Tuesday, March 4, 2025

41 thoughts on “Morley Bad Horsie II Steve Vai Wah Pedal – Demo / Review

  • Had one of these for close to 20 years. Still works perfectly as the day I got it.

  • You're the only dude I've seen that has the exact same Affliction red shirt as me lol…cool. I love the Bad Horsie Wah's…i've tried them all and it's my favorite.

  • Of course, you're almost never going to play main rhythm parts on a guitar while moving your foot up and down on the wah, which pretty much makes your demo of it when playing rhythm parts useless because that's what you were doing. Duh dude.. Ever heard of a 'fixed' or a 'cocked' wah? I guess not.

  • These are cool but I think I'll stick with my Ibanez weeping demon for now for as little as I use wah ,they are badass

  • Great sound, just bought one online… waiting for it to arrive. The only downside is you cannot "park" the pedal position like the cry baby.

  • Sorry I'm late, Fn love it. Old Dunlop and Vox user. Gotta stop using my toe to switch it off.
    Pray for me.

  • so i just unboxed mine .. brand new .. Im disappointed because I hear a crackle sound in the background. Just plugged in not doing anything its making a crackle sound.. Like you might hear from a frying pan. its not that loud but its there. Is this normal ? or should i start preparing to send it back ? Just using a 9 volt battery. You can hear it on the clean sound and distortion sound.. It doesnt effect the actual guitar sound.. Doesnt get louder .. just a constant crackle in the background. You cant hear it when jamming of course because the actual guitar drowns it out.. But its there.
    any advice ?

  • i just ordered one. Mainly for use with my 72' Tele. But Im super curious how my Ibanez bass will work with it.

  • Anybody that plays guitar that Hass to slide your finger down the neck and go back up the next position is not a very good musician you shouldn't have to do that

  • Nice, but would've liked to have seen an overview of what difference the contour mode makes and how it affects tone and frequency range when adjusted from one extreme to the other and spots in-between. I've had a Bad Horsie I for years – love it, just deciding whether to upgrade to the II ? Maybe I should just go for it – from what I can tell, the difference between what I would pay for a used one on eBay versus what I would get for mine is very little (maybe UK£20 / US$30 ?).

  • Great video Max! I like the way you did picture-in-picture of what the wah position was.

  • Great video. Wah Wah was truly made for guitarists. Will buy from MF, price is good. Add this to alternate from my Dunlop 535Q Multi-Wah Crybaby’s boost switch. The wide sweep on the Vai looks great and allows more foot movement and sound variations.

  • Looks like a great way to have your foot put some skin in the game. Pretty awesome. Man, I almost feel I need a training course to understand how the hell to use them.

  • Not mentioned in this video is that if you really want to tune this Wah in for optimal performance, there's an inboard pot that you can access by taking the unit apart. While that might sound technologically challenging, actually, it's not. There are YouTube videos that show exactly how to do it. Side Note: Bad Horsie 2's, when bought brand new, did NOT !!! have afore mentioned pot set at its optimal performance range. Why Morley didn't address this issue and give us a more acceptable leveler ? I haven't a clue. No, instead, we have to tear shit apart and choose our own personal setting.

  • Great review. Love Morley wahs. The optical thing is great too. Not damn pot to wear out. Man, that thing sounds awesome, especially with gain. That's a killer guitar too. I can't see it that well, not that it matters, but is that a Jackson with Dimarzios?
    Thanks for the review.

  • Can you review some Hardluckkings guitars? They are nice looking guitars cheap.


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