Friday, March 14, 2025
GuitarGuitar Effects

My Top 10 Pedals of 2023!

Today we review my top 10 pedals of 2023. Timestamps below for hopping around.

00:00 – Introduction
00:50 – #10 Strymon Deco V2
03:55 – #09 Rounder Sounds Zebra Trem
08:39 – #08 EHX Attack Decay
11:44 – #07 Midfi Electronics Hieracium
17:27 – #06 PastFX 80/A Flanger
20:36 – #05 Universal Audio Dream 65
22:02 – #05 Universal Audio Woodrow
24:02 – #04 Keeley Halo Dual Echo
28:23 – #03 Chase Bliss Mood MKII
32:57 – #02 IK Multimedia Tonex
37:30 – #01 Merix Merucry X
40:56 – #01 Meris LVX

#Top #Pedals

Originally posted by UCoqrCiJ44_woYwJPoEkcu7Q at

16 thoughts on “My Top 10 Pedals of 2023!

  • Thank you TPR! There are so many companies making great effects out there. To land #1 is incredible. Wow thank you.

  • I think you convinced me to pull the trigger on the lvx….delay is my favorite effect and although I already own dozens I don't think lvx will disappoint me like microcosm did,or others that look good on the books but actually aren't. Thank you

  • I bought the Zebra based on this, and it is an incredible trem. The comms and help from Rounder Sounds has also been incredible. ????????

  • hearing The Package intro took me back to a long time travel of great souvenirs. Great video, thank you !

  • I bought the attack decay when it reissued a couple years ago. Its pretty sweet. A pico tiny version came out this year thats pretty good too. Its more pedal friendly and easier to use, but you do lose those tiny black eq knobs from its big brother. It also doesnt have a fuzz i think, but thats easily remedied by a fuzz pedal that id have on hand anyways. Its still has poly mode so the tracking is not a worry

  • Wow- your ability to create with these pedals is just as impressive as the pedals themself- well done man. I heard some Perfect Cricle peeking through but otherwise, most of it, I think was your own creation. Have you had a chance to play with the UA Lion yet? I honestly think it sounded better than the Marshal amp it was being A/Bed against when I heard it. I knew that would happen eventually, but I didn't expect it this soon- UA is on their game.


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