is the lack of choice Gibson present. The fretwire on my Les Paul is tiny. So I’m gonna put 6100 wire on because that’s what makes me play better. Whereas Fender offer genuine choice for the player.

  • Zach opens up about being bullied as a kid, Rhett bullies Zach about buying another Tube Screamer…
    Jokes aside (and don't bully people), modding is awesome. Sure, you might not get it right the first time, but you learn and you learn what you like and don't like.
    Hell, I have a cheap Chinese SX brand, fretless Jazz bass copy that I bought back in high school, did a ton of mods with my dad, and never had really been happy with it. I swapped pickups in it 3 times, swapped from passive electronics to an active preamp back to passive electronics back again to the first preamp until finally upgrading to a different preamp, my dad and I had put a RIDICULOUS 13 layers of clear epoxy on the fingerboard (and not until recently did I realize that this was fully responsible for the somewhat lifeless "plastic-y" sound) and sanded it all off by hand with a radiused sanding block, sanded off the finish from the back of the neck and refinished it to a thinner polyurethane, and strung it up with some nylon tapewound strings, and more than 20 years on, I finally adore the sound and feel of the bass!

  • It’s so funny that it’s amazing as Jeff Beck’s, but would get slaughtered, if it was submitted by a fan. Hero worship is real ????

  • Rhett, you let these people get way too deep under your skin. Who gives a flying funk, what those kinds of people think? Being indifferent is liberating

  • Just FYI?
    The whole run-on food blog thing around recipes?
    ALL of it is SEO/ALGO bullshit.
    If you don't put all of the 'original content' preamble before the recipe?
    The Google algo totally thinks you are a scam and downranks you.

  • On the PAF's, if the date is correct, it wouldn't be an SG. The implication is that they came from a burst. The price too.

  • Rhett: "Someone buy those pedalboard…"

    Cut to Josh frantically calling loan sharks offering to put JHS up as collateral.

  • I think the Custom Shop modding hate comes from the fact that it puts an awkward spotlight on the uncomfortable truth that a Custom Shop Les Paul is valued at way more than the sum of it's parts.

    When you therefore replace the electronics, at a relatively low cost compared to the value of the Guitar, it's remains just a very expensive Guitar Body, Neck and Paint job (and I strongly suspect these bodies and necks are just pulled out of the regular production line by the Custom Shop). I don't think people like to think about that.

    I imagine there are videos out here where people have upgraded Les Paul Standards, to Custom Shop specs, at a much lower price? Or is there magic in the Custom Shops?

  • As far as people getting mad at making a reversible mod to a guitar, these are the people that you ignore because they are the same people that piss sitting down.

  • As a huge fan and constant user of the MXR Variac Fuzz, I am equally excited and scared for the potential rise in popularity of that pedal as more guitar players learn Jeff Beck used it.

  • A Custom Shop guitar is custom made…custom made for the buyer…meaning the buyer can continue to customize it as they see fit. What's the problem?

  • You should absolutely mod that Greeny guitar, just to prove to people how reversible your mods are.

  • Most vile mod you can do? Get a vintage Jazzmaster and install a flush mount Floyd or Kahler pro tremolo. get a drop in replacement sized Deathbucker side by side rail pickups. ????

  • I'm glad Rhett said it… if it wasn't Jeff Beck's pedal board they would have trashed it – 5 out of 10?

  • Wow! You received hate 4 changing up the guitar. My LP has been “messed with” by me but I’m a product of the 70’s. We messed with everything.

  • I personally never thought this was as an easy thing at all.

    Which is why it’s so remarkable that you and your peers do such an amazing job of creating consistent, enjoyable film work which can eclipse your real passion of playing; which is incredible when you think about it.

    A bit like a flying Doctor ???? ????

  • Dead on RE modding a Gibson custom shop. As somebody lucky enough to have a few, they’re amazing things, but to consider any guitar perfect is ridiculous. There’s no such thing. By its nature, the guitar as an instrument is never perfect! People should try and put their hands on more guitars to be more informed.

  • Can you make video with Tim Pierce to see what his feelings are on the mods you did on your burst . He is so insightful, I love the video did similar mods to my 91 standard burst. I’ve always loved tinkering with my guitars.

  • Zach, when you've seen 374.06 Tube Screamers, you've seen them all. Seems like you're about halfway there!

  • Rhett, with respect to the push-back on your guitar modding – seems to me you are just keeping the custom in "custom." It started out Custom Shop, now it's more so.

  • Please don’t make video about the Greco. It’ll drive up prices overnight. Us poor people need all the help we can get. Keep it secret.????

  • Please dont judge all of us Gibson fanboys by the ones who get all butthurt about modding shit. It’s ridiculous that they even care. Zach is 1000% correct about it being jealousy.

  • I got to see Jeff Beck a couple months before he died. Methinks I got to hear this pedal board. He sounded awesome of course. Also, you should buy a real piece of vintage guitar equipment and then mod it just to troll the people who freaked out over your R9 mod ????

  • I’m sad that we’re still talking about this Les Paul mod. That guitar was way too expensive for it to not do exactly what you want it to do. Swap the pick ups! If it needs a refret, give it a refret!

    Reversible mods are fun, and darn near harmless. Enjoy the process. Maybe put it back to stock later. Maybe don’t.

  • I think for some, it just takes time for the kind of perspective change that would allow you to mod an expensive or a special/ sentimental guitar. My first legit "expensive" guitar was a 2004 Gibson Les Paul Standard Limited Edition in Pacific Reef. Not vintage, not custom shop but in my mind… the raddest guitar I might ever afford. I did put solid ebony knobs on it but I could never imagine changing the electric components or other hardware on it. Until these days more recently. What changed? I now have 10 guitars and I don't play the LP much. I've heavily modded some cheaper guitars and been overwhelmingly happy with the results. So, time and experience… the idea that I should play that guitar more and maybe I will if I make it more like what I wish it was

  • I’m a traditionalist, and I’m still not mad about his mods. If you bought a GTO from 2000 and modded it to be like one from the 60s, you’re not ruining its 2000s appeal. Sure, leave the classics alone, but ppl, it’s from 99, people born then can just now rent cars.

  • I've got an Aria Pro II Les Paul 78 that made in the same factory as Greco. Love it more than my Gibson. Also, I modded the shit out of it and nobody cared lol.

  • well u can basically tell by looking at a paf to know if its a narrow or not???? especially when they come in a set there is bound to be adifference between the two
    and also the solder point on the leads can tell u if they came out of a hollow body since thats how they ground the thing

  • Just bought a new LP and now it has all new black plastics and swapped the BB1&2 pups for the T-Types. Sounds incredible!

  • Content creation is a real job, its unconventional. But a real job.

    It might die out in 5-10-50 years. But unlikely.

  • Episodes like this is why I love you guys. I hope one of the three of you actually read this and truly feel the love.

  • This stuff about birthyear guitars is all rubbish utter, utter rubbish and balderdash! Just ask me, my birthyear is 1959. What hope have I got.


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