Mooer Radar Speaker Cab Simulator Pedal | Review
Mooer continues to amaze by fitting a fully functioning speaker cab simulator into the neat package we have come to expect from their stompboxes. But is it any good? Nick Jennison tries the Mooer Radar out for size.
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#Mooer #Radar #Speaker #Cab #Simulator #Pedal #Review
Originally posted by UCS3QTujyp5t2nSSzktYFzWA at
Can it power headphones?
The Radar is a terrific straight to DAW solution and even after all the time it's been out you still can't really beat it for the price or sound. (PS. I hope now that it is 6 years later I hope you have come to your senses and stopped playing that really silly sport also known as shredding, it impresses other silly guitarists but not the public)
Dude, your neck sounds like it’s chain driven.
So you literally went straight from the pedal board into the Mooer cab sim?
Does your mooer radar heat up too?
I'm not sure what Mooer were thinking with this pedal. It is no more than a storage device for IR's. The interface make it near impossible to edit. The free software leaves a lot to be desired. It would help if it was available as an app, but because it isn't, you need to do all your editing on a pc. If you have a pc, you don't need to store your IR's on this pedal. Miniaturizing this pedal does make sense, but why miniaturize the manual? The text is way too small. The PDF is a far better option. On the whole, a pretty pointless piece of kit in my view.
I guess I was expecting too much from this pedal. I'm not sure where they got the algorithms from but I'm sure it wasn't from listening to the real thing. Some are not bad. With a little work you can get a close approximation, but most are not very good. I may use it in a studio, but not live.
Why he doesn t show very clear the hole chain ?
Does anybody have V1.1 (the version before the current one) of the Radar Software for PC? Appreciate if you could email it to me?
Just bought a 2nd hand radar. my PC, after downloading the radar software doesn't recognise the pedal. Do I have to update it first? But there is are IR's on it that I don't want to lose. So what's the best thing to do?
Can I connect this pedal into an amp, say the musicman 130hd and 115rh cab? And, do i use clean on the head? Lastly, do i connect this pedal front or end of the chain? Thanks man.
Greetings there,i have an old marshal 40 valvestate compo amp.Can i connect and use this mooer radar with my amp??
Well, that convinced me. I'm getting one!
Been using one of these for a year and LOVE it – but yesterday is the first time I really got down into the internal adjustments and discovered some quite wonderful things in the process …. The RADAR has [4] power amps tied in with the 36 cab options, BOTH amplifiers AND cab simulations can be turned OFF or used individually as just a cabinet or just as a tube amp simulator – or just to use as a parametric equalizer pre-amp to your own amp with no cab or amp simulations – so I found even MORE AWESOME possibilities yesterday!!
Can this go directly into the amp like a regular pedal?
What preamp are using?
Any CLEAN for the R&B Broze????
If you use this in a pedal board , would you put modulation and delay pedals after or before this ?
Can you run a distortion pedal into this? And if I want to plug it directly to mixer, do I need a DI box after the Radar?
I have one digital pedal. I've fought it for years its time and glad I'm opening my mind. I think since my first digital pedal in 04 technology has way surpassed what I didnt like about them. In your defense the rattling jewelry didnt bother me a bit. Id put two more on for next video! 'Nuffsaid'
Just cant watch this review… this guy look like my 55yo single aunt talking about guitar gears…. i was expecting at the end he teach how to bake a cake…
Finally, a video about this pedal that has a clean demo!! although It would have been nice to have heard the dry signal first.
Silence those beads, bangles, bracelets and bling 🙂
All the reviews i view the Radar is always dark and bassy
So with the power amp model switched on, does that mean you don't necessarily need to go through a amp head -> reactive load box -> mooer radar?
The Radar / I/R's sound dark, bassy and just not as life-like as the Mic'd speaker cab. It could be the particular I/R's but that's been my experience when using I/R loaders for live playing too. I love them for use in a DAW though.
The radar is capable of much higher quality tones. Don't judge it by this demo. You have to hear it with custom impulses loaded
Can you use this without a preamp? I'm planning to use this with an electric guitar into a BOSE L1 P.A.
8:46 Not a bass cab, it’s based on 4×10 super reverb . Cool demo though.
Excited aboot this pedal, will likely purchase but… audio fidelity does not compare to real cab
Hi, i've got the radar but i can feel some bad latency going on. What could the problem be?
Good review, but you might want to consider using Gruv Gear Fret Wraps to silence those ringing bracelets.
Great review!
Everytime you turn your head there's a rattling sound. You either need to cut down on the jewelery or go see a doctor.
Doesn't sound too shabby, considering only the presets were used.
Great player man !
There's something discrete and percussive about mic'd cabs that solid state stuff always unfortunately smoothes away.
Nick never ceases to impress…