Tuesday, March 4, 2025
BassGuitar Tips & Hacks

Musicians: Have You Ever Had Self-Doubt?

Who among us hasn’t had self-doubt at one time or another? It might be so bad that it keeps you stuck in the same place—career-wise—for your entire life! Maybe in other ways, as well!

If you’re anything like me, meeting people who prove that you can be anything you want to be can change the outcome of your life in an instant.

Kim Tibbs is one of those incredibly rare, super-inspiring musicians. She’s an unstoppable force of nature with a list of impressive accomplishments that didn’t come easily. Kim accomplished her goals with a burning desire, a clear vision, and a willingness to work hard.

If you’re feeling stuck, uninspired, or need to find your true path, spending some time with Kim Tibbs could be the “thing” that becomes your life-changing moment. Trust me, you’ll feel inspired to reach higher and accomplish more by the time you finish this very special episode of TAXI TV!

1:01 – TAXI CEO, Michael Laskow welcomes viewers, introduces his guest Kim Tibbs, and gives an explanation of the episode.
4:25 – How did Kim start playing the Hammond B3 organ?
9:20 – How old was she when she started writing music?
11:27 – Kim shares a story about meeting one of her musical heroes.
16:55 – Kim shares another story about being chosen to play on Mike Huckabee’s show and talks about that experience.
21:44 – There are varying levels of musicianship.
22:44 – Was she intimidated by these experiences?
23:17 – Are B3’s consistent from one to the next, some have different tones like guitars do.
24:57 – How did she learn how the drawbar feels and sounds?
26:19 – Will the drawbar be consistent from one B3 to another?
27:36 – Kim has an impressive home studio, she loves vintage audio gear. She talks about her studio and her collection of gear.
33:18 – What console is in her studio?
36:59 – How many years has she had her current studio?
37:55 – Kim talks about journaling and how it helped her career, and improved her songwriting and life.
43:23 – How long did it take for her to turn the negative into something positive?
44:02 – How did the productive and positive aspects outweigh the negative and how did she keep moving forward?
48:32 – When you have nothing holding you back and are free, you will write better music! You may not even know you were blocked in the first place.
52:13 – Michael shares a picture of a Hear Technologies interface: the Matrix Switchback, and Kim explains how it works.
56:45 – Hear Technologies is designed for musicians by musicians.
58:27 – 2023 was Kim’s First TAXI Road Rally, as a guest, and representing Hear Technologies as a sponsor. She loved the camaraderie and all the learning opportunities. She explains there is a correct way to learn your craft and the Road Rally helps you get there.
59:41 – Kim talks about her one-to-one Mentor sessions at the Road Rally. Be prepared to share your work and ensure you are ready to get feedback.
1:03:10 – Kim wants to find ways to work smarter, not harder! Don’t be afraid to try! It’s okay to get a “no”; it can motivate you to get the “yes” you are looking for!
1:04:19 – Kim talks about her first TAXI submission.
1:06:04 – Michael shares a story from when he was a TAXI screener.
1:07:11 – Use the TAXI return critique to your benefit and don’t be afraid!
1:08:15 – TAXI Music is here for the everyday musician and allows you to have a place to submit your music for TV and Film. It gives you a chance and a voice!
1:13:15 – Force yourself to complete your songs!
1:15:29 – Kim has a lot of upcoming and new musical makings happening!

Check Out Kim’s Socials Here:
FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/KimTibbsMusic/
INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/kimtibbsmusic/?hl=en

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#Musicians #SelfDoubt

Originally posted by UCuZpYuUC9yC8UGd0T6xcbUg at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nt9legkaEZk

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