NEVE In A Pedal? JHS The Colour Box V2 Pedal @jhspedals
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#NEVE #Pedal #JHS #Colour #Box #Pedal #jhspedals
Originally posted by UCpyUGZeMUtOvt57UACw3H2g at
What's Your Favourite Guitar Pedal? Get the JHS Colour Box V2 Here: Enter to win the pedal here:
4:42 segment did more for my understanding of the concept of "room sound" than any demo could ever do. how it goes from Meh, to super reverby to completely dead in the amp room. wow.
Thanks for the video. As you are a guitarist and a producer I would be interested on a review of the recent all in one multi effects and amps sim. Like the quad cortex, Kemper, Fender tone master…
what do you think about Warm Audio pedal76 analog FET compressor pedal?
Warren, I hope you and your family and loved ones are safe from the fires. Love from Valencia, Spain, where it feels like only last month that the floods ripped through the South of our city.
Now Warren, the funny thing is….if this was put out by Behringer there would be all kinds of comments about copyright and Behringer ripping off other companies designs etc. You know what I mean? Cheers
I've wanted one for 10 years! I thought maybe to pick up a used one on Reverb, and then saw the new Neve-alike version on sale. I had to get it!!
8:20 "This is with zero eq applied". I think that's incorrect. I think that was with 15db cut on each of the 3 bands. 8:55 was with zero eq applied
Instructions destructions
My dad used to call catalytic converters
Catastrophic conveyors
Thanks for the review! It's now on my wishlist for sure. One thing I noticed though, when you were testing the SM7 through it I think you may have forgotten to put the impedance switch back down into low gain mode. With that in mind I assume it gets even cleaner for a vocal. Love the gain range on this thing!
Really? I'm going to get it anyway. What should I do to be elligable for a giveaway? Love your work, follow you anytime.
Great on mics, drums. Been using it all over the studio for years anywhere I'd use a DI or a pre, great tool.
It's that warm bacon ???? sizzling in the frying pan sound
this thing is very expensive
I hope you're feeling much better, Warren. What do you think of the Colour Box as a preamp for vocals? As maybe compared to a decent 500 series preamp. Thank you, as ever!
I stopped using pedals around 2005 and haven't felt the need for one since. This may very well be the first pedal to change my mind about the whole thing. You can use it for microphones too!!!!!
Hell yeah!
Thank you for doing the vid and having fun while doing it.
Saw them talk about this and was thinking about using this with my DAW.
Very impressive,excellent demo presentation. I hear definitive sounds, heard on my favorite records. The Who, Hendrix,Etc. Think the price will be worth it…Do love rich high end tones. Love to hear my Mosrite through it. Thanks
Sounds great this 'Neve' pedal! ????????????????????
I'd like a more in depth review on the mic pre sounds. I know you're not a singer and you have a cold, but we only got a short overview of a kind of over the top sound (which sounded great, don't get me wrong).
Anyway, just for the guitar part alone was a great review and got me a little excited, even to make me try some weird things with my plugin versions of Neve preamps.
Thanks so much, Warren!
I just bought this pedal and here is my opinion of it. 1. sounds nothing like a real or even a clone of a Neve preamp (of which I have several) when used as a Mic Pre on it's own. It is really noisy. VERY HIGH NOISE FLOOR and only has like 30dB of gain, so it can't be used as a pre for quieter material on it's own. It is kinda fun for a sub kick mic, but I haven't found any other real use for it as a "Preamp". It CAN be placed between a preamp and a mic like a regular guitar pedal but with a mic. It will add dirt and the eq is somewhat useful, but not mind blowing. 2. As a guitar distortion it is… OK. Very specific dirt that is kind of a one trick pony. The Marketing for this new issue has been insane. It is not an all in one solution at all. It is basically a fuzz box for Mics that can also be used for guitar.
I always wanted a 1073
Lots of the guitar parts on Queen of the stone age "Villains" were recorded with this setup(but the V1)…listen to Head Like a Haunted House, no amp, cab or IR, color box only. I think the've also use this pedal on vocals aswel(1 clean, 1 dirty). Bass was a old ampex 350 preamp
20:12 thought I was about to hear the Dan’s Reeling in the Years. Wasn’t that direct into a Neve console?
thats one ugly-as* design on that pedal
Interesting pedal for sure — the over-the-top, highendy velcro fuzz sound,….nasty. The cleaner tones you dialed it with it on were really, really nice. Also, maybe just me but, when you used it for vocals it was not "clean"…lol. Lots of saturation, but, that could be really useful for tracking specific parts. Thanks for the demo Warren — hope you feel better soon.
How we win a colorbox again.?.? ???? lol
It does seam like one of THE COOOOOLEST DANG pieces of gear per dollar that I have came across in quite some time. I am Very GAS’d up for one !!
P.s., Pro like a PRO guys.. LOVE WHAT YOU DO!! Great work everyone involved. THE great resource for music production related topics!! Wtch alllllll the time????
Might be also interesting for you to do side by side with a real neve and a clone , with guitar test…????
How to enter the giveaway? I did follow the link but couldn't find anything.
Long time guitarist and new to music production. This would be so great to have in my shoebox studio!
Ultimate Master Tone Control for guitar – besides all the other amazing things it could do for the studio! Great demo!
This is awesome. I have a JHS 3 Phaser and it’s a lovely thing. Great company.
so good hearing it put through its paces by a: a guitarist of your calibre and b: an engineer of your calibre. I have had this pedal since 2020 and I’ve learnt new things watching this demo. You really bought out the funk. Thanks!!! ????
i’m still waiting for mine to arrive but this video has me so excited. I can’t wait to use all my pedals on vocals, bass, synths, and more. will get rid of a lot of working on my daw which, as someone who’s more of a musician than a producer, can ruin a lot of the inspiration to keep recording.
Sounds amazing such low noise with that much gain I want.
I love that it's actually colour and not color
Fantastic Warren – funny how it brings out the kid in all of us! Can't wait for mine to arrive now!