Monday, March 3, 2025
GuitarGuitar Tips & HacksTips & Hacks

Nirvana MTV Unplugged in New York Guitar Tone | Amp & Pedal Settings

My attempt at recreating Kurt Cobain’s iconic MTV Unplugged in New York tone. Using gear that is similar to what Kurt used

History of Kurt Cobain’s Unplugged Guitar video:

0:00 – Intro. Gear overview, amp & pedal settings
5:41 – About a Girl
6:53 – Come As You Are
8:48 – Jesus Doesn’t Want Me For A Sunbeam
9:54 – The Man Who Sold The World
11:10 – Pennyroyal Tea
12:24 – Dumb
14:00 – Polly
15:01 – On a Plain
15:57 – Something in The Way
16:33 – All Apologies
17:43 – Where Did You Sleep Last Night

Sigma D18e Unplugged Build
– Vintage 90’s Bartolini 3AV Soundhole Pickup
– DeArmond Rowe Dynasonic Neck & Bridge pickups
– Martin Phosphor Bronze Medium Strings 13-56
– Dunlop Orange Tortex Pick
Electro-Harmonix Small Clone
Boss DS-2
Fender Twin Reverb

My amazon storefront where you can buy gear/parts Kurt used:

Vandalism Strat Stickers – use coupon code “nirvanaguitars” to get 2 for the price of 1:

*Kurt Cobain VANDALISM guitar Sticker Beautiful as a rock in a cop’s face

Nirvana Gear artwork by SketchyPedals:

Lomic Guitars – Where I got my custom 2021 Jag-Stang Pickguard:

Learn Nirvana songs with Fender Play!

Follow me on instagram at @nirvanaguitars
Check out my progressive punk band at
Check out my acoustic project at

#Nirvana #MTV #Unplugged #York #Guitar #Tone #Amp #Pedal #Settings

Originally posted by UCz-TQpHrMHxQj5ego-TDyqA at

26 thoughts on “Nirvana MTV Unplugged in New York Guitar Tone | Amp & Pedal Settings

  • I apologize that the video is a little choppy during “The Man Who Sold The World” and “Pennyroyal Tea”, YouTube’s copyright police came after me for very specific sections of those songs so they had to be clipped ????

    Here are full uninterrupted covers of those 2 songs with the same tone and gear!

    Pennyroyal Tea:

  • It’s interesting that Kurt decided to put the nobs and pickguard on the top, not bottom, as usually. I think that Kurt wanted to give this guitar to someone after the Unplugged show.

  • You can get this tone on a strat if you do the amp setting with mid and neck pickups run through a clean tone
    The only problem is the snappyness of the string

  • Hi Eric, do you know the kid who was successfully replicate Kurt's Martin D-18E tone with just a Seymour Duncan wood pickup and a NUX amp cause I can't find him here in Youtube.

  • Dude, you should have set the electronics and the pick guard up in a left handed orientation and then strung it up right handed. It's such a minor thing but it changes the sound to the exact tone of the unplugged performance. Don't get me wrong, this guitar is like 97.5% of the way there. It's close, like really close, but I can hear that it's not exactly the same as unplugged. Kurt also had to kind of hover his arm over the control knobs so he wouldn't accidentally mess with the volume controls, which also gives acoustic guitars in particular a VERY different sound. I can hear that you're kind of hugging the guitar and Kurt couldn't do that because of the way his was set up. Other than that you did a great job on this project. Much respect

  • sounds good- i had no idea he was playing through dearmonds– when playing though conventional pups like that, the acoustic nature of whatever they are attached to means next to nothing (they "pickup" the tiny current generated by the electromagnetic field of the struck string- this is opposed to an acoustic/ pietzo pairing that work …well..acoustically)– i suspect he used very heavy steal electric guitar strings for that outing

  • Dude. Nailed it. I've listened to that album a few times a week for 30 years and that sounds REALLY similar. Binary high five to you good sir.


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