Monday, March 3, 2025
GuitarGuitar Effects

New vs Old – Mesa Boogie Mark IIC+ Deep Dive Demo! Tone Tests and the ultimate Shoot out!

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Pure Vintage Boogie – The Legendary Mark IIC+ Returns

The Mark IIC+ is pure “vintage Boogie®” and based on the original Mark II (now called the Mark II-A) design, the world’s first “Dual Mode” amplifier containing independent performance modes dedicated to clean and overdrive sounds. The IIC+ model represents the 3rd generation of that game-changing single channel/dual mode layout and includes all the refinements made to that original format over its nearly five influential years. It was also the last model in its family, as the subsequent model would contain three performance modes and be dubbed the MARK III.

Timestamps –

0:00 – Intro
0:52 – Mark IIC+ Notable Players
2:15 – Debunking the RI myth
2:55 – History of the IIC+
4:25 – Differences in the RI and original
6:20 – Sourcing RI parts
7:28 – Controls on the amp
13:45 – How many versions of the IIC+?
14:45 – Signal Chain
16:10 – RI (Clean Mode)
20:10 – RI (Clean Mode) w Effects
21:36 – RI (Clean Mode) w Amp Reverb
22:45 – RI (Clean Mode) w Drive Pedals
25:00 – RI (Lead Mode)
28:30 – RI (Lead Mode) w GEQ
29:30 – RI (Lead Mode) w Hard V EQ
33:10 – RI (Lead Mode) Adjusting GEQ
35:11 – RI (Lead Mode) Clints Holy Grail Settings
37:45 – RI (Lead Mode) 7 String
42:02 – AB’ing RI vs Original 7 String (Lead Mode)
43:16 – AB’ing RI vs Original 6 String (Lead Mode)
45:16 – AB’ing RI vs Original 6 String (Clean Mode)
47:30 – AB’ing Thoughts
48:09 – EL34 Comparison
51:23 – Final Thoughts on the IIC+ RI

#Mesa #Boogie #Mark #IIC #Deep #Dive #Demo #Tone #Tests #ultimate #Shoot

Originally posted by UC2Y-Zx60SyuGyisTS88yidg at

38 thoughts on “New vs Old – Mesa Boogie Mark IIC+ Deep Dive Demo! Tone Tests and the ultimate Shoot out!

  • Great video! Very thorough, and I dig your playing! Choosing the Jimi Hendrix chord over the Jame Brown chord for funk is something I do also, it is awesome the are right next to each other, LOL.

  • all medium to high gain sounds here are horrible….even a real strat wouldnt do what these are made for,grab a les paul

  • Replace the caps in the Reissue with American made caps and there's your fullness. The IIC+ is identical to the OG.

  • For studio purposes they are identical. If you want to scrutinize the raw output, then of course the original will sound slightly warmer and "fuller" because of the aging components. These will be highly sought after for sure, as still only 2c+ (orig, reissue, and JP) offer the "percussive attack" that IMO gives them their signature sound.

  • You're very knowledgeable and I actually appreciate you going through all the bells and whistles.

    This is not your standard amp in terms of dialing in tone. This is a good resource.

  • C+ and the "++" mod were all brainchildren of Mike Bendinelli, that's why Randall Smith didn't want to reissue this amp. Like most CEO engineers (kinda like Steve Jobs in this case) he couldn't swallow his pride and accept that something good happened in his company and that he had no hand in making of it.

    PS. Mesa 6L6 415s were also a big part of Mark IIC+ and few Mark IIIs No Stripes/Black Stripes along with 105 power transformer. Tested many brands and heard many comparisons, the closest tubes to Mesa 415s are TAD Blackplate RCA-Style 6L6GCs, wholeheartedly recommend them.

  • Great video. First one that actually provided a good example of what these can do and how similar they are to the original. I was close to cancelling my order, but you’ve restored faith.

  • There are times I thought I slightly preferred the original in the demo but it's pretty close! I certainly don't think anyone would bat an eye with the reissue in isolation.

  • Nice vid! I’ve got 2 originals, was really curious to hear how close they got. How’s does it feel vs the original, guessing pretty damn close yeh?

  • Vintage one is just a tad warmer to the touch. Could be something as simple as tolerances or bias. Can’t match bias exactly in a mesa and there’s a range for the color codes. Still, highly impressed.

  • At 23:10 you click on a pedal, what is that? Is sounds amazing! Like a creamy Eric Johnson lead! Thank you

  • always interesting to see jhow other people dial these babys in. i always run the treble higher and the lead drive lower. i find it a much smoother gain that way.

  • Nice comparison! To me, the reissue had just tiny bit more high end and less 3D quality in sound, but that is typical for a new amp. It goes away as the components start to age.

  • I think original is better for leads and reissued for rhythms. I’ve listened through my genelec monitor speakers and beyer dynamic headphones. They are close with subtle differences.

  • I have a Mark IV which I love but since its so hard to dial in just right I don't want to touch the knobs – this feels more approachable because of the relatively simple layout


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