Wednesday, February 12, 2025
GuitarGuitar Effects

MOOER Pure Boost Pedal Demo

This is the MOOER Pure Boost Volume Boost Pedal.

20db+ clean boost with ±15db 2 band EQ, nice embellishing of original tone
Full metal shell
Very small and exquisite
True bypass

A big thanks to the Rock Garage who let me demo this pedal online. Check them out in store or online

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#MOOER #Pure #Boost #Pedal #Demo

Originally posted by UC-oSaKCCEffJph0F7m6_xfA at

28 thoughts on “MOOER Pure Boost Pedal Demo

  • Like your demos, but this pedal is best used as a clean boost with the gain kept low IMO. I use it that way and it is works very good. At these settings shown here, not so much. Cheers!

  • i have one but it is too loud even on the lowest settings, does any one know how to reduce the volume?

  • Seems to be very Bassy.. The Bass control is cranked way down right at the start.???

  • Get the MXR 10 Band EquALIZER IT DOES 20x more and only twice the cost. and 2 outputs if you want stereo!

  • I would love to see a comparison between this pedal, the HoTone Liftup and the HoTone FAT buffer/booster.  I have a situation where space is EXTREMELY limited.

  • The only difference I can see between this, and an overdrive pedal is that this one sounds shitty when you turn up the drive..

  • I like the pedal but the demo was useless and falls in behind the thousand other "demos" of the boost pedal, as always spending 99% of the time discussing the dirty overdrive type sounds.
    What about boosting clean sounds for solos and demoing the pedals EQ possibilities when boosted!!? Jeezus it's not rocket science!

  • It seems to me all those doing demos of Boot pedals just dont get it …..Start with OFF Keep playing then kick it in to compare Simple They all Stop playing inbetween so you lose the absolute difference …. drives me nuts

  • Looks like you're using in in front of the preamp section.  Was looking for a demo of this post-amp (effects loop) for clean boost for solos.

  • Hi there wondering if you could tell me. Is this a treble booster pedal an if not can I make it sound like a treble booster by turning the bass down

  • So…. Does the gain give it more overdrive…? or does it just add volume…? Then what does the volume do?

  • I don't use distortion pedals. I use my amps distortion. And I would use this pedal as a lead boost, so should I run it through the effects loop?

  • Man I bet making these videos definitely challenges you guys as guitar players with having to make an effort and come up with to different licks and ideas to play. …just something to mention that some people don't really think about, till they think about it. I really appreciate how you guys will always play a chordal idea and also some single note licks on the pedal demos. Happy new year and thanks for the vids!!!


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