Monday, March 3, 2025
GuitarGuitar Tips & HacksTips & Hacks

My Rock Lead Guitar Tone for Live Solo Gigs (Line 6 POD Go)

***Get all of my lead guitar tones for my live solo shows:

***If you missed my video on my POD Go clean lead tone that I use in live shows, you can watch that here (the screenshots are also in the blog post above):

This rock lead guitar tone is based on the Marshall JTM45, which is Marshall’s first amplifier produced.

The Line 6 simulator in the POD Go is called the Brit J45. And that’s what you’re hearing in this video.

You’ll hear several live clips using this tone as well as how to use my POD Go for my live solo gigs.

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Originally posted by UCY7K3zmRSS6ZiEdj09KHnpQ at

27 thoughts on “My Rock Lead Guitar Tone for Live Solo Gigs (Line 6 POD Go)

  • Hi Jason, Great info and nice playing.
    Question Please:
    When you showed the clip of you playing in your studio, were you recording direct from the PodGo USB into your DAW? Or, were you using the audio line outs of the PodGo into a mic pre and then into your interface?
    I ask because I hear many Modeler pedals on Youtube that sound great, but when we try recording with them they sound harsh and not musical. Getting a great sound for recording has been a challenge.
    My friend has a Pod Go and I have a Pod Go clone (Valeton GP-200) and both sound really amazing on videos, but not when we try to record into a DAW. (Note: We are using the amp and cab sims).
    Anything you can share would be deeply appreciated as this is frustrating trying to get them to sound good. Thanks. (Giving you a Sub also….Very cool channel).
    NYC / Jersey Shore Area

  • Great info! Thanks for sharing! Your enthusiasm for live performance and encouragement for others to perform is a wonderful thing! I’m fortunate to be intimately familiar with the joy you describe.

    I actually purchased my PodGo for the same purpose you did…kinda. I wanted to have ONE rig to run my Fender Acoustasonic Strat through that would allow both acoustic and electric sounds to sound “right”. My original plan was to just use the PodGo for solo and duo gigs. However, I think it may eventually replace my main pedalboard for band gigs too. There’s so much you can do with that device that it doesn’t make sense not to take advantage of it! I mounted mine on a board along with a Dunlop mini expression pedal and a One Spot CS6 for power.
    Thanks again for sharing! ????????????

  • Hello jason …thank you sooooooo much for the tones that you gave, it helps a lot specially to those first timer like me who uses pod go line 6 ..much appreciate it

  • Hey Jason, great videos mate, thanks. Just a question on using the Pod Go for live gigs. I play in an original rock band and use a bit of high gain for my tones. Is the 4 cable method the best setup for live gigs for getting as close as possible to the tones we hear when plugged into the computer. I use a Fender deluxe amp. I hope you understand my question. Thanks mate . ????????

  • Jason what amp should one use for running this pod go through? There's lots of reviews for this pod go but no one covers my question .

  • My friend can you give the name of the looper pedal that you use? Do you have videos explaining its use?

  • really liked your video just play at home for myself, but the detail of your video for explaining things is great
    thanks for doing what you do

  • Thanks! I’ve been thinking about the helix but now I’m going to look at the PodGo

  • These are really good lead tones. I hope people appreciate you walking through it, too, so they can set up similar sounds in whatever they have; I do! (and you just mentioned doing just that lol…). I'm also definitely "band hunting" right now, and specifically mentioning even new musicians are okay; just trying to get people to play with together 😀

    Maybe I'll be the singer, too, eventually >_> I just picked up the Metal Vocals course 😀 Or at least be able to do backup vocals or something. Anyway, I digress…

    As my guitar skills progress, maybe I could do that for a different band, who knows? My Darkglass Exponent is the guitar amp Darkglass never made. The Alpha-Omicron is absolutely savage as a guitar distortion lol, and it sounds woooonderful through my 1×12 and 4×10 cabs as a smol stack >_>

    Thanks Jason!

  • That first solo was nice! Kind of reminded me of Joe Satriani. Can you program stuff into that and plug it into the midi in the back of the EVH? Congratulations on the gigs! I wonder if anywhere around me has one man shows like that. I would do it if I had some more originals put together.

  • Nice tone! Can you upload you're Presets to the Blog Post additional to the Screenshots?

  • Nice video…great explanation. Thanks for sharing your gifts with us. I have one of these units too…loving it. I do have one question. I noticed that you're playing both single coil and humbuckers… you use the same patch for both or do you have to tweek it between the two pickups? Thanks again man!

  • Can you access the pedal on your home network via ip address, or do you have to physically plug a wire into the pedal? Micheal Angello Batio uses 320ms delay on his lead, but he does play a million notes a second LOL. Would be nice if you could stick a heavy metal effect on there, to show what it can do.

  • That’s a nice tone. I like to come up with new ones a lot I’ll dial that in


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