Monday, March 3, 2025
BassBass Amps

NAMM 2025’s Hottest Guitars & Gear – Exploring Sweetwater’s Top Picks!

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Join me as I dive into the coolest new guitars and guitar-related products from NAMM 2025, all through the awesome Sweetwater website! From jaw-dropping new guitar models to must-have pedals and accessories, I explore the gear that’s turning heads this year. Whether you’re a gearhead or just love checking out the latest releases, this video is your ultimate guide to what’s hot in the guitar world right now. Let’s see what NAMM 2025 has to offer and what might just end up in your rig!

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#NAMM #2025s #Hottest #Guitars #Gear #Exploring #Sweetwaters #Top #Picks

Originally posted by UC99nZNhFmY145rvHw2NAZew at

22 thoughts on “NAMM 2025’s Hottest Guitars & Gear – Exploring Sweetwater’s Top Picks!

  • I an sure MusicMans are great playing and sounding guitars but i have never been able to get over how unattractive (some models look flat out awkward) they are . The only exception being a few of tge nicely flamed JP Majesty models

  • Dude I stop your video after that arrogant intro…please if you want to impress with shredding skills …do it properly…

  • I still have an original Rockman I found when I moved last year. I haven't even seen if it still works but after hearing the demos I guess I see if she still fires up. ???? Literally bought it in the late 80s ????

  • Just got fed your site, over the last week….. Damn, your postings are (imho) the BEST! I like how you cover a variety of topics: gear, guitar, musicianship, 'the music BIZ', and just plain life lessons. Keep on posting, please. Do you have MERCH for sale?

  • The first dual rec sounded killer!…and gigbags are just as good as cases nowadays..sometimes there better..took me a while to buy in but now im sold! the way sweetwater puts the wieghts of there guitars..other dot comes need to step it up and do the same..great vid brad!

  • Marshall the real deal though. And not like there are reputable mod techs in every town. Rather have factory where its done right. Authentic ????

  • A music store about an hour and a half away posted they have several of the MXR Rockman X100 pedals in stock, but it didn't show up in my feed until evening . . . on my day off. I asked about the pedal because I work a split shift tomorrow and I'd be a half hour closer and could zip down and pick one up, but they responded they've already sold out. I have a feeling this is going to be a very popular pedal and I want one. I'm doing some collaborations this year and one of the big tones I go for is the Tell No Tales and Intuition era TNT tone. I'm not going for a career—just having fun and being creative—so it's 80s hr all the way (and fusion). I'd team it up with the ToneX One for a simple recording rig. The clean channel might work with the J. Rockett Blue Note Select for a nice fusion tone I'd be curious to see how the clean and ToneX pairs with the awesome Rat 2.

  • An ex girlfriend (10 yrs ago) had one of those Gretch Electromatic Jets in blue sparkle. Great playing guitar.

  • I like the Swamp Ash and the S2. Im not a fan of the satin colors though. The RG looks like a good deal also. The modded Marshall's are cool, but like you said they're late to the game and pricey. I think I still want a Tremonti though.

  • Enjoyed the stream. Had to.leave the cult meeting unexpectedly to deal with a prescription for a medical issue. Now I need a remedy for the guitar sickness that's illin' me.????

  • Your wearing the laquer off that Tele fretboard in the most natural relic. LOL
    To really blow up a picture. Mouse Right click> open picture in new tab> scroll to zoom. Blows up way bigger than in the page. I do this when checking items (eg: read the label inside) on online marketplaces.

  • That Marshall pedal needs more than 4 knobs. There should be a few different modes at least or something else. Also the Marshalls without an effects loop or IRs is old school and not really anything to get excited about

  • I like this kinda video…scrolling through gear. Im a fan of swamp ash bodies. The base of the trees grow submerged in water which is kinda wild. Not sure all the silver burst prs ash guitars look as good as the stock photo, but that one's killer.


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