Tuesday, March 4, 2025
GuitarGuitar Amps

Mythos Extra Hot, Guitar Pedal Prices, Strymon Brig, Best Guitar Amp Ever and more (Episode #24)

Welcome to the Tone Bros channel!

A weekly show that prides itself on talking and, rating honestly about all things guitar, guitar gear, tone and, music.

This week we are talking about the new Mythos Extra Hot pedal, Strymon Brig delay pedal, Fender Tone Master Deluxe Reverb guitar amp. We are also asking if guitar pedal prices matter and if the Fender Blues Junior is the most useful guitar amp ever?

Time Stamps
00:00 Intro
00:08 Mythos Extra Hot (Current Topic)
07:09 Do Guitar Pedal Prices Matter?
17:42 Strymon Brig (Gas or Pass)
21:05 Fender Tone Master Deluxe Reverb (Gas or Pass)
31:03 Is the Fender Blues Jr the most useful amp ever?

Here is a playlist of other full episodes

Comment below with any topics you would like to see covered.

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#guitar #bluesjr #strymonbrig #mythospedals #fenderbluesjunior #mythos #guitarpedal #guitaramp #bestamp #guitarpedals #guitaramps #fenderbluesjr #fenderamp #fenderamps #overdrivepedal #boostpedal #guitars #fendertonemaster #tonemasterdeluxe
#deluxereverb #guitartone #guitargear

#Mythos #Extra #Hot #Guitar #Pedal #Prices #Strymon #Brig #Guitar #Amp #Episode

Originally posted by UCRXcjWpg4sRDdK7hvMQlbQg at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hKMSJoutOnU

One thought on “Mythos Extra Hot, Guitar Pedal Prices, Strymon Brig, Best Guitar Amp Ever and more (Episode #24)

  • I was lucky to get a solo boost it's on my board. Mythos pedals is opening a high-end boutique guitar store next month.


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