Wednesday, March 12, 2025
GuitarGuitar Amps

My Marshall CODE 100H Head Review And Demo

I recently got the Marshall CODE 100H head and I love it! Im going into a 2×12 Seismic Audio cabinet with two 1×12 Veteran 30 speakers. I highly recommend this amp, its like a “best of” Marshall amp. I would also recommend turning OFF the cab sims if you are going through a cabinet. For direct recording like in this video, you must turn them on.

*The sound samples a the end of the video are not representative of what this head sounds like through a cabinet in a room so if you are considering getting this amp, please don’t base it solely on these sound samples. The intent was to give a general idea of the differences in the amp models.

Music recorded direct into Pro-tools using a Les Paul Custom.

#Marshall #CODE #100H #Review #Demo

Originally posted by UCKfolQGTgD-ddXNLtrRq7BA at

48 thoughts on “My Marshall CODE 100H Head Review And Demo

  • I replaced a 10 inch code speaker with a Jensen speaker from Beringer amp combo and it sounds way better….

  • Do not use the code speakers in the combos or the held stack quality cab good quality speakers make these things down great. The factory code speakers junk

  • Buen amplificador el problema son los preset, no se quien en marshall aprobó la salida a venta sin pensar en algo tan importante como la primera impresión.solo hay q sentarse y tocar todo hasta encontrar el sonido justo.buena review saludos.

  • looking to pick up one of these (used) and would love to know your recommendation for speakers . . I currently have a Code50 . . what would you recommend for that unit ? I am also planning on opening up the back to let it "breath" . . I love the sound from my Squier Tele, simple and easy to use

  • I have had mine for 2 years and I barely noticed that one can put names for your settings via the marshall amp app.via blue tooth.
    It is a great amp.

  • I've had this for a couple weeks. I think everything in this amp was created with the expectation that the cabinet simulations would be used. I have a 2×12 with vintage 30s and found that without cabinet simulation, the amp is so insanely bright and fizzy it's hard to use. The cabinet simulations seem to tame that a little.

  • Hi just bought the code 100h new and there's no text on the display and button selections not working when I press one button they all go off? Am I missing something in regards to set up or is this a faulty amp I have bought

  • The only way you change the settings is what the knob or using the phone app you can't save anything you're just too whatever you switch it to

  • Hi Rob: Thanks so much for the wonderful review! I have 2 Marshall 1960A Lead Cabs from the old days. Will I be able to run both cabs with this head (like you would with a traditional Marshall 100 watt tube head)?? Thought it would be a really big "stereo" sound with both cabs. Thanks in advance!

  • Nice. Can't decide between the code 100h and the boss katana mk2 head. Hmmm which one?

  • All your pre sets sound very close. Not much varation. I do not know if it is you or the amp just sucks. The amp sucks if that is all you can get out of it. I shure would not buy one based off what i DID NOT hear.

  • I purchased the code 50, and it is an excellent amp for practice sessions and playing with other musicians. …

  • A good video bro I have this Amp and have not used to much I will be using a 4×12 240 watt Marshall cab thanks for your share !

  • All of the distorted examples sounded like loose, flabby garbage to me. I've been playing since 1976 and have played through and owned every major brand amp out there. Gotta say no thanks to this amp. Great video though.

  • I need one of these. I have a Fender mustang head and its GREAT for fender sounds but the british sounds… Eh at best ????.

  • So guys, I've been wanting my first half stack (or something of that nature) after almost a decade of playing guitar. Would this be a good investment? Want an amp that does it all. Was looking into getting this and the 2×12 cab with it but most of the reviews I've seen give the "CODE" series a bad rep. Idk, the CODE in this demo sounds really good! And I'd feel right at home dialing tones for days since I already do that.

  • Please help me. I have a marshall code 50 and I am very happy with the amp's versatility and timbre. But, I feel that the amp speaker is very bad. I'm looking to take a 100h code and use it with a mx212a with two celestion seventy 80. I would like to know if you has a 100h head and if have already tested it in the code cabinet and others. Does the speaker improve the sound quality? Can you help me? Thank you!

  • They all sound the same with slight eq difference buy this fizz and crap is in all the sounds you demoed here. I wouldn't play through one unless I was at home playing with cool effects.

  • I’ve pretty much settled on the Silver Jubilee model and never left. It’s a perfect match for a Les Paul ????

  • Turn the Cab button OFF at all times. Marshall really messed up the bass frequency in these Codes. It boofs and breaks up on every chug. With it off and bass turned down, these amps sound very decent.


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