No One Like You Guitar Lesson – Scorpions
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My Scorpions Playlist!
In this No One Like You guitar lesson video, I will demonstrate note-for-note how to play this Scorpions classic.
The tuning is standard tuning.
*** Quick note!! The last chord in the chorus, the E5 power chord, should have a little fill played over it that I forgot to include in the lesson. One guitarist will hold the E5 power chord while the other plays this. (0/E, 3^/E, 2/D, 3^/E, 0/E).. The 3^ symbol means to bend the 3rd fret up one whole-step on the low E string. ***
As with a lot of music by the Scorpions, there are a lots of killer harmony guitar lines to take a look at in this one. I will go through each harmony line separately.
The opening/chorus riff uses just simple power chords with a short fill over the last power chord in the progression. The verse uses a clean guitar tone with arpeggiated picking across simple chord voicings with the addition of single note riffs added to it in the second half of the verse.
The solo is a lot of fun to play, but has a lot of tricky bends that make it pretty challenging as well. #noonelikeyouguitarlesson #scorpions #guitarcovers
Have fun with this one guys! Carl…
#Guitar #Lesson #Scorpions
Originally posted by UCYqDqs59rgZ3_7hJugnbXog at
2:01 Chords for intro
3:52 First phrase of intro solo
8:26 Extended ending
11:10 Harmony
15:52 Verse clean
21:38 Variation
24:05 Verse high gain
26:58 Chorus ????
28:18 Solo 28:55 after explanation
33:45 Harmony of solo
Hurricane ain’t got nothing on this
Just now found this, after many, many searches. This is the first play through that actually sounds like the album, imho. Thanks, dude!
Even slowed down seems very complex
i am teaching my wife to play guitar but we dont have guitars yet and YOU my friend know how to bang that shit out. seen about 5 of your vids now. great job man of helping me teach my wife dude!! PEACE!!
Does anyone else keep breaking there high E string trying to practice this solo ????
amazing how much this is like revelations by maiden
You’re the best Carl . I’ve learned all my songs from your channel and it’s great as a beginner I have someone I can understand .
What scale please
That intro just kicks you right in the face. Love it.
Remember 8:20 and 11:10 harmony.
Great video as always
how do i learn what pedals I need and amp settings. all kinds of videos of chords and picking but nothing on how to begin to use amps and pedals.
It will take me a long time, but I will learn this song. I've just started learning guitar on my own and this video seems better than the tabs alone. Btw, they're not right like this.
10:44 “real slow that last part is”
Great lesson. There's no one like Carl !
Great lesson! ????
Thank you so much! WOW!!!
That’s a killer tone!
Scorps intro solos are so damn tasty
Amazing as always,thank you very much Carl, you are an awesome teacher I’ve improved my guitar skills thanks to you
Can you do a lesson for falling of the edge of the world
Who else played the regular part with him will he played the harmony?
Carl wanted to say thank you for your help, i plan on getting the guitar academy soon when i find some time to see you with my upmost attention not to waste your time and really let it soke in in. In the meantime I've been watching your free lessons really learning a lot from you.
How can i get my guitar to sound like that??
cries in acoustic guitar
nail it ..good playin'
Carl. Dude. Every time I need to know a tune, you've got me covered. Thanks again.
This is amazing. Thank you Carl!
I'm not sure where you've mastered the guitar, but your instructor must have been Jesus himself! Thanks for all your lessons especially posting them free! I'll be sending you some love to support the channel!
Another great lesson! Can Matthias Jabs write catchy riffs or what? This guy has been an influence for me since Lovedrive.
Your a horrible teacher . Don’t explain chords at all .
What effects is making that guitar so incredible?
Been following for a while. Always great videos! Thx
Hallo,Karl,ich schaue immer deine Videos!!Es ist einfach der Wahnsinn wie du Gitarre spielen kannst !!!Und ich stehe total auf die Scorpions!!Habe sie schon mehrmals Live gesehen!!Was für einen Verzerrer verwendest du für den Scorpions Sound??
Carl,I would like to see guitar lesson for KISS 'UH! ALL NIGHT, and thanks
Almost there m8
For me
Love that song
I probably shouldn’t have but I couldn’t resist the urge to play it so I did on my brand new les Paul that I’ve only played a handful of times snapped my high e string on the note
Your tutorials are the best, Carl! Thanks for making these videos. I learn new licks and theory every time I watch your videos.
Me playing this in my room like 17:05
Give us a heads up the sterling you are playing.. what model and and mods? What pedal and amp?
Great video. I watched 100 times working on this. You lay it out perfect but a les paul Is hard to catch the 17th on up.
Hey can you teach Jane by Jefferson airship
For self.
Ugh 24:06