Saturday, February 22, 2025
GuitarGuitar Tips & HacksTips & Hacks

Mustang 3 Amp Emulation settings

Setting up Mustang Amp settings from control panel for easy access for live performances. Adding an amp setting and or any effect is asy from the Mustang control panel. You have a few more options you can do from the Fuse software that you change. You can get Fuse software FREE from the Fender support website.

#Mustang #Amp #Emulation #settings

Originally posted by UCPjhbqXBQcF-pzPvQ4V5C6w at

41 thoughts on “Mustang 3 Amp Emulation settings

  • Thank you for this, but how can you overwrte the name of the preset to name it something different? I know how to rename it, but I can't backspace out previous letters.

  • Or just press the mod, stp, or whatever button to turn the mod or effect off. Then save it. Don’t need to go “into” the setting for those.

  • Thanks for the video. I enjoy using the Mustang III for tone matching. I start with the basic amp……no effects…and start building from there. If I find a pre-set that sounds close, I'll look closely at what amp is being used and all the effects too see how they were set up. . Keep in mind that your guitar and pickup type makes a difference too, which is why 3rd party presets on the net never worked for me..
    Better off just doing your own presets, based on your gear and your ears.

  • Is there any empty patches to create from scratch or can you only make a custom patch like shown here?

  • Can you explain how to change the pitch in the mustang IV so the guitar can play in a different pitch than the original . Lets say that you want to play with a singer that needs to sing in a different pitch that how you know the song. how can this be done.with the Mode Pitch Shift.

  • Thank you for this. I’ve had this amp for a long time and never knew how to get a clean sound and reset a preset.

  • hi does anyone know how to get the extra stomp box like green box, ranger boost, and others. I bought this use

  • Hey Ed, nice video, I bought a used mustang 3 v2, it won’t let me save anything because of the memory lock, how do you turn the memory lock off? I can’t find any info on that. If you could let me know I would appreciate it.????????

  • Thank you so much! I had many embarrassing moments with it auto booting to "liquid solo!" It was easy to edit after watching this video!

  • Anybody know how you can just save two effects (for instance, clean intro and whitechapel heavy) two a specific list that I can switch two to only go back and forth between those two with the footswitch? Or how/if I can temporarily assign two effects that I want to use to the up and down on the footswitch?

  • And when you're in the settings doing this switching between one amp you want does this sound change as you're doing it so you can hear the difference in amps as you're selecting it or do you have to select one then go back in and change it again in order to hear what it sounds like meaning like can you sit there and switch between 57 twin River whatever British and hear the different sounds as a change and then pick save the one you want and you have to save it burst play it see how you like it and then go back and switch it again

  • Does anybody have a video on here and how to use the two channel foot switch another videos on how to use it but I'm trying to figure out how to save channels to the actual foot switch so you can switch between a clean and in the store to channel and I don't have the original paperwork with it as I bought them used

  • Hi Ed … settings 83 to 99 are already all the amps you mentioned , clean with no effects … so , you really wouldn't need to edit any of the other settings (00 to 82) to get a clean amp. The only thing I haven't tried yet was editing / modifying the amps (83 to 99) & adding effects to taste. I am only guessing that these might be the best channels (83 to 99) to play around with as you should be able to set hem up exactly as you wish … thanks.

  • Hi Edward – Many thank's for this video. I just got a Mustang 3 and i've had a little hard time trying to save my presets. I red the pdf manuals but it didn't help me. After watching your video i'm no longer to old for this S… Thank's a lot – Kind regards Stig Bahl Jensen

  • got a question on the mustang amp after changing one factory presets . how can I go back and reset back to factory preset just on the one preset I changed or do I have to do a factory all setting reboot and loose the changes to other preets I made that I like ?

  • Actually the Mustang amps act as a DAW (Digital Audio Work station) , thats the device you need to get a guitar (Analog) signal into your Computer (Digital) see my video on Basic recording. If you have a DAW already, then you can use your headphone out of Mustang into the DAW to get your sounds turned into a Digital signal. Of course Digital signals can be turned into Wave Files or MP3 files…Thanks for the question. If you need more help let me know..PS.I dont have Mustang V2. I have V1..Ed

  • Hi Ed,
    Saw you do allot of recording with the Mustang 3 v2. How do you run the amp into your recording system…or what is the best way for the best stereo recording you have found.

  • Thanks for the comment..I havent tried the Zoom with Mustang…The Mustang 3 V2 has some cool upgrades and might look into that. also I use a Boss RC 50 for looping….I alos like the Digitech GNX4 it has a tone of stuff you would like…you have to find one used cuz they quit making them..see my video o nthe GNX4…thanks Ed

  • Thanks for the Demo
    Saw you have the Zoom G5 also and Mustang amp. Have you ever run these together? Wondering if the tube in the G5 warms up the Mustang sound, give it a more tube amp sound. I like the idea of the G5 with the looper, wish fender would put it into the Mustang, with foot switch.


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