Sunday, February 23, 2025
GuitarGuitar Effects

My Guitar Pedalboard and Amps in-depth. Advanced A/B switching, MIDI Demo & Rig Rundown.

Everything you wanted to know about my pedalboard and a few things you probably didn’t (but are glad you do now).

00:16 – Amplifiers
00:57 – Pedal Board and Audio Routing
02:06 – Amp A FX (Vox Night Train)
03:39 – Amp B FX (Fender 5150 iii)
04:41 – MIDI
05:43 – MIDI Event Processor
10:28 – Audio Demos

Pedalboard run down:

t.c. electronics Polytune
MXR Smartgate
CAE Boost/Line Driver
T. Jauernig Mr. Spanky Compressor
Dunlop Cry Baby Wah (Nose Bypass Looper)
Sound Sculpture ABCadabra (MIDI A/B Switcher)
Sound Sculpture FootSim
Strymon Mobius
Strymon Timeline
Strymon BigSky
T. Jauernig Gristle King
Xotic BB+ Plus
ENO Trouble Overdrive
T. Jauerning Luxury Boost
Xotc EP Booster
Strymon Brigadier
Strymon Flint
PEAK Midi Foot Controller
MIDI Solution Event Processor Plus

#Guitar #Pedalboard #Amps #indepth #Advanced #switching #MIDI #Demo #Rig #Rundown

Originally posted by UC0F45xJ-x4KrLrE81CE6tXw at

24 thoughts on “My Guitar Pedalboard and Amps in-depth. Advanced A/B switching, MIDI Demo & Rig Rundown.

  • Awesome board man, congrats! I'm considering buying a AB Cadabra by Sound Scultures. Is there a popping sound when switching channels?

  • im thinking about buying the abcadabra but cant find good videos explaining it more in depth. if you arent using yours anymore id be willing to snag from you!

  • 10:31 Vertigo – U2
    11:28 Do I Wanna Know – Arctic Monkeys
    12:03 Fake Plastic Trees – Radiohead
    12:54 Should I Stay Or Should I Go – The Clash
    13:28 Take Me Out – Franz Ferdinand
    14:26 You Really Got Me – Van Halen
    15:19 Teddy Picker – Arctic Monkeys
    17:06 Message In A Bottle – The Police
    17:50 Love Removal Machine – The Cult
    18:56 Somebody Told Me – The Killers
    19:54 Don't Dream It's Over – Crowded House
    21:00 American Idiot – Green Day

  • Wait, a Fender 5150?

    Was that just a mouth fumble because there’s a fender logo on it or is this some sort of modded up 5150?

  • The Mastermind LT will do more than that midi pedal and your other midi box – also racking most of that as well as the amps would make travel and setup/teardown must less of a hassle

  • Hey man I'm wanting to ab too amps I have 2 marshalls 59 watts I want one clean and one dirty, I have a boos gt 10 multi processoe for my clean and regular pedals for my dirty how can I do this ? I would really appreciate if yo can help me, you rig sounds awesome

  • Great stuff! That is just awesome. Well done video and howto with exact solutions I was looking for.

  • Question. Guitar- Bones ABY splits into a stereo effect. From there most go to the input of 2 amps as do I. My question is how can you go from that last stereo effect and into the effects loop of either amp? Can you run a stereo pedal through 2 amps using their effects loops? As is it sounds good but time based effects are cleaner through the loop thus the reason why I want to try it. Say you are coming out of that timeline or reverb. 2 cords one to each amp. If you take one to the effects loop input don't you have to have something coming out of the output and where does it go?

  • this video was super helpful as i am trying to mate it easierto manipulate my rig much like how are demonstrating here! thanks!
    i want the same midi functioning but only into one amp being a marshall tsl head. I want to be able to switch channels along with saved presets stored in my loop commander. So say clean channel and fuzz preset done..but if i want to switch channel into a overdrive with a drive pedal and a wah all in one button command i can. Make sense?

  • Hello, I am new to the Pedal World and was wondering if the following chain makes sense? I realize that there isn't a "set" or "correct" method, but I would like to make sure that I am not destroying my signal or tonal integrity. My chain is as follows: Guitar –> tuner –> whammy –> wah –> noise gate input –> noise gate send –> compressor –> heavy metal –> tube screamer –> boost –> EQ –> flanger –> noise gate return –> noise gate output –> amp. Thank you so much for the help.

  • Dude what's your band? This is an insane setup that seems like it spans country, rock and even metal lol!

  • Joe thanks for the tour. Your mind must go into overdrive making decisions. My setup is so simple, 1 guitar into 1 amp.

  • I`m shure your sound would be much fatter straight in the amp. To me it sounds like very thin because of al the loss of signal ……..


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