Sunday, February 23, 2025
BassBass Effects

Nano Cortex Overview

Nano Cortex – available now worldwide!
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Nano Cortex gives you the power of a full guitar or bass rig in a compact, ultra-portable pedal. With studio-quality sound, a comprehensive signal chain, and the revolutionary Neural Capture technology, it meets all your tone-shaping needs whether on stage, in the studio, or at home.

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#Nano #Cortex #Overview

Originally posted by UCAQxw9Ko_TSj8XkpPoSwKAQ at

40 thoughts on “Nano Cortex Overview

  • One of the biggest problem if you ask me is the lack of parametric eq block after the amp. If you have it, and you know how to use it, you can make pretty much any decent sound useable in live or studio. Having a guitar modeling/capturing unit without parametric eq is unaceptable in 2024.

  • Sounds like you've got an envelope filter on that last preset? (JM WTLI)… is that using a pre-effects pedal going into the Nano Cortex? Or is that a Quad Cortex preset? Would love to know more if this is somehow all done onboard with the Nano (I'm 'this' close to pulling the trigger on one!)

  • That narration sounds like ChatGPT authored that in the style of a 1960 toaster brochure blurb with an unprecedented quantum leap in superlative density and unilateral overcombobulation of the marketroidal hypocortex. I had to clean the wax out of my ears a few times while watching so I missed whether or not the device comes with an onion to hang off my belt as it was style of the time 1943 or is that optional? Could you make videos that do not drown any residue information value in an avalanche of oily car polish seller buzzwords? For the short time I could suffer that it made me want to buy butt pimple ointment, not a…well…whatever that thing is you sell there.

  • Is it half the processing power of the "full size" unit or does it have the same processing power?

  • TLDR: NOT what literally anyone was waiting for. But at least it's expensive

  • Wait somebody confirm something for me
    Currently, I have 2 ways to record my guitars:
    1. plug guitar into pedalboard board and amp, and record from my amp via a mic, and the mic goes into my audio interface
    2. plug guitar directly into the audio interface, and I add effects in the DAW to replicate pedals, and record like that

    So this new thing is like an audio interface, but I dont have to use digital effects? Rather they are all on this thing? So I can do guitar into this Nano Cortex, and Nano Cortex into my computer, and then just hit record in the DAW and thats it? I dont have to add anything in the DAW?

    EDIT: Also, can you load things like Neural DSP Archetype plugins into it? Like a Tim Henson plugins? Or do these exist as a Nano Cortex community plugins thingy?

  • With no XLR DI output it is useless… so sad. With that it could be a killer. Without – I don't need that

  • Why do the knobs have physical notches/lines on them if the actual LED reading of the knob is almost never in line with where these notches are? Is there a setting where you can make it so that the physical notch is reflected by the LED reading on the unit?

  • So I have just 600 euros to spend and after seeing the price of the Nano Cortex I immediately ordered a Tonex One and an Ampero Stomp 2…Just not to be fooled…

  • I really think QC is an amazing piece of gear, but man.. Hate to say it, but this seems like a cashgrab for poor people.

    What I was expecting was a tiny powerhouse product like TwoNotes OPUS, but with capture, better interaction with pedals, better physical/visual interface and a fx loop.

    I guess we still have to wait a while till that happens.

  • All someone ever wanted is to add the plugins into a pedal, i guess we are asking too much. Archetype:Plini is by far my favorite but i cannot carry my laptop for that , and QC is expensive even used

  • Neural really going out of their way to NOT listen to their customer base or give them anything they want.

  • So why are people mad at this exactly other than the shit marketing for it? Cause it seems like a nifty little QC-like device for people who may not want to dish out the extra cash for a proper QC nor have much use for the entirety of its feature set but still want the tones and ease of use.

    I'm not a guitar nerd, i just like to plug shit in, play with effects and tones, and see what works so for someone like me, this seems perfect.

  • Я конечно все понимаю, и он хорошо звучит, действительно хорошо, но одного я понять не могу.. вот сколько музыкантов играют в коллективах, сколько музыкантов используют по 3-4 Пресетов в одной песне, а этих песен минимум от 15-30, неужели нельзя было сделать ВООБЩЕ ЛЮБОЙ ЭКРАН любой, хоть от калькулятора, просто что бы понимать пресеты!!! увы это какой-то абсурд.. мы ждали компактность, но получается что надо еще тоскать контроллер с экраном, тогда может уже купить напольный Kemper, для которого нужно покупать еще тележку с колесами, что бы таскать это все на своем горбу.. мда

  • Seriously I m affraid that i prefer paying 200 more and get the kemper player thats a few more blocks and effect. Such a miss opportunity.

  • Seriously you could have added at least 3 types of reverbs, 3 type of delay, a tremolo….

  • Great, now u can release a mini cortex with more blocks , more effects and an effect loop

  • Are the sounds in this video to be found on the CC? I really liked the high gain sound

  • I’m excited to pick this up and get some captures

    I’d also like to capture my own rig, there’s something special about the peavey invective cab

  • Save your money for a little longer and buy a Fractal FM3. You'll be so much happier and sound better

  • "Set to revolutionize the way guitarists and bassists approach tone". There's nothing in here that isn't already in the QC so there's no argument that that is the case. The marketing glaze is so strong. Just say you're making a stripped down budget unit to get more people on your platform.

  • Neural: Announces Quad Cortex will have full plugin support

    Also Neural: Releases this, nearly 5 years after the Quad Cortex, before it received full plugin support.

  • Got mine today, it sounds great…I already have about 50 captures that I grabbed from the cloud. I can capture all my rigs and store them in here. The main thing is it sounds great and its simple to use with the app. So much hate, but thats the internet…you could be doing charity work for orphans and people would be posting nasty comments. A few hours in and I am having a blast with it.

  • So I can get a tonex one for $150. What makes this cost 4 times more than that?


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