Tuesday, March 4, 2025
BassBass Guitar

My Favorite Bass Of 2022??? – Warwick RockBass Corvette [Demo]

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Check out the RockBass Corvette for yourself! http://imp.i114863.net/QOMXJ6

Huge thanks to my Patreon supporters like Victor Makhnutin, Joey Dammacco, Coleman Card, Sebastian Muxender and Felipe Garcia for helping support the channel! Become a Patron today: https://www.patreon.com/patrickhunter

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Check out my gear on Thomann! https://bit.ly/3oeavRI

0:00 – Intro Song
1:11 – The Warwick RockBass Corvette!
1:48 – Sound Clip
2:13 – Does Warwick Live Up To The Hype?
3:28 – Sound Clip
3:55 – The Body
4:25 – The Hardware
5:02 – The Electronics
5:36 – Sound Clip
5:59 – The Neck
6:15 – The Headstock & Tuners
6:48 – Lil Extras!
7:04 – Sound Clip
7:34 – The Pro’s
7:56 – The Con’s
8:24 – Final Thoughts & THANK YOU!

Buying something off Reverb? Use my affiliate link and help support the channel! https://reverb.grsm.io/patrickhunter2685

Gear Used:
Neural DSP Cory Wong: https://https://neuraldsp.com/plugins/archetype-cory-wong
Ampeg SVT Suite: http://imp.i114863.net/6bPbnK
Focusrite Scarlett 2i2: https://amzn.to/3Je7E4J
Mixcraft 8: http://amzn.to/2jzuAR0
JBL LSR305 Monitors: https://amzn.to/3Fy7seK
Audio-Technica AT875R: https://amzn.to/2RKd7bD
Canon R6: https://amzn.to/3EyE86T
Sigma 18-35mm Lens: https://amzn.to/3cJ58VZ
Canon 50mm Lens: https://amzn.to/2SrXqDd
Canon 24mm Lens: http://amzn.to/2i32Un3

*All links through Amazon, Sweetwater and Thomann are affiliate links. Affiliate links cost you nothing extra in the end but I get a certain percentage of any sales that are processed through them. Thank you very much for the support!*

#Favorite #Bass #Warwick #RockBass #Corvette #Demo

Originally posted by UCphcYCMTiHot0k2I6nmT0Cw at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pFXouu_WU6s

33 thoughts on “My Favorite Bass Of 2022??? – Warwick RockBass Corvette [Demo]

  • I've wanted a warwick for about 15 years. Decided to get this exact bass and was happy to see this video to showcase the color and tones before I bought it. Should be here in a week or two ????

  • I have the 2011 Warwick corvette $$ made in Germany still in love after all the years the sound of wood and the versatility is a top instrument for me

  • I am looking for a light(er) bass (currently using Ray34ca – its almost 16lbs) for Drop C , wondering if this bass's nut will need filing for the low C, which would be around 120 / 130.

  • I have a Corvette 2007 and this model is the unique I think i will never sold… too much value for the price!

  • I bought this bass to a friend of mine for 400 euros with a case, strap and two sets of strings. I play guitar but I also want to learn how to play bass. It's soooo amazing. Besides being short scale makes everything easier. I just love it, a total keeper!

  • Its surprisingly hard to replace strings with the Warwick 3D bridge. l had to watch a Warwick video to discover you can lock the string end into the tuner – until then I was struggling as I don’t have three hands to keep the string in place at bridge, nut and at the tuner so it kept falling out as I was trying to get up to tension. Normal Fender bridges don’t have that problem as you but the string through a hole! Also the RockBass might have an advantage over the German Warwicks as it is presumably lighter? The German Corvette looks / sounds great but is is very heavy even as a 4 string?

  • I'm a big fan of the Rockbass series. Great value for the money. I have 3 matching Rockbass Corvettes… 8 string, 5 string multi-scale and 5 string fretless all in matching matte black.

  • These do have 1 (one) issue, and it's the tuners. They have a habit of breaking after years. They will last a long, long time, but my German Corvette from 2006 recently launched its G tuning peg at my face while I was restringing. Otherwise, immaculate instruments. I own 2 of the german-made ones, one of the 4 strings in burgundy red with black hardware and a 5 string which I just recently bought. Easily my favorite instruments

  • Man, I remember when the Rockbass line came out and were really poorly regarded. I figured that with modern manufacturing techniques they'd be vastly improved by now, and I'm so glad to see that it's come true. Probably going to be a Rockbass Corvette in my future. Great video, Patrick!

  • The only ergo friendly Warwick for me, is the Fortress body style – all the others have too far of a first fret reach – sadly. (and yep – same as Spectors)

  • I got a Corvette Standard 5-string from 2001 made in Germany, the neck got warped, even though I take very good care of my instruments (I got 6 electric and one acoustic basses). I did not try to fix it myself, I took it to one of the best luthiers in my town, but no luck. All my other basses are working properly and they 'live' in the same environment.

  • I had a warwick rockbass vampyre and I had to sell it because the neck wasn't flat, I sent it to many luthiers but none were able to repare it, the sound was incredible but unfortunately the neck was bad.


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